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Thread: Cars too small.. lunch bag sized transports

  1. #1

    Cars too small.. lunch bag sized transports

    Why are Kodiaks the size of leets? Yalmahas the size of wolves? We need bigger cars. Can you picture your favorite Atrox tightly air packing himself into a platinum can smaller than a package of spam? I cant. I want to see really big cars.

    Maybe have cars were you have to ignite the engine and plasma blows out the back doing a significant amount of fire dmg to anyone caught behind the blast. Why must we travel in tiny lunch bag mobiles which are smaller than a boot? Before Yalmahas were huge.. planes.. as they should be. Kodiaks were wide.. as they should be. Now its like a reformed version were we all enter midget land the second we put on the car.

    I think you guys should make a revised version of the Yalmaha. Something that would take some time to warm up and have a plasma igniter as the above states. Only you would have to buy ENERGY fuel for it like you would a weapon. You would have to constantly keep buying the fuel but this car would go so high in the air and so fast.. it would be way faster than the grid.

    More or less the person behind you would get hit with the energy dmg and see shockwaves fly into the atmosphere. It makes the game more realistic. Whats better?

    1. Atrox packs himself into SPAM tight can.. slowly makes his way down the road being smaller than a piece of light tank armor.

    2. Atrox rems the engine abruptly starts frying a newbie who happened to be in the back admiring the plasma enductors. Before anymore observation is taken it is bailing through 4 zones ahead of were it took off.. this is the new ... Yalconex... My idea. Funcom please implement.

    I like the #2 idea.

  2. #2
    That's because Vehicles are not like your car sitting out in the driveway. Vehicles are actually devices that you wear, which alter your molecular structure. You're not in the car, you are the car.

  3. #3

    <plays theme song>

    ..anyway. It actually seems that, in the case of Yalmahas, at least, the higher the QL, the larger the size. I've seen ones that are pretty much car-sized, albeit maybe coupes or such. ;)

  4. #4
    On the other hand we have the ground carrier which is the size of a building...

    makes one wonder if different programmers and designers did different vehicles, and if so did they talk to each other? or even consider themselves to be one team?(many other things in the game also make one su****ious of this being the case).

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Barakon
    On the other hand we have the ground carrier which is the size of a building...

    makes one wonder if different programmers and designers did different vehicles, and if so did they talk to each other? or even consider themselves to be one team?(many other things in the game also make one su****ious of this being the case).
    Well different people designed different playfields. That is why there is such a difference between the clubs.

    I was muttering about this just this morning when I was combing Tir to try and find an ordinary advanced shop. Finally gave up and went to Newland where the shops are at least next to each other.
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  6. #6
    That's because Vehicles are not like your car sitting out in the driveway. Vehicles are actually devices that you wear, which alter your molecular structure. You're not in the car, you are the car.
    Granted this may seem to be the case, I find it an extremely cheap work around to the current situation. You see vehicles parked all over the place on the various maps, these are not people just laying about in a coma. Vehicles are very real tanglible non-living things in every situation other than for the player. Its just a lazy programming workaround to actually having to figure out how to implement a vehicle your character rides in. This may be why you will doubtfully ever see a multi-person vehicle that so many people are asking for, vehicles are nothing more than timerless run/swim or various stat buffs that changes the player image while active to imply you are in a vehicle.

  7. #7
    I agree that vehicles should be more realistically sized...

    Although it would probably piss off many people who would have trouble going in some place without leaving their yalms.

    But it would makes sense that yalms are used only for long distance travel, and not for going from a shop to the next shop in trade for instance...

  8. #8
    Well the case that vehicle is shown in your "wear-part" of your gui is just because the game is structurerd this way.
    Only the things which are in your "ware-window" affect the status of your character.
    Just as simple as it stands!
    It is a matter of implementation!
    You are sitting in the car, why the hell should it be called vehicle then? And if it is a vehicle, how can it be smaller than the person that uses it?

    I want bigger vehicles!


  9. #9
    Originally posted by Rypht
    You see vehicles parked all over the place on the various maps, these are not people just laying about in a coma.
    LMAO... rough time to have a coma set it, right?

    Anyway... I'm not sure if ql has such to do with vehicle size. A friend & I both happened to purchase the same-ql carrier craft (77), but when equipped, mine looked about 4m stern to bow, & his was well over 15m long. I believe character height & body frame may be a factor, here. My character was thin/short, & his was thin/tall.

    I agree with Agentofdeath, here. I'm not a big fan of the breadbox-sized Kodaiks either. I had assumed that this size reduction was to make the game frame-rate friendlier, but... couldn't we at least have vehicles at least as large as our characters? And some engine noise would be nice, too... even if it's just a low humming.

    Only semi-on-topic, here but... is anyone else completely weirded out by seeing the pilots' heads (helmets) dangling from the bottom of Mids? Or the Mids that are flying about wearing sunglasses...

    -Templar Red

  10. #10
    I'm hurt. To think you would believe I would intentionally misguide you.

    A slightly intelligent individual only has to go as far as the AO "Pamphlet" (I refuse to call it an instruction manual) to find the section that says "Vehicles are devices that alter..".

  11. #11
    Vehicle size is based on your size... if you look in the desc it says 'scale 20%'

    that's why if you see buffed up atrox's in a carrier craft the thing is huge.

  12. #12
    Originally posted by LRRH

    <plays theme song>
    LOL good one

  13. #13

    Size is nothing!

    The fact that there are different sizes doesnt really bother me. What I want is sound! All the different vehicles should make their own sound. The mid does that already I think, but what about Yalms? Come one Funcom! A low humming sound for example would just be right for the yal. I can hear my feet when walking, so why cant I hear my yalm? The different sound between a yalm standing and one moving (higher pitched humming?) would be realistic too. FC has proven that they can do very good sound effects. THis would be awsome.

    Xandro, neutral bureaucract

  14. #14


    Cars and Yalms used to be larger, but a few patches ago they shrunk. dunno why.
    maybe too many people changing into them in crowded area's,
    maybe it's just a bug, either way there wasn't any real reason to warrent the shrinkage.
    "I do Not believe in these spooky actions at a distance"
    Albert Einstein

  15. #15

    sounds for cars and yalms

    As a matter of fact AO DOES have sounds for the cars and planes. if you look in your AO folder youl find them in the sound section, some of which sound freaking cool! why Funcom chooses not to use them is beyond me but eh.. perhaps in the future? The sounds are there already and im assuming could be used as a substitute for the footstep sound while in your vehicle. have a look and a listen theres also sounds of various critters in there that seem to be unused as well

  16. #16
    Funcom also has done away with half the lighting effects.
    Walk into any Miir's shop. Look at all the lighting around you.
    Now try to look at yourself in your new outfit. You can't. Because dynamic lighting effects don't reflect off of character models.
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  17. #17
    I know!!!!!!!!!!


    BEcause I have seen screenies from beta 4, with lights, reflecting off water.. and stuff.. and omg it looked cool, and fog, and it looked 1000x times better.

    People with ub3r pc's should at least have the option to run it like that if they choose.

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