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Thread: Wierd sights

  1. #1

    Question Wierd sights

    I was hunting over in NW Mines in Lush yesterday and noticed a wierd phenomina (SP). I saw what appeared to be the shots from the bugs in StarShip Troopers when they were attacking the planet, those bugs shot energy out of their hindquarters at the dropships. Well, I saw similar looking energy shots being fired downward toward the ground. I was on top of a hill and they were originating from a point in the sky so its impossible that this is someone's stray Novaflow shots. This is not the first time i have seen them. I have also seen them in many different colors but yesterday they were light blue. Has anyone else ever seen these? next time this happens I will be sure to get a screen shot. Thanks.
    Frelo - Level 29 Fixer (and loving every minute of it)

    Anahata - Level 110 Solitus Trader
    Khephra - Level 6 Solitus Engineer
    Zaum - Level 8 Nanomage MP
    Merkaba715 - Level 50 Nanomage NT (Sleeping till NT's are fixed)
    Dimholt - Level 10 Atrox Enforcer
    Rubi-Ka 1

    'The only ones that see the end of war are the dead' - Plato

  2. #2
    psst. It's lighting :P
    -War is not about who is right, it is about who is left.

    - L92 MP
    - L7 Enf

  3. #3
    its not lightning. I swear i know the difference. This stuff is like i said, shots of stuff coming the the arses of the aliens bugs in StarShipTroopers. Is it just me or did FC copy alot from that movie?
    Frelo - Level 29 Fixer (and loving every minute of it)

    Anahata - Level 110 Solitus Trader
    Khephra - Level 6 Solitus Engineer
    Zaum - Level 8 Nanomage MP
    Merkaba715 - Level 50 Nanomage NT (Sleeping till NT's are fixed)
    Dimholt - Level 10 Atrox Enforcer
    Rubi-Ka 1

    'The only ones that see the end of war are the dead' - Plato

  4. #4

    I've seen weird things too

    about 2 months ago, when I was hunting in VW, I saw a bright thing in the horizon that grew closer/larger and actually forced trees to disapear in it, and it stopped close sometimes, sometimes far away. It was like a Nuclear Explosion.

  5. #5
    if you were near Clon****, Merkaba, you probably saw the bolts from the big cannons there. There's a big complex that shoots all the mined Notum off-planet in the south of Clon****.

    Doh! I guess it helps if I read the original post properly...

  6. #6
    i've seen that before. its like someone's firing a novaflow from a mile away.

  7. #7
    dirty sanchez knows what I am talking about. Its not the notum cannons because its being fired at the ground. The last time it was being fired at a point on the ground a few feet from me.
    Frelo - Level 29 Fixer (and loving every minute of it)

    Anahata - Level 110 Solitus Trader
    Khephra - Level 6 Solitus Engineer
    Zaum - Level 8 Nanomage MP
    Merkaba715 - Level 50 Nanomage NT (Sleeping till NT's are fixed)
    Dimholt - Level 10 Atrox Enforcer
    Rubi-Ka 1

    'The only ones that see the end of war are the dead' - Plato

  8. #8

    Wink Ok just so you know....

    Here is the answer.... when polymorphed and using a ranged weapon the bullets that fire from the item begin flying wild..... its a graphical bug.... if you watch your framerate you will also notice it drops a drastic amount.

    If you don't believe me... get a friend soldier who loves using the novaflow and morph him into the cat. begin fighting and then watch the sky for the bullets to begin flying.... my honest description of it is like we are in a war. heh we used to have a lot of fun with that in easter foul plains....

    Lucio "Arglor" Ricks
    Level 109 Adventurer
    Alpha Male of the Omni Tek Wolf Pack

  9. #9
    but these are not coming from the ground, they are coming from the sky, and originating at a point which makes them impossible to come from someone on a higher mountain or hill. Also they were several different colors one time.
    Frelo - Level 29 Fixer (and loving every minute of it)

    Anahata - Level 110 Solitus Trader
    Khephra - Level 6 Solitus Engineer
    Zaum - Level 8 Nanomage MP
    Merkaba715 - Level 50 Nanomage NT (Sleeping till NT's are fixed)
    Dimholt - Level 10 Atrox Enforcer
    Rubi-Ka 1

    'The only ones that see the end of war are the dead' - Plato

  10. #10
    This happened to my fixer when I put on a gimp-me-quickly suit (battlesuit).

    The firing effects, the weapon tracer, completely messes up and instead of flying from the barrel of your gun to the mob, it decides to fly from the upper corner of the zone to the mob. So you probably saw a polymorphed soldiers nova flow tracers (as Arglor said).

    Incidently, do NOT allow your fixer to wear a battlesuit.

  11. #11

    Re: I've seen weird things too

    Originally posted by ODieLag
    about 2 months ago, when I was hunting in VW, I saw a bright thing in the horizon that grew closer/larger and actually forced trees to disapear in it, and it stopped close sometimes, sometimes far away. It was like a Nuclear Explosion.
    I have seen that too mayby 3-4 times but i never got an answer what it was though! Maybe you know now?


  12. #12
    When hunting with a new adventurer on Rubi-Ka 2 by harry's, I noticed something similar, however it looked to me like the trails a SA Home Defender leaves... spirally orange-yellow and narrow. They almost seemed to be coming at me, but were still fixed in one direction, and I couldn't see anyone or anything that could have created them. My teamate noticed them too, and I took a screen shot (click).

    Another odd thing thart isn't related, was that one day I was hanging around the OP southeast of Tir City, the one the south gate road leads to with a building on a hill that has the mission terminals, and I decided to sit down on the hill. Before I knew it, I was dropped on the very lower right corner of the map,(first screenshot showing what I mean, second screenshot showing co-ords) at a point where the edge of the terrain makes and edge, so that it's just sky behind me... I really had no idea how this happened, I started thinking maybe some high level guy decided to screw around with me, but i'm sure it's a server bug.
    Fatal Halcyon
    No guild, no longer playing until (if ever) things change for the good.

  13. #13


    Hehe I saw a Bronto Moma up a tree last night. I guess thats pretty weird considering they are a huge dino. Got a screen shot but I have no idea where to put it to link to here.

  14. #14
    what you saw is NOT lightning.

    It's Omni long distance weaponry. Now they 'clame' it's being developed for mining but I know that's BS.

    I used to have many a screenshot of such nukes & fire. Mostly out in Athen Shire (nobody hunts out there anymore.. which sucks.. so nobody ever seen's it.)

    One time I was out there and I saw blasts such as you describe flying from way off the horizon from Athen Shire Expanse (or what ever it's called now) and HIT the junkyard in the center of Athen Shire!

    Another time I was hunting that bot filled JY I saw an orangish (I think) explossion.. similar to the AoE nukes that NT's have.. but it was bubble shapped. I saw it and friends were like 'woh look at that' but as we watched it got closer and closer and closer until it was about on the JY AND IT WAS STILL GROWING! My friends turned around and ran I just stood there like an idiot as the bubble got closer and closer.. until it was at my feet! Well lucky for me it stopped directly at my feet.. I mean within inches from my feet.

    IT's a good thing it didn't get to me.. shook me up a lot and as it aproached the ground was rumbling. Also there are rumors that if you find yourself inside of one of the nukes.. you die instantly. I never checked to see if everyone at Freedom died as I spent another few hours out there and back then there was no Clan OOC channel.
    "Yea, I've got your information.. you got my money?"
    Proud member of 3305 Local
    A non-GA Fixer, and pround of it!

    Fergus ~ 27 Soldier (after wipe) ~ Test
    "No escaping pain! You belong to me.." Megadeath-Skin o' my Teeth

    Fion ~ 25 Opi MA (after wipe) ~ Test
    "Woh look at that MOB! Think I can take it? *SMACK* OUCH!"

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