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Thread: Alot of you are missing the overequiping boat.

  1. #1

    Alot of you are missing the overequiping boat.

    The problem is NOT overequipping. It's certain overequippers that are potentially ruining this fun aspect of the game for everyone.

    Its the lvl 5-30 twink that has equipment 10 times his level and sits in PvP earning a BS title from poor newbies who haven't experienced enough of the game to fathom these concepts yet. That level 5-30 newbie is getting screwed by PvP twink title seekers.
    BUT the players who work on secondary characters, overequip them, and get them to a reasonable level (70+) before entering PvP should be allowed to do whatever they want to improve there char. By lvl 70 if you don't want to spend the time to make your character better before you PvP, then you only have yourself to blame. You should have figured these aspects of the game out by then.

    It seems to me that this is exactly what the new proposed rules will fix.

    25% to a level 70 is nothing. They can still get a 100 wrangle with no affects and put on any armor with no effects using buffs and implants. Just like it is now.

    25% to a level 30 is pretty big. A 50 wrangle will be trouble, armor will be harder to overequip unless you leave the implants in and the TRUE new players can actually try PvP and not give up after getting hit for 500 dmg from someone at lvl 20. Low level title seekers will have to actually compete as opposed to ganking poor newbies.

    So it seems that the only people that are complaining that the proposed changes will ruin the game are low level twink title campers.
    And the only people complaining that the changes are not good enough are lazy, impatient players.

    My advice for both is to go buy a character on ebay and let the rest of us enjoy the game. You can buy your precious title that has lost all meaning without hurting anyone in the process, or get all the gear and perks of being high level without lifting a finger. And the rest of us can still enjoy looking and working for ways to make our characters as good as possible.

    And I only focused on the PvP aspect because anyone who cares what other players equip but only solos and doesn't have to face them in battle is just a busy body. What do you care? This affects you none. Be hopeful you get an overequipper in your hunting team and stay out of this debate.

    And yes.. funcom does need to make mission mobs a bit easier.. even for the overequippers.

    This really turned into a rant. Feel free to pick my reasoning apart, maybe I missed something. Or maybe you're just trying to stall till you get Novice at level 10. Whatever.. i'm interested in input.

  2. #2
    I have a supertwink and I could care less what they do. I fully support the proposed changes. In the meantime, when in Rome, will kick the snot out of people.

  3. #3


    Originally posted by Ming
    I have a supertwink and I could care less what they do. I fully support the proposed changes. In the meantime, when in Rome, will kick the snot out of people.
    I considered doing the same, but then realized how empty a newbie title really will be. Nothing to be proud of. And also, you either pick on the little kids (like the proverbial bully) or duke it out with other twinkers, which can get old.

    Anyone can ramp up their twink's implants, get buffed into a crazy weapon, get some T&S and Matter Crea. masteries with an über amount of NCU for level 6 and then whup some booty in the arena with their trusty QL8000 pets. I did! (And realized how dumb it was soon after.) Where's the challenge? The thrill of battle? Either you totally destroy somebody, or you get ganked or you fight the same twinks over and over again.

    The proposed changes are welcome indeed -- a step in the right direction to help PvP's miserable state.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
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  4. #4

    Re: Alot of you are missing the overequiping boat.

    Originally posted by Tybe

    And I only focused on the PvP aspect because anyone who cares what other players equip but only solos and doesn't have to face them in battle is just a busy body. What do you care? This affects you none. Be hopeful you get an overequipper in your hunting team and stay out of this debate.

    And yes.. funcom does need to make mission mobs a bit easier.. even for the overequippers.

    Ok here's my input. I think you underestimate the effect of overequiping on those of us who don't PvP and mostly solo. If, in fact, mob ac and hp's are jacked up to compensate for overequiped PvM players then we're not just busybodies because it does affect us. Especially those of us who don't overequip weapons not because we're stupid or lazy but because our profession is not set up for using weapons to do damage. My MA can't overequip fists nor can my nanotech overequip a nanoformula. I don't know for a fact that high level mobs have the ac and hp that they have because of overequiping players but if they do, then it affects all of us.

  5. #5

    Juju, this is Nelida...

    Won't you miss my damage when I team with you? The ONLY reason I do that much damage is because I can overequip with my drains and another Trader's wrangle.

    You still going to team with poor little Nelida when her damage output is so much poorer than ANY other class at my level? Only if you're giving me charity I suspect. You can't benefit from any of MY silly little nanos so why would you want me around? Without my overequipped damage poor little Nelida wan't be getting any love...just pity.

    Originally posted by JuJutsu

    Ok here's my input. I think you underestimate the effect of overequiping on those of us who don't PvP and mostly solo. If, in fact, mob ac and hp's are jacked up to compensate for overequiped PvM players then we're not just busybodies because it does affect us. Especially those of us who don't overequip weapons not because we're stupid or lazy but because our profession is not set up for using weapons to do damage. My MA can't overequip fists nor can my nanotech overequip a nanoformula. I don't know for a fact that high level mobs have the ac and hp that they have because of overequiping players but if they do, then it affects all of us.

  6. #6
    I completely agree. PvP is twinker only. Some poor newbies or people new to pvp just might try it a couple times and get tired of being killed by a player 20 levels lower dealing 4 times your damage.
    -War is not about who is right, it is about who is left.

    - L92 MP
    - L7 Enf

  7. #7

    Re: Juju, this is Nelida...

    Originally posted by Zuleica
    Won't you miss my damage when I team with you? The ONLY reason I do that much damage is because I can overequip with my drains and another Trader's wrangle.

    You still going to team with poor little Nelida when her damage output is so much poorer than ANY other class at my level? Only if you're giving me charity I suspect. You can't benefit from any of MY silly little nanos so why would you want me around? Without my overequipped damage poor little Nelida wan't be getting any love...just pity.

    Funcom has stated that the overequipping nerf WILL go hand in hand with bringing the mobs down to more realistic levels. My post is based on the assumption that they actually do that.

    As a trader we'll still be the one of the best overequippers out there as we should be. You'll just need to use your derpive/plunder now more frequently now (which will really increase its overall usefullness in battle and PvP).

    You have to put this nerf in perspective with what it will do with other classes and mobs.

    MA - doesn't overequip so they get a big boost in groups now and may actually be able to PvP.

    NT - same deal with them.

    SODLIER - still has the mastery line which they will have to keep buffed and then shouldn't see much dropoff in PvP or PvM.

    ENFORCER - Gonna hurt them a bit dmg wise, should see some overequiping problems but their massive HP coupled with weaker mobs should compensate. Taking a VERY small PvP hit in this prof.

    TRADER - Running of deprive/plunder lines will make them virtually unaffected. Nerf IMO will help this class most here but they will lose big money wrangles.

    MP- If pets are involved in nerf, this will hurt. No more wrangling into QL 200 pet at lvl 100. BUT.. you can still wrangle into long lasting mastery line and get QL 150 pets at lvl 100. So with weaker mobs this wont affect too much and PvP will be more stable.

    ENGIE - Probably gets hurt the most if pets are involved. No more Slayers at lvl 100. Unless you group with or find an MP with mastery. But the other bots are pretty good too and with weaker mobs you'll still do OK. And since engies have been camping ace camp with slayers and basically monopolizing all xp there, it's clear that this needs to be done anyway.

    FIXER - This class needs some work anyway, but they'll take a bit of a hit until they get grid armor. Fixers need some funcom fixing.

    ADV - Also needs some fixing but they wont be hurt as badly as their heals well be amplified by weaker mobs. Funcom needs to get to work on this class after fixers.

    AGENT - Funcom hits you guys again. This one will sting a bit. You may have to go FP: soldier and use mastery line if you want to keep dmg way up. But on the flip side.. you do have uber dmg now anyway so although the dropoff will be most noticeable, you'll still be one of best dmg dealers.

    DOCTOR - Big benefit from this. Weaker mobs mean you may actually survive the mass aggroes you get from team heals. So IMO this helps everybody. DOCS alive = good for everyone. Docs are also gradually becoming harder and harder to kill in PvP. As they probably should be. (And I said harder to kill not more viable. Worst dmg a doc can do is witha dot, and if you cant keep up with dot, just run and heal. Docs still cant kill but can survive longer.. also as it should be IMO).

    Thats my 2 cents on how all classes will be affected. Obviously I dont have 8 characters so this is just a summary. And it is based on the assumption that FC brings the mobs down to a reasonable level IN SAME PATCH they nerf overequippers.

  8. #8
    Reading threads like this just remind me how good of a decision it is to not participate in PvP.

    Just as long as Funcom doesn't design the game around overequippers and makes it possible for us casual player types to play to level 200 solo.

  9. #9

    Re: Juju, this is Nelida...

    Originally posted by Zuleica
    Won't you miss my damage when I team with you? The ONLY reason I do that much damage is because I can overequip with my drains and another Trader's wrangle.

    You still going to team with poor little Nelida when her damage output is so much poorer than ANY other class at my level? Only if you're giving me charity I suspect. You can't benefit from any of MY silly little nanos so why would you want me around? Without my overequipped damage poor little Nelida wan't be getting any love...just pity.

    Hiya Nel

    To quote from a post below

    As a trader we'll still be the one of the best overequippers out there as we should be. You'll just need to use your derpive/plunder now more frequently now (which will really increase its overall usefullness in battle and PvP).

    You have to put this nerf in perspective with what it will do with other classes and mobs.

    MA - doesn't overequip so they get a big boost in groups now and may actually be able to PvP.
    If Funcom eases up on the mobs ac and hp the net effect will probably leave you about where you are now, lower damage output but fewer mob hp to chew through. I can understand your concern about being pity grouping though. Fess up, the only reason my guildmates group with me now is pity. 'Poor JuJu. Sure he's a Minimum-damage Artist but let him in anyway' I could care less about PvP but having a role other than periodically refreshing Subconscious Guidance would be a refreshing change.

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