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Thread: Bug - unable to attack at times

  1. #1

    Bug - unable to attack at times

    When I am the puller, and shoot a mob, and then it runs off the opposite direction from me due to bad pathing (happens often), at times when it comes back into range I will be totally unable to attack it.

    It will be shooting at me and hitting me, but my autoattack won't engage, nor will I be able to attack back.

    So I have to wait around for everyone else to kill it, assuming I'm in a team.

  2. #2
    This has been happening me a lot over the past couple of days, and I've seen it happen to some others as well. Luckily it usually fixes itself in a bit and you don't have to relog but it really isn't too nice thing to have happen to you when you're fighting higher level mobs and every bit of damage you do matters a lot.

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