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Thread: Hiya just stopped in to see whats changed

  1. #1

    Unhappy Hiya just stopped in to see whats changed

    Kinda sad, i left this game a while ago. I rember when i first entered the game the magic it felt like in this new world of futuristic adventure. But alas the multitude of bugs and ballance issues forced me out of the game. I logged in the other day, and the world isn't the same its not full of the newness and excitement the game first had and its a shame the game concept and base world is fantastic.

    Just doesn't hold the same magic as it did for me with out the folks i grew up with in game. How is the game now ?

  2. #2

    Look at the date of your post, then mine..

    nuff said.
    Level 80 Clan Agent

    - Assembler Research Group, Inc. (MIA)
    Head of Covert Ops

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