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Thread: Please, Let Us Modify Low Light Scopes!

  1. #1

    Please, Let Us Modify Low Light Scopes!

    One simple request - let us use a screwdriver on a low light scope in order to disable the night vision.

    It's hideous having to run around all day with night vision on, and annoying to have to keep equipping and requipping it just to get around it (to be honest, I hate night vision, period. It's annoying if I only see it when hunting.)

    Just simply allowing us to modify the low light scope with a screwdriver to disable night vision would make this item a lot easier on the eyes to a lot of people.
    Velveeta - The best atrox doctor on Rubi-Ka 1!
    Aiboforcen - A change of pace..
    Shikhi - The return!

    Digital Gunfire - Music to level by.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Excellent idea

    The green night vision is horrible, especially in those toxic-waste-cave missions. And all of my screenshots look whitewashed, like overexposed photos. Was this done in attempt to deter people from using them? Well, it won't work! I would sooner destroy my vision or my monitor's picture tube than to remove my low-light-scope (BTW, Funcom... AO Subscribers who develop blindness caused by night vision graphics probably won't maintain their subscriptions for too long ). The scopes are so very invaluable (& not just for rifle-users... anyone who uses any high-crit weapon should be using one of these, IMHO). The screwdriver-adjust is a great idea.

    How about something for Adventurers who go about in playful cub form, as well?

    -Templar Red
    Last edited by Templar Red; Dec 26th, 2001 at 20:48:21.

  3. #3
    Yeah, it can't be that hard just to remove the NV if you don't want it - please let us remove it, FC!
    Velveeta - The best atrox doctor on Rubi-Ka 1!
    Aiboforcen - A change of pace..
    Shikhi - The return!

    Digital Gunfire - Music to level by.

  4. #4
    You can uncheck one of the items in the environment options, i think its under. Might be called 'Other effects', its near the bottom of the list.

    This gets rid of the dumb NV but you also lose some other effects, you don't see fire, etc...

  5. #5
    Yeah, and I don't want to lose all those effects =(
    Velveeta - The best atrox doctor on Rubi-Ka 1!
    Aiboforcen - A change of pace..
    Shikhi - The return!

    Digital Gunfire - Music to level by.

  6. #6


    I dont have anything to add but I have to add my voice to this thread!

    Low Light Scopes are killing my eyes, but I want those stats..

    Please Funcom take the visual effect off them untill you find a way to give us the option.

    Anyone else reading this and agreeing should post here too, I suspect this is one of those things a huge number of players think of as an annoyance.
    C.M.O.T. Raymote - Loyal (They pay better) OmniTek Trader

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    Holly: Good. Perhaps they might be able to give you a hand with your punctuation.

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