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Thread: Neleb the Deranged

  1. #1

    Neleb the Deranged

    this guy took 1 hr to kill with a 65 adv, 75 ma, and 64 mp, he seemed to have 200k hp and a damage sheild that would only let about 1-3 damage through where a normal burst will do around 300, also he was able to recast the sheild instantly after it terminated for a whole hour. this was in the static dungeon in the omni forest. anyone else run into this?

  2. #2

    to make his shield go away, make him move, or get a trader or something to debuff him. Still takes some time to kill though...

    btw, the loot you get from the other mobs in there are also good. mostly nodrop's, but good nodrops.

  3. #3

    Re: Neleb the Deranged

    Originally posted by KillBilly
    this guy took 1 hr to kill with a 65 adv, 75 ma, and 64 mp, he seemed to have 200k hp and a damage sheild that would only let about 1-3 damage through where a normal burst will do around 300, also he was able to recast the sheild instantly after it terminated for a whole hour. this was in the static dungeon in the omni forest. anyone else run into this?
    He runs out of nano eventually


  4. #4

    Re: Re: Neleb the Deranged

    Originally posted by Xente

    He runs out of nano eventually

    that is true. remember to bring a doc, to that long.

  5. #5
    Your lvl 64 mp should be able to cast unmake, I've heard that does wonders on Neleb and his shield.

  6. #6
    thx fro the info , but damn doesnt that seem a little outrageous? just glad to know there is more than one way to skin a neleb :-P

  7. #7
    what i think is outrageous is that you need at least a lvl 60 group to go through a dungeon thats lvl 30-50.....that or a doc. I mean i realize that these things are suppose to be a challenge, but a lvl 45 team w/o a doc isnt going to have a chance in hell. And if they do have a doc its going to take them about 3 hours to kill about 40 green mobs, because they have way too many hp.

  8. #8
    unmake turns neleb into a panzy if you get it off before his shield goes up, took us tops like 2-3 min tops to beat him down and take his robe with a group ranging from 50-90ish

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