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Thread: peaceful ways to gain xp

  1. #1

    peaceful ways to gain xp

    Just a suggestion: Why don't you guys implement peaceful ways to gain xp? I know you already gain xp by making implants and tradestuff but thats really not enough to gain lvls. What I mean is to make some missions where you actually have to talk to ppl and solve problems like in non-online rpg's (e.g. Fallout1+2, Planescape Torment etc) Don't get me wrong I "enjoy" killing monsters in a team but after a while it does get kinda monotonous. In previous threads there have been some good ideas about that like an explorer bonus, or an xp gain for doctors when healing and stuff. Of course I don't know how exactly that would be implemented in the game..I think missions should be made for the profession doing them...and make them do what they do best. Just imagine a bureaucrat having to solve some kind of political problems or an advenurer having to scout an area for a mission, or an engineer having to fix something for someone or an enforcer having to steal something etc... That way missions wouldn't be all the same too. I hate doing missions because they are all the already know what to expect.
    Hope this stirs up some kind of discussion...I like the game so far pretty well but it could be perfected a lot more.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Wait for player created missions to be implemented by Funcom.

    I suspect that you will be able to receive XP from player created missions. So you could, for example, trade a player created item for XP allowing those trade skill character to level without leaving the city or fighting.

  4. #4
    I have a funny feeling you won't get XP this way. Picture this scenario. I create a mission for 50,000xp and the goal is to bring my back 1 pack of ammo. I then give it to my buddy.

    I don't think Funcom will be able to control the variables involved to give XP..

    Instead, you'll have to provide a reward out of your own inventory. It will make great RP stuff, especially for guilds. However, you might as well give your buddy the item vs making him bring you ammo for it, unless you just like doing it to torture him..

    I'm betting you won't be able to assign no-drop items as well..

    There need to be some easier to perform lines of tradeskills than the ones Funcom keep implementing. Simple, but fun things that don't require huge money/IP investments to try. You should get better at them from practice, not raising skills. Thus, if I sit and make paintings all day or carve sculptures or make clothes, I get better and better and I make more and more XP from doing it..

    Originally posted by Ampris
    Wait for player created missions to be implemented by Funcom.

    I suspect that you will be able to receive XP from player created missions. So you could, for example, trade a player created item for XP allowing those trade skill character to level without leaving the city or fighting.
    Last edited by Hodaka; Dec 17th, 2001 at 23:19:23.

  5. #5
    yeah a similar idea was posted in another thread about gaining xp from maiking stuff. It would just make sense that you gain more xp when you do certain things more often. However i would like to see some kind of mission terminals that generate missions according to the profession you have. I have e.g. a hard time finding missions that are doable with my engineer unless i put the difficulty way down. And then it really is laways the same thing...just go in, slaughter everything in your way and either pick up something, kill a person or find a person (which you very often have to kill anyway after you found him because he attacks you) Even in the supposedly peaceful missions (for example where a fire has broken out and you have to extinguish it) all the npc's in the mission attack you, even the victims. That just doesn't make sense. Those player made missions sound very good, but as pointed out i don't think either that you could gain xp from doing them, but they would probably be a very good source of money (for engineers or NT's e.g.) and it would also make things a lot easier because you don't have to run around looking for someone with x nanoskill to make your implants, or make x weapon, plus it would add greatly to roleplaying. I would like to see that idea extended to in game sell terminals for stuff you looted or made, where you could either post things to sell or buy, which would make the shopping channels obsolete, and also the need to actually be in the game when transacting (not all of us have the whole day to stand at some corner yelling "ql x weapon xx cr for sale!")

  6. #6
    I remember the funcom AO add even saying that we could level and be important characters without ever leaving a city. My whole plan was to be a T fixer who ran errands and did city missions his whole carreer. Boy was I pissed around level 7 or 8 when I stopped being able to do city missions.

    I would love courrier service missions(go to door x in city to pick up item. go to door y in same or other city to drop it off ad get paid.) No violence. simple work. Never leave cities (grid or whompa).

  7. #7

    And cut them up and cook them and sell them to poor kids in tir

  8. #8

    peaceful xp

    What about rebuilding Aegan? It could be a new clan city. There could be mission terminals by the ruins and you can do missions or tasks, maybe incorporate the new NPC static missions, and the retrieval items could be pieces to rebuild Aegan to a city. You would then click them on the terminal to recieve your reward/xp and on the 2 week patch cycle, update the zone/city to reflect our progress in building the city. This way players will feel they are contributing to some changeable aspect of the game, and it would introduce new alternatives to gaining rewards/xp. If you make it a large amount of exp, ppl will resort to mission running like they used to in BS or wherever. In any case, it would be a nice alternative for xp/rewards.

  9. #9

    It is unfortunate...

    It is unfortunate that we have to kill things to advance at a reasonable pace. I also remember reading something about not having to kill to be a viable member of the community. That trade skills would be a viable alternative for game play. Yet, to date, this statement is not true.

    Out of all of the trade skills, there is only one that is "fully" functional, with exception to one bug, nano programming, and that's just because it was a necessity to have it working on the date of release. Most of the other trade skills involve the creation of items which already exist in game.

    There are so many different trades available. I think treatment pack fabrication may be working now, and maybe, if there is a good source of carbonrich rock available, then nano crystal creation could also be considered a working trade skill. However, almost all of these have many bugs. Especially weapons manufacturing, which has the potential to be one of the coolest trade skills of them all.

    It seems that with very little effort on Funcom's part, the trade skills could be made to be what was promised, but as of yet they are nothing but a shadow of what they could be.

    There could be a "real", thriving player based economy. Where a "skilled" trades-person could not only advance as a character in levels, but also make a "real" living, selling wares that only he/she may know how to fabricate, with their signature, or even item name inscribed.

    All of the elements to make this work are currently in game, but they aren't tied in like I'm suggesting.

    Here are some key factors:

    1. Raise the amount of xp given for performing trade skill functions. (i.e. making implants)

    2. Make the weapons, armor, and clothing manufacturing processes "open". Do not require preset recipes. This limits creativity. Make it more like Implant creation with a slot structure. There are n number of parts that can go in slot A, choose one, and put it in. This will modify the stats of the resulting weapon or armor in some way. Players would start with a base pistol, shotgun, rifle, etc kit and produce weapons by deciding which attributes they would like them to have. Instead of taking an existing recipe and simply finding the parts that are required. Think of the possibilities. Same for armor and clothing, and anything else that could be built this way. Engineers should love this idea.

    3. Maybe trade skill missions aren't a bad idea either. Why shouldn't an engineer be able to get a mission to fix a bridge or something?

    4. Make sure that all trade skills work as they are supposed to. An awful lot of time is spent on checking and rechecking the way that the combat systems work, but it seems that far less time is spent on making sure that trade skill items function the way they are supposed to.

    5. Last, but not least. The costs of performing trade skills is far too high. In contrast, it costs pennies on the credit to go out and kill a MOB, nothing but time if you only use your hands or melee weapons. Why should it be so expensive to make a nano crystal? Maybe the better question is, who would take out the time and the effort let alone the monetary investment to make a nano crystal, when in the end, it would have been less expensive and far less time consuming to just buy it from a shop?

    Anyway, these are just some suggestions.

    There is a lot of potential in the trade skill area, but Funcom has yet to truly tap into the possibilities. Rubi-Ka could be a much more interesting place to live. Let's hope that they consider what we are asking for.


    Yeshu-Level 89-Neutral-MP

    May The Hand of Rubi-Ka be your guide...

  10. #10
    There used to be a peaceful way to gain xp: being a 100% non-combat doc. Thanks to the mob hate list changes, this is a hair-raising activity that has you spending more time watching your butt than watching your patients. It's never been a without-risk occupation; not it's just plain silly. If you spent 95 levels carefully crafting a doc to do one thing: heal, you suddenly became useless ... unless of course you could find that utopian perfect group that understands all the right things to do and does them.

  11. #11

    Xp gaining

    Nice ideas, Yeshua. Few thoughts concerning them.

    "...The costs of performing trade skills is far too high..."

    Thats probably main reason why players have to keep fighting, even we could gain some xp using trade skills. Its like "buying xp". If you have huge amount of money you can get some xp peacefully, but (again) at the moment its not true alternative to fighting (Hear us Funcom!)

    " would have been less expensive and far less time consuming to just buy it from a shop..."

    Yeah, maybe less guns to shop-bots and cycling system (new stuff appearing to shop-bots) to take more time. It would give the need to use trade skills and build weapons, cause there simply wouldn't be enough/right quality weapons for sale.

    "...Do not require preset recipes..."

    I already dream in my mind: Players funding young and promising engineer to build different kind of weapons in his workshop. Finaly good weapon recipe is discovered (and patented? ) and you might find official recipe-books for sale also...

  12. #12
    Really good ideas seems more and more to me as if funcom just threw a half finished game on the market just like it happens with so many games.

  13. #13
    Love it.

    The idea of having items using slots liek implants is one of the best I've read in a long time.

    I would also like the idea of having proffession type missions, but not only.

    As one poster said further up. All missions are the same thse days. you go in and kill to complete it. But the same ouwld be with preffesion only missions. After a whiel you tire of fixing bridges, or carrying documents, or talking to NPC's in missions.

    I say keep the missions as they are AND implement a tab in the mission terminal where you can pick a mission suited for your proffesion.

    While I am here I woudl also like to see a change in the mission briefing. Put the reward, location, type at the top rather then hiding it in the text.

    Like with the nanos. Checking them out tells you the duration, nano cost, reqs and others fearly simple

  14. #14
    Oh I forgot. this was about peaceful ways to gain xp.

    I like that very much. So far I have yet to see it in any rp game, but fun com could be the first (I hope).

    I am a fixer, and I would like to play a fixer. Right now I ain't. I do what every other proffesion does to gain levels. missions or hunts.

    Give each proffesion the option to earn xp in their own special way.
    Have fixers do stuff that is for fixers only.

    Have docs perform surgery

    Have Engineers build and repair things

    Have Enforcer work crowd control outside baboons when that band is performing j/k :-)

    Have soldiers stay in the front line or do some drills in the barracks

    Have MP tell you your future (Dont' really know a preffesion only thing for them)

    Have agents do covert stuff. inflitration and stuff

    Have NT do Nanorealted things. Implants and such

    Have Adventurers go out and map areas and then let them create maps of those areas.

    Have crats work desk detail or shuffling papers, making permits, granting permits and stuff

    Have MA teach you focus and control

    I might have left some out and I know some of these suggestions are dorky, but at least I bumped

  15. #15
    I remember getting excited about getting jobs. I wanted to be part of Omni-Pol, where I patrol the cities and go on raids for criminals and stuff.

  16. #16
    Originally posted by EarthForce
    I remember getting excited about getting jobs. I wanted to be part of Omni-Pol, where I patrol the cities and go on raids for criminals and stuff.
    I think you have been heard, after discussing clans advantage, FC has decided Omnis soon can join story based departments like Omni-Pol.

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