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Thread: Logical Suggestions On Not Nerf...

  1. #1

    Logical Suggestions On Not Nerf...

    Ok, everyone knows there is going to be a armor/weapon nerf coming soon. These are some suggestions I have and I would love the feed back from the rest of you. Please don't flame me for my views on issues.

    Why do you want to punish "twinkers" when we do not do anything as in "hacking" "using a back door" ect... All we do is PLAN our char out. Is it our fault you gave us the buffs todo it with?

    If you nerf it then you might as well take out any healing class in the game, because they want be worth a crap past lvl 70. Look at soldiers, they are gimped to hell and back.

    SUGGESTION: Dont nerf twinking yet, BALANCE the game first, make all the changes to the classes, then worry about issues like this. Dont fix something that isn't broken.


    About the IP Reset. Why have an ip reset ? To try and make us happy for totally changing the game? The reason i left DaOC to come back to AO is because you can SORTA solo until about lvl 70ish with certain classes. You can better plan your char then you can in DaOC.

    Doing the IP reset will do nothing but make the people who messed up on IP placement happy. Anyone that "planned" there char out will not need this. Am I right or wrong? Of course, I re-rolled my first 2 chars because I was a newbie to the game, but that isn't your fault, it was because I didn't plan and place Ips right.

    So giving IP back isn't the fix for nerfing twinkers, below is some suggestions for a real fix for "twink nerfing"

    1) Have the monsters hit around the same damage as you, as well as have them have the same hps as you would have around your lvl "to me this would be a TRUE even match".

    The suggestion below can be taken wrong, so I am going to explain it here. "ONE" of the reasons "twinking" is so popular is because the popular classes like the Enforcer cant solo a 3/4 mission in the higher up lvls, heck some classes can't solo past lvl 70 in 50% missions *couph* soldiers...

    2) Give us more of a reward for missions, meaning maybe 25-40% more Credit increase and/or Exp increase.

    3) Re enable concealment for the agent or take it out of the game. How many times have u enable/disabled this skill ? I know of atleast 2 times. My lvl 41 agent with around 750 concealment cant sneak past a dead roller rat...

    4) Take a traders line of "wrangler" nanos and delete them and give them somethign useful because that will scew that line of nano up. When you do this make sure you give us a lDECENT line of nano's that req the same skill so you want need todo a IP re roll.

    5) Put a limit cap on the nanos that can be casted, meaning have the target have a lvl req of lvl 80 for "ess of titan", lvl req of 25 for a SUB G ect.... (i bet alot of u didn't like this suggestion eh?)

    I could get more suggestions but I have already put enouph time into this post, if this post gets to funcom then i would love to give some more suggestions.

    BTW: Atleast fix the poor old soldier before you do anything. Balance the classes first funcom before doing something major like this. Please...

    BTW: If you like what I am saying or even dislike it but dont want to spend alot of time giving your ideas just reply with something like I agree to get it bumped so funcom can see the point of views from both sides.


    lvl 84 doc, 69 ma, 34 trader, 45 adv
    Rubi-ka 2

  2. #2
    Well, Most of your suggestions will probably not go over well. The problem is that Funcom has made so many MAJOR twinks to mobs making them insanely hard especially in missions and nerfed players so many times and badly that without a *cringe* major change to gameplay again there is no possible way for them to fix the game they have so severly broken from what it was in the beginning.

    Now im not saying the game started out good because it did not. It had so many major bug/stability issues that it was sickening but they should have concentrated all their efforts on that (they are not fixed still on some issues) and that only but they did not, almost from the start they started making tweeks to player classes that should have been done no later than B3. Funcom should be ashamed of the way they have handled their attempts at balance in the game to date.

    Part of the problem is they stuff far to many changes into each patch and its plainly obvious that they do not think of what the collateral effects are going to be AND they do not listen to the people on the test server that say NO this is going to majorly screw up gameplay, and they put it live anyway.

    Not one of the major screwups that went live because they said they felt it had to to fix another issue was necessarry but they did it anyway despite the warnings of how it would mess things up and it did. There should be weekly patches fixing small things here and there if it was being done this way its likely alot of the small issues that have never even been adressed would now be fixed.

    Another problem is when they goof up something instead of getting right on it they wait 2 to 3 weeks till the next patch to fix it and this is just plain incompetence. Guys when you break something in a patch it should be fixed no later than 48 hours after you broke it that is more than enough time to find and fix the problem... Verant does it you can too.

    Funcom needs to lay this whole issue to rest forget it and start making SMALL weekly changes to fix things that will not set the community into an uproar like their major direction changes policy does now. They also need to start admitting their mistakes and replaceing things that are being lost due to bugs that should not even exist anymore im sorry guys but you have had more than enough time to fix these things and most of them you have not even addressed or admited to even though we the players know they are there we suffer through them on a regular basis.

    This game is/can be awsome if you stop the willy nilly way you are doing things and plan logically and I pray that you start doing so.

  3. #3

    Question you just cant "nerf" mobs...


    I dont think your suggestions would keep up gameplay at all. For one, your suggestion about mobs hitting same damage and have approx same hp as the player hitting them is insane. Where would the fun be? What lvl mobs are we talking about.. greens or reds...? I hope your referring to greens. At my lvl, 52 on my new char, I can solo browns, reds I cant nomore, but thats ok, noone in lvl 50+ should be able to solo reds in my oppinion. Red mobs are supposed to be lethal, something you would typically need 3-4 team members to kill. Am I wrong on this?

    I have an ma character. There's a lot to be said about ma. But still, its all ok, isnt it... really? If ppl have so much problems they must be setting all their IP wrong. I know I misplaced a lot of IP on my first ma (now lvl 68), but still he's good for a lot. My new lvl 52 ma, is looking to be very good. I read a lot about classes that just doesnt work or cant do this cant do that, but still I have a lot of "friends" in different classes that never complain. As i'm not complaining. Maybe I'm just lucky? Cuz I cant really see problems with classes....

    What does seem to be a problem however is missions... still. Credits really suck now, so do rewards. A lot of mission mobs dont give xp... thats a new one. I petitioned about that but the guy who showed up couldnt answer for it. Too much nano casting from NPC's, I think. And mission bars (adjusters) doesnt seem to work either. I have also had trouble getting in to missions lately. Havent had that since 12.8 (or something), where you get Play**** failed, server error or similar.

    As I mentioned earlier, ma's in PvP doesnt work. It feels as tho ma's are missing out on a big aspect of the game, namely PvP. We cant range attack, and all the other ones are rooting as hell, then running out of reach. I have killed one foe, gotten killed maybe 5-6 times. I know, not much, but thats because I mainly keep out of PvP.

    Also, there should be a "white flag" of some sort that you could wear if you were just passing thru... after all it IS amnesty...

    well, a lot of gibberish I guess... I lost track of what I was really going to write...
    Gengjin 200 ma clan RK1
    Warpus 77 engi clan RK1
    Hottendot 55 doc clan RK1
    Neurosilence 91 NT clan RK1
    Noonie 46 fixer RK1

  4. #4

    Good ideas... but

    Some good ideas in there doc, here's my take on your suggestions.

    1) I think the hps/damage issue isn't as bad as people think, I do TONS and TONS of missions solo and I can still solo 55% missions with some difficulty and 50% quite easily, but its all in the math. I have 2500 hps and an even mob to me might have 7500 hps, but I do about 300-400 damage on average where the mob does about 100-200, seems about balanced really, but Im not going into balance, that's a whole nother story. The idea of mobs having the same hps and damage as players just won't work, that's all there is to it.

    2) Im all for more mission xp, don't need more cash in missions. If you do missions on a regular basis you'll be quite rich.

    3) Yeah, they should have "sneak enabled, only" missions. I don't want an equal level agent sneaking thru missions 40 levels above him, makes me feel useless, what they need is a new mission "type" which requires stealth and then they can make concealment useful again, you should NOT be able to sneak thru any and all missions, doesnt make sense.

    4) Couldn't agree more, I have a 78 Trader and the skill wranglers are probably the biggest culprit of over-equipping and basically serves no function to the trader himself. Removing it would do a lot to prevent over-equipping.

    5) Another good idea, though I feel the NCU space does this satisfactorily. If you have high level friends helping you, you should be more powerful.

    95 Soldier

  5. #5

    Re: Logical Suggestions On Not Nerf...

    Originally posted by Doctortease

    5) Put a limit cap on the nanos that can be casted, meaning have the target have a lvl req of lvl 80 for "ess of titan", lvl req of 25 for a SUB G ect.... (i bet alot of u didn't like this suggestion eh?)


    lvl 84 doc, 69 ma, 34 trader, 45 adv
    Rubi-ka 2 [/B]
    I've been pushing this since the beginning.... and I have posted constantly on it... It only makes sense and would be the thing that puts a fair stop to Overequipping.... That way someone who is level 10 can only get like a +3 wrangle and +20 exp buff.... can't overequip much with that.... someone level 40 would get same exp buff and maybe a +20 wrangle.... gives you a little room to be different without making everyone identical.... Implants are currently fair and I don't think they could be changed... they'd even be helped by the buff caps.... you'd have to wait 5 levels to get those implants you were thinking about rather than using the Iron Circle buff....

    All I can say is that I don't want to see more major changes.... if they have to rebalance every mob and all the classes again it is going to be crazy... This nerf will also make agents the most useless class in the game.... our guns are underpowered compared to other weapons of equal level... Now If I have to drop for the Current QL200 gun I have to a QL105 gun I will suddenly do half the damage I was.... and most agents already can't do 50% missions. This is because of no heals and no specials. I'm saying no heals, because they are planning on removing the healing pets too and we have Dark Blue Body Dev. A lot will have to change or I am betting a percentage equal to that lost in the 12.6 patch will be gone from the agent class. I raised an Agent over 80 levels and I can tell you every one of my friends that starts an agent and has played an MA complains how bad agents are and give up pretty quick...

    All I have left is the ability to overequip.... so if that goes I will have 80 levels of a completely useless character. I'd hate to completely start over again.... and I'd hate to quit since I've played since Beta.... I don't care if overequipping is taken away if we are balanced at the same time.... but I don't want to have to play several weeks with a player that can't kill a grey mob...

  6. #6

    Lightbulb ello???

    i personally loved fc's orgional plans to make ao a NO over equiping game. it was designed to be that (ask some alpha testers), and they goofed by not having it impemented in the first place. by not allowing overequiping ALL the mobs would be much much easier and would promote a balance amoungst all of the proffs. i didnt get my wish and the patch didnt go through.. oh well.... now they have this new patch in the works... again i love it..... and now i really cant see why ppl are having hissy fits..... youll all still be able to use your ql 200 novas at lvl 80.... they'll just act like they should at your lvl...... and with the patch the mobs would be MUCH easier.... you think its hard doin a 50% mission as a soldier at lvl 70.... try doin it as an nt (well... its actually gotten alot better since the last patch, but thats just because they put all greens with maby a yellow or 2 insted of all oranges), a profession which cant over equip...... i over equip the hell outta my armor... not because i enjoy having "the best" stuff... but because i have to.... if this patch went in no one would have to so quit your dam *****in
    p.s. itd also make pvp ALOT more balanced as a proff who dosent rely on weapons wouldnt be at such a disadvantage.
    p.p.s. and you can still equip things higher than you (and use their benifits) just as long as you have the buffs for it (think about that, would make those buffs that everyone has (but only ever uses once per weapon/armor) actuallu usefull).

  7. #7
    Hey Doctortease its apparent from your post that your whining about the IP reset is inappropriate. The reason why FunCom is doing the IP Reset has been stated over and over and over again, and if your not an exploiter, then you have absolutely nothing to fear. It only takes a few minutes to re-allocate your IPs, so just by what you are saying, you seem suspect.
    I know that personally if I were on the FunCom staff I might flag your account for a review to see if you have exploited the game through duped IQ rings to give yourself huge amounts of IPs.
    We can all argue about how FunCom conducts its changes to try to bring this game around to where they feel it needs to be, but in the end, our personal opinions do not matter, as was so clearly demonstrated by the 12.6 patch.
    Pissed off fixer, now playing enforcer, Cogs

  8. #8


    Nah, let's not start calling each other exploiters here. It's still possible that (s)he didn't read all of it, right ? After all, it's a lot of reading one can do on this site...

  9. #9
    "nerf" isn't going to be so bad as most of you claim. ever tried to do the math?

    according to lozer's math, the "nerf" won't affect the average player. Only major twinks (see his example about the lvl10 char...

    At L72, I can EASILY self-equip ql 120 weapons (hammers, not beams). what's the problem? I solo orange with that. (need to buff all i can though) no big deal.

    I think most people protesting this so-called nerf is major twinks themselves, or has only heard roumers from others. Ever tried to do the math? TRY it. You will be amazed how little it will affect you at all.

  10. #10
    Hmm anyone that over equips is an exploiter? no I don't think so. I can finally do damage that doesnt embarress me by equiping a QL 179 Novaflow at 131 that gun would become usless to me and so would my damage to a group.. again...

    Someone said this game was designed for no over equiping but I have to ask.. what the hell drugs are you on I want some!!!! there are so many nano's and such designed to help you over equip that that statement just does not make sense.

    If any of FC's ideas are implemented and they state clearly that its not set its ideas they are playing with, they should be instituted gradually but of course they probalby wont be and there will be another huge customer outrage and mass leaving but if thats how FC wishes to operate thats their buisness...

  11. #11

    I cant stand this overequiping nonsense

    There is no such thing as over equiping. If i get wrangled, Riot Control, and AR mastery from someone the eqip an item... Hey it s equiped. (Over implies that is is not possible w/o cheating). Now that (at lvl 58) I am using a ql100 Nova flow i can actually be effective. That is the only thing my soldier has going for him. I don't have a fridge on a stick that hits for 400-500 minimum. I think that FC should leave things the way they are. Life isn't that bad this way.

    -"If it ain't broke, Don't fix it."

    -Tom "Skymarshal" Fharni
    -Lvl 58 Soldier RK1

  12. #12

    Talking easier

    "There is no such thing as over equiping. If i get wrangled, Riot Control, and AR mastery from someone the eqip an item... Hey it s equiped. (Over implies that is is not possible w/o cheating). Now that (at lvl 58) I am using a ql100 Nova flow i can actually be effective. That is the only thing my soldier has going for him. I don't have a fridge on a stick that hits for 400-500 minimum. I think that FC should leave things the way they are. Life isn't that bad this way. "

    I disagree... when we need to over-equip the hell outta our characters to be effective in this game something is wrong, and now fc is trying to fix it. dont think the game will be harder as its been stated that the toughness of the monsters will be greatly reduced with the new patch aswell!

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Hotpie
    Hey Doctortease its apparent from your post that your whining about the IP reset is inappropriate. The reason why FunCom is doing the IP Reset has been stated over and over and over again, and if your not an exploiter, then you have absolutely nothing to fear. It only takes a few minutes to re-allocate your IPs, so just by what you are saying, you seem suspect.
    Uh, it is a voluntary IP reset for those that want to.


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