[Disclaimer, I timed out twice typing this at work so if it shows up 3 times, well read it 3 times then!!]

Hey Tekno

I still have that last mauser you gave me J . Now only if you could check your attic to see if you have any musty old lvl 70 fixer implants lying about (shameless begging noises)

. You got the the coolest name on the grid (ok, over the top begging now) so if you feel like starting a save the rollo foundation feel free to J

Ok I really did have a question and this is probably not the correct thread to ask it in but wth. I have found whenver I twink into a mauser that is above self buffing limits, and the twink wears off my damage is often lower than If I were to use a mauser that I can self buff into.

Has anyone else seen this, or have I lost my mind for good this time?