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Thread: Best moneymaking proffession?

  1. #1

    Question Best moneymaking proffession?

    Simple question: Wich proffession gets cach in his pocket fastest and easyest?

  2. #2
    trader or NT.. for sittin around in town doin junk
    MP or Engie for sitting round while their pets eat reds in missions

    i think anyway
    // wildwal - the sexiest adv evar - now with nr!
    // legion

  3. #3

    It depends...

    As changes are made to the game, answers to questions like this change as well.

    Classes that have easy to raise conceal were doing full hard missions for the reward a few months back.

    Before reet was restricted, Adventurers could reet through missions and get the reward. In the 30's and 40's, unless it could fly, nothing could catch me in reet form.

    MP's can do very difficult missions because of the strength of their pets.

    Until it is changed, Traders can sell some of their buffs for insane amounts of cash (I think a few other classes have some decent buffs that can bring in some decent creds).

    NT's (I believe a few others are viable as well) can make good creds making implants.

    It depends on what your angle is. Are you wanting something long term or what works the best now? Are you wanting to depend on others for the cash (tradeskills), or rely on doing missions?


  4. #4

    Re: It depends...

    Originally posted by Skara
    Classes that have easy to raise conceal were doing full hard missions for the reward a few months back.

    Before reet was restricted, Adventurers could reet through missions and get the reward. In the 30's and 40's, unless it could fly, nothing could catch me in reet form.
    I don't see why conceal is such a big problem now. If you want to run missions find a missions where you have to find a person find a item or return a item and start sprinting. At lvl 60 now when i want some fast cash i grab a set of find the item missions and just book through em. Who cares that 20 mobs are following me?? sure i don't get my token but i did it for the money. With the pathfinding the way it is most of the mobs will get lost while chasing you anyways.

    and its not like my run speed is insanely fast or anything. I do not know the actual value but i know its under 150. Then only thing you have to worry about is getting rooted. but usually as soon as someone shoots you the root is broken and you are off again.
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  5. #5
    Guess you're not getting nuked through a wall for 1400 damage yet.

  6. #6
    my run speeds around 700.. and running a mission is still tough
    // wildwal - the sexiest adv evar - now with nr!
    // legion

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Wal
    trader or NT.. for sittin around in town doin junk
    MP or Engie for sitting round while their pets eat reds in missions

    i think anyway
    How would an NT make money for sitting in town doing junk? I'd love to know, the only 'buff' people would ever want from us, are humid extractors, and I'm not going to be the next Bill Gates from selling that one for sure.

    The only way NTs make money is mission blitzing. It's pretty damn hard to do that as an NT; but when you actually get the hang of it, you can probably run missions nobody else could. I just recently ran a mission for two agents who are higher level than me

    Rk1 :: Abasin :: lvl 72 clan nt
    Rk2 :: Illuvatar :: lvl 154 omni nt

  8. #8
    i thought Nt's could put together implants for tips, maybe im wrong.
    // wildwal - the sexiest adv evar - now with nr!
    // legion

  9. #9
    I think traders are the best money making class now. I have seen 132 wrangles go for millions.

    I spent many days played time making implants in my earlier days. It was a decent way to make money but I havn't bothered in months.

  10. #10
    Defenetly MP or trader. But Trader makes insane money when he/she gets Skill Wranlger (premium). So on low lvl you can try to sell that +22 wrangler (but sometimes even that is needed)

    So far i know that MP is the best class for money making at any lvl.

    Implants i made 500k in 3 horus ofering NP of 260.

    Buffs (ofcourse not 1 million) but 3k or more depeds on person. I dont take money anymore but if someone offers i dont mind. And then who is engeneer without Matter Creation or Time And space mastery? Or bureaucrat? Depends on lvl of person, lvl 100+ engeneers give me 10k+ for those two buffs.

    I remeber bufing traders so then can do better wrangler i remebr i was making money with one trader. I was buffing him, he was doing +74 wrangler and we share donations.

    Finaly missions good MP can take out 99% mission.

    On another hand this is very epensive profession. Becouse MP uses nano programs 20-30 lvls above their current. My lvl 46 uses ql 76 attacking pet and nukes with ql 86 nano program.

    Do you know how much those programs cost . And ofcource implants hehe 4 ql 90 implants were around million.

    But MP is uber class now. Well when i started it 6mounth ago it wasnt. And now i cam back to it.

    We own PvP especialy after geting 3rd pet. I killed Enforser atrox 5 lvls higher then me and trader 6 lvls higher alone.

  11. #11

    Agents are the richest on RK

    An lvl 100 agent can sneak ANY mission (don't give me that crap "buhu but conceal is broken") as he/she can get around 1500 conceal and sneak a mission no what if you die when you grab the item? You don't get hit on the way like us blitzers
    Fleh the man-eating lvl 171 sabretooth...oh no wait, that would be PvP wouldn't it...nm then

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Julia Pomka
    Defenetly MP or trader. But Trader makes insane money when he/she gets Skill Wranlger (premium). So on low lvl you can try to sell that +22 wrangler (but sometimes even that is needed)

    We own PvP especialy after geting 3rd pet. I killed Enforser atrox 5 lvls higher then me and trader 6 lvls higher alone.
    Only trouble with Traders is a) High QL wranglers nanos cost an insane amount of money to buy b) Low QL ones are not much in demand c) Once you have the high QL one, your only desire will be to put the whole word on ignore
    As for MP in PvP, I don't see how the third pet helps in PvP... Mind control lines tend not to work against players...

  13. #13
    Most people havent noticed but docs are kickass mission blitzers. You can buff your hps so that you crap health for the next week, put a hot on and if you have bummed a run buff from some fixer, a doc runner is only stopped by those lovely roots....
    My doc only got to lvl 61 thanks to heal aggro bug/bull**** but made millions of creds with mission running. (docs poor? bull****. [at least at 50+])
    Now I play and engie and at lvl 62 its going WELL. Bot literally RAPES red mobs and cash is very easy to come by. And you're not doomed to sit on your ass all day fiddling implants and buffs like some classes

  14. #14
    Im lvl 101 Fixer - At lower Levels Fixers are prolly the poorest class cause they have nothing to sell. But once u get some speed under your feets u can earn loads of money.
    With a HP buff I can blitz ql190 missions now - Gives good money and you can allways camp the mission booth for something worth selling.
    Proffesion: (Fixer)
    Black Dawn Syndicate

  15. #15

    Re: Agents are the richest on RK

    Originally posted by Fleh
    An lvl 100 agent can sneak ANY mission (don't give me that crap "buhu but conceal is broken") as he/she can get around 1500 conceal and sneak a mission no what if you die when you grab the item? You don't get hit on the way like us blitzers

    Fleh, please try an agent above lvl 50 and then say that again. If you have no clue of what your talking about please don't say anything.

  16. #16

    Re: Agents are the richest on RK

    Originally posted by Fleh
    An lvl 100 agent can sneak ANY mission (don't give me that crap "buhu but conceal is broken") as he/she can get around 1500 conceal and sneak a mission no what if you die when you grab the item? You don't get hit on the way like us blitzers
    Weird, how come level 120-150 agents comes to me, asking me to go calm their missions?

    Rk1 :: Abasin :: lvl 72 clan nt
    Rk2 :: Illuvatar :: lvl 154 omni nt

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Linta

    Only trouble with Traders is a) High QL wranglers nanos cost an insane amount of money to buy b) Low QL ones are not much in demand c) Once you have the high QL one, your only desire will be to put the whole word on ignore
    As for MP in PvP, I don't see how the third pet helps in PvP... Mind control lines tend not to work against players...
    High QL wrangles cost insane? Uhm, they're not in shops, so you mission for them. I'd assume they cost you 20k of nano rechargers and health kits, should be worth it.

    Rk1 :: Abasin :: lvl 72 clan nt
    Rk2 :: Illuvatar :: lvl 154 omni nt

  18. #18

    i dont think you understand

    Originally posted by Illuvatar

    High QL wrangles cost insane? Uhm, they're not in shops, so you mission for them. I'd assume they cost you 20k of nano rechargers and health kits, should be worth it.
    do you know how many times i get asked if i have the 131 wrangle? im level 85! just the +75 wrangle is QL120something .. other players dont seem to understand the whole stepping up a chain of drains issue.. when i ask them to meet me outside they just cant figure out why ..

    The nanos i need now are about 70+ QLs above my own level;
    there is no way i could solo those missions.
    I've made about 50 attempts to blitz and just dont have the
    health or speed or healing abilitiy to get stuff from missions that high.
    Besides the fact that it's almost imposible to generate your own professions nanos.
    On the rare times I can, I have to try and hire an agent to sneak them for me ..
    and most of them wont bother for less than 2mil.
    (they're too busy farming decus cloaks)

    study other professions before you post strategy for them :P

  19. #19

    Re: i dont think you understand

    Originally posted by Scumbug
    do you know how many times i get asked if i have the 131 wrangle? im level 85! just the +75 wrangle is QL120something .. other players dont seem to understand the whole stepping up a chain of drains issue.. when i ask them to meet me outside they just cant figure out why ..
    Exactly my point.... Traders have both the blessing and curse to be able to run nanos far above their level... This means more power, but this also mean the chance to find these in a mission is 0... And Traders nano are among the most expensive in stores, and high QL ones sell for several million on the market... Many Traders don't even bother to get the high QL wranglers... No use for themselves, except money making, which can be done for less troubles with training NP and doing implants...

  20. #20
    You need a lvl 95+ trader to be able to make a little money, and when you reach that point you have probably spend more money on the char than you will ever make on doing wrangles.

    Traders use equipment over 100% above their level. In other words - you can't mission for it yourself. And when you reach to the +132 wrangle you get so many tells you just go on permanent /afk to get just a little bit peace and playtime.

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