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Thread: easiest to fix bug in AO!

  1. #1

    Talking easiest to fix bug in AO!

    please, c'mon, this should take all of a few minutes . .

    fix that horrible green-stomach effect
    on the flowers female chest armor

    i bug-reported this months ago

    all other types of similar-designer female tech-armor work fine;
    what happened to the flowers?

    i remember after release when everyone had green skin . .
    why did just this one piece get left out of the fix?

    it's probably something really silly
    ask someone to take a quick look?

    oh, and fix the helmets-on-reets thing too
    (but that bug is new)

  2. #2
    It's prolly not as easy a bug to fix as u think. (I do models, 3d stuff, and animation for a living)

    The green is actually supposed to be transparent (if its a solid color) and is supposed to "map over" a skin texture that lays the groundwork for your character's skin. It would probably be extremely helpful if you could screenshot it and reports your race and body type in a bug report with the information about the armor included.
    "NT's can't over equip armor beyond implants and general buffs (no insane Intelligence or Psychic buffs) and can't overequip weapons since they use direct-damage, damage-over-time and nanoformula methods that require your actually stats and buffs to be active for you to use them. Don't complain about us being powerful when you obviously haven't even played one past level 100. NT's - the original red-headed stepchild of Anarchy Online." - Zaal

  3. #3


    i relalize this

    back the first week of release ALL armor types that were
    supposed to show 'skin' underneath .. short sleeved nail armor
    . . all female tech types .. shorts.. etc showed the green skin
    effect .. this was fixed quickly, but for some reason this one piece
    (the female flowers tech) was missed or something ..

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