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Thread: Please read.. This is about AO storyline.

  1. #1

    Please read.. This is about AO storyline.

    I envision soldiers being fixed.

    I should hope so because when I first started this game,
    I thought about soldiers being rough and tough.. and..well being... soldiers. They are suppose to be buff and tough and kill stuff. They have guns for goodness sakes. :-)

    But now, with what I've experienced in the game, and from what I hear from alot of other soldiers alot higher level than me,
    that the storyline for AO will shift somehow to not include soldiers at all in the game. That funcom will do away with the soldier class. "Why?!" or you might say, "How do you know that? Who told you that?"

    Well I will tell you.. but first I beseech you some patience for my story.. and explanation.

    When I was a level 24 soldier, I had a nova flow QL 31. It was a cool gift from a friend. My friend who was a MA 25, decided we would hunt some mobs that were Level 26. Ok. so we make a mission. Looking over at my MA friend I noticed that he had no weapon. That is cool. he is a MA after all. At first glance, the casual Rubi-ka citizen would think.. soldier with gun is > person with no gun.

    Ok. So we are hunting. To my amazement, the MA is doing 80+ damage, in the same time it takes for me to do 25-50. 50 being a slight overexaggeration. It was more like 25-40. That's only a difference of about 15 points. I notice that to wield my QL 31 nova flow, I had to invest my ip's into the necessary requirements... like assault rifle, burst, and fling. At first I noticed that they seem to be taking up more points than the bow. I checked the skills, and I noticed that it takes me about 100+ ip's to go up one point in assault rifle. But less than 20 ip's to learn the bow. I thought at first..maybe I am using the wrong weapon? So I asked around and veteran soldiers told me that the weapon of choice for soldiers is a nova flow...

    This confused me a bit and probably the casual Rubi-ka citizen. I mean.. isnt a soldier with a gun > person with no gun ? Also.. if I am suppose to specialize in heavy weaponry...assault weapons, isnt my ip cost going to be lower? It is after all suppose to be a soldier's forte.

    Ok your conclusion was probably the same as mine. He is just a more skilled MA and I am just a lowly grunt. He has to log off to do something and I find a group hunting at the SE pipes.
    We have a trader in our group. He's like level 20. I am level 25
    now. While I am still doing 25-50 he is dishing out 40-60.

    Ok. so he has a gun too. While we are fighting, everyone is executing nano programs, and dishing out damage, while I am shooting with 25-50. every 2.5 seconds.

    Then it dawns on me.

    1.) Soldier nano Programs are just slightly tweaked versions of generic regular nano programs. (i.e hp and ac buffs.)
    2.) I am dishing out slightly more damage than that grey mob I was killing when I was level 20.
    3.) The cost to use weapons I am supposedly suppose to excel at, is higher than a bow. Funcom did you mean for soldiers to excel at bows instead of high tech weaponry ?

    We lost two people in the SE pipes, and I couldn't help since my damage output is just too low, my nano programs were horrible.

    I mean, you would think that a soldier would have a nano program that was offensive right ? They are afterall.. soldiers. They deal with killing and killing. Finding the most efficient means of killing. Norway's military is using m-15's and m-16's with modified weapons and customized barrels for delivering a nice sized caliber into an enemy's body.

    Norway's military isn't using sticks and stones and whatever might break my bones.

    But according to the skill's window... in ranged combat, I am suppose to specialize in bows ((ip < 50)per point) not heavy weaponry ((ip > 100) per point)

    So that is how I know the soldier class will be gone from the AO storyline. because, soldiers are slowly becoming out classed by other professions. It would make sense CEO ross would employ a standing army of traders. Not soldiers. An army of Trader's would dish out more damage than an army of soldiers. I mean afterall, Ross is CEO of omnitek. He's not a retard by any means.

    Soldier board is here:

  2. #2

    Oh and one more thing...

    I've met two soldiers already that said they were going to be leaving, since the soldier's class is too unfairly nerfed.

    One was level 91, and the other was level 68. (I was looking for someone to cast assault rifle mastery :-p )

    You might say... "Well just reroll and get another class" Yah thats true.. I could do that and so could they.

    But that's not the point. The point of a soldier was to be some kind of enforcer with a gun. Am I right ? If not please correct me.

    I know from what I've read in the updated manual that, certain skills are made cheaper to encourage that kind of skill use. Nano technicians have a cheaper cost to use nano programming as opposed to an agent.

    If that is true, then why would the cost to become adept at learning the bow be cheaper than learning assault rifle, or ranged energy ? Is that to say, soldiers should just become adept at using bows ?

    Moderator please respond so I know that funcom, isn't ignoring the complaints from soldiers. We have a post that is over 2k+ in views, and over 100+ in replies. Mostly from soldiers and enforcers who agree on our position. And it's not some kind of biased agreement, but a nearly objective perspective on the development of the soldier profession..

    So a response would be nice. I mean.. if one won't respond to a post that has 100+ replies, then you can't really say Funcom developers are interested in the output of gamers. That would just be a lie.

  3. #3

    oh =D

    Oh I happened to notice that Cosmik responded to the soldier posts long before.

    So I guess I will just leave these posts so as not to have funcom forget about the soldier profession ^^

    Thanks Cosmik!

  4. #4


    But I would still like to see a new response to the soldier post..

    Ok.. thats enough for now =\

    Damn. I feel bad that my soldier is being out damaged by a trader.. I did a fling once, and it only dished out, 10.

  5. #5
    LOL, Noraway has a standing army? No kidding? I'd assume that if there was a Norwegian army it would use pillows as their primary "recruit issue" weapon.

    The major flaw in your topic of this thread is the assumption that players will have any role at all in the "story".

  6. #6


    I don't understand what you mean by "role" in the story.

    I am talking about soldiers being fixed because, it takes more ip
    points to work on ranged energy (which I must have for my weapons.. um I am a soldier! right now I remember!) then it does to work on the "bow" I mean ya those are fancy bows and everything, but the norweigan army is using "gunz" not bows.

    I did a post about story though =D

  7. #7

    Re: Please read.. This is about AO storyline.

    Originally posted by MrBunny
    But according to the skill's window... in ranged combat, I am suppose to specialize in bows ((ip < 50)per point) not heavy weaponry ((ip > 100) per point)


    the only reason bow is so cheap for you is because you haven't put any IP into it. as your skill raises, so does the IP cost. so raising bow from 20-21 may cost 15 IP, but raising it from 400-401 could cost like 800 IP

    and please..for the love of god...don't use a bow.

  8. #8

    Soldiers nerfed?

    Soldiers are not nerfed. I have never heard such ludicrus. I know a few Novice title Soldiers and they got Apprentice and Novice after the nerfs. The soldier was much too powerful before and now it's perfect. Now the adventurers need changes, currently my adventurer has absolutely nothing that will give him an advantage in pvp. I use dual execs and can't fight agents because of roots, my heals take up too much nano...etc I can cast grinning hunter at level 74 and I have about 2300 AC. I also use ql 100 dual execs...yet a soldier that's not very super buffed who's 5 levels below me can still kick my ass. Adventurers don't have any nanos that they can use as "tactics". And now I hear MP got a third pet after it was already super good? What is Rubi-Ka coming to. As with the story-line goes I envision Adventurers being the first to travel to places that others can't using the Adventuring skill. Like in Funcom's envisioned markets that others can't access, hidden cities, lost treasures, things like that. We should also get exp for adventuring into new lands. Well anyway just my 2 cents worth. With all this attention to the other classes Adventurer has been left out in the cold and especially pistol weilding Advents. I fell for em

  9. #9

    Talking Rambo!!

    Rambo used a bow 8) see not all soldiers need guns to be bad arse. Plus at higher levels the novaflow outdamaged most other weapons in the game. At your level you should be useing at least a ql 40 or so nova. You may be doing little damage but compair that traders vektor to your nova he has no special attacks.

    Ask your ma friend for an sg and you will be criting alot more. Even if you are being outdamaged now at higher levels soldiers do the most next to enforcers. Soldiers arent suppose to be enforcers with a gun your suppose to be grunts.

    Oh and ive seen some pretty sweet bows one has a nuke affect. And to top it all off soldiers are the best pvp class.

  10. #10

    ok bunny listen up

    Forget it. Time to re-roll. Maybe funcom will fix soldiers, put your's on blocks and start a new character if uber is your goal. It is true there are a few kick ass soldiers around, but most of em are over 150, and that is why they kick ass. Getting there will be a lot of work for you at this point in time. You've already pointed out that traders and MAs are better combatants than you. That is true. Soldiers aren't a good combatant class. Enforcers are a good combatant class too. If you want to play a good combatant class re-roll a MA, Enforcer or a trader.

    Some casting classes are uber too. Metas are amazing. I have a level 18 meta noob, use a ql 45 combat pet and a 30ish healing pet. I did a 75% mission, got 12 mobs agged in the first room (did this on purpose, 12 all at once, and by switching the healing pets target around took all 12 yellow to orange mobs down without retreating, just nuking and pet cmds. This is UBER. Engineers and crats will be next. If you want to stick with the soldier you aren't going to see any changes for a LONG TIME. 3-6 months would be my guess. If you are level 50 now it will take you all of 1-3 weeks to get a noob up to your soldiers level, and you will be having more FUN.

    Just re-roll. Soldiers aren't a necessary class, no one will miss you if you re-roll. You know the classes that are good now so make one.

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