Either there is a bug or the new MP pet was released nerfed by design a bit too much. Currently I've yet to find anyone who could actually say "yes it does something other than add itself to the hatelist and spread out mob attacks sometimes if your lucky". I have the QL80some summoning of absuum and when attempting to send him after one of the newbie mobs outside omni-ent the mob instantly breaks whatever it is that absuum casts and charges me, the same happens on friends in the arena (the icon shows and pretty lights but nothing happens) the shades i was hunting in my 20's and 30's as well as all the mobs i've come across while hunting solo/grouped reguardless of if the mob is being attacked by anything else or not. The only use that i've managed to find for it yet was to send it after a mob 1-2 seconds before my attack pet and it eats the first attack for the attack pet sometimes if im lucky... If that's the case, to be quite honest it's not worth the nano cost or the mattmet buff on the NCU.



Are they bugged or nerfed by design? if nerfed by design could the root/mez/WhateverItDoes be changed to last a useful amount of time >1ms or make whatever it does put the little blue ball higher up on the hatelist so it soaks up some damage doing that little affect.