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Thread: Can someone explain how these figures came up?

  1. #1

    Can someone explain how these figures came up?

    Well as an experiment today i took on 2 non healing mobs in a mission. Both were green to me. I have 1806 health (not buffed) and I am a lvl 67 Adventurer duel weilding QL 74 Rider Executioners. My first was a Rookie Enforcer. here is what i did damage wise to him:
    59,166,277,207,137,260,104,232,121,171,266,44,119, 213,69,224,206,60,261,80,255. now that adds up to **3514** (notice no crit hits)

    Now how does a mob that is green to me have almost double the health points?

    The same goes for the Rookie Mercenary but his hit points were ** 2091**

    I do not understand should they not have less health points then us? Please explain.
    Ok so why?????How so??? Or maybe what? Stay tuned!

  2. #2
    funcom feels that since we are "smarter" than the AI, the AI needs ludicrous amounts of HP to keep up. Unfortunately, rampant overequiping/twinking just keeps making the problem worse, with no forseeable solution in sight.

    Summon that twink, baby!

  3. #3
    I have yet to ascertain how one can swing a baseball bat and hit one's opponent on the other side of a football field, with the great wall of China running through it.

    Compared to the AI, I'm an idiot I guess.

    I think we need special solo-only missions with reduced calorie mobs. It would give us morons something to do.

    Some free advice
    Don't beg. It makes you look like a beggar.

  4. #4
    What I love is all NPC's have newbie weapons.

    I would hate to see a master enforcer with a hammer *shudders*

    They do plenty of damage with their newbie baseball bat.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  5. #5

    Exclamation Be glad your not a MA!!!!

    That would have looked like this for a MA at that level:

    55, 158(brawl), 54, 55, 55, 55, 58, 55, 188 (brawl), 55, 55, 900 (dimach), 55
    and then you'd be at reclaim....

    With SG and some major twinked implants you might be able to double the total damage but you'd still be a dead MA...

    With some buggy arse weapon equipped and using an exploit to reduce your recharge time you might have survived....

    Be glad for what you have, it could always be worse.

  6. #6

    Don't get...

    Don't get me wrong I am not complaining but I was just looking for what type, or how they calculated the health for the mobs! to be green and have 3500 health is wrong to me. Like I said I was just loking for how the slider worked for calculating thre health for the mobs
    Ok so why?????How so??? Or maybe what? Stay tuned!

  7. #7
    Well, if you think about twice as many HPs is bad, it gets much worse at higher levels. The HPs for a Player-Character (PC) are linear, which means that it keeps going up at a steady pace.

    However, MOBs/NPC's HP seems to be expodintial. At first they are less than yours (see level 1 character of any type versus a leet), then they are equal (level 6 character fighting a level 6 NPC), and then it begins to get outweighed. At first it isn't that bad, but then it gets to double, tripple, quadrouple. The only thing that has about as many HPs as a mob might at level 100 of a green/yellow mob is a Doctor-Buffed (5 min and long), Mongo-Bashed, and essenced enforcer.

    Obviously the poor AI also needs to throw in some minimum damage that makes armor useless. You can have 20k ACs and you'll still get hit as hard by something if you have 2k ACs (well, anything that is a lowly MOB), which is more or less dumb.

  8. #8
    Ace Enforcer mobs have at least 25,000hp.

    And hit for 4-800 against 4500AC.
    mmm.. balance.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by MiKEBoND
    Ace Enforcer mobs have at least 25,000hp.

    And hit for 4-800 against 4500AC.
    mmm.. balance.
    Hmm, what does this have to do with balance? Is the Ace green to you? Anyway, all that is needed to balance PvM is now to nerf the overeqipping, just as Gaute proposes.
    NT phone HOME!!

  10. #10
    No, but Hey. It's NOT fully red. I have QL200 everything.
    Every single thing. Even my nanos are the best possible for the class.

    I'd get this thing down to maybe 95% before I died.
    Not one person, no matter what level or equipment could solo it.

  11. #11
    Point of course being.. if this thing WERE green to me, it'd be WAY tougher than I could ever be.

  12. #12
    Want to know precisely how much hp have a mob???

    just forget.....I'am lv80 using a QL110 life&nano information tool, i can do it to mobs up to level3, then a level4 is too hight for me !!! (does FC has something to hide??)

    And for sure, as long as FC will not resolve the over-equipment issue and weapons domages (rifle&pistol r quite ridiculous), no hope for balanced mobs...

    PS. current solution to survive in mission : full team
    RK1 Agent
    RollerRat Diplomatic representative (
    "i come in peace"

  13. #13
    you generaly get a feal for the HP after a few times fighting a monster, and id have to say an Ace enforcer has over 25k HP

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