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Thread: Which reasons for static dungeons ??

  1. #1

    Which reasons for static dungeons ??

    If i well understood, FC propose us a new static for each new episode

    Most are or below your level, or higher ...And when it is in your level range, full of very nasty gang mobs (higher hp etc) which don't have any xp bonus. Ok, u might find some unique items.. sometime interesting, but most of the time lower level (and no-drop too !!)

    From my guild and own experiences, Why should we bother for static dungeons (except curiosity)??????? it is more rewarding and faster to do "classic" mission

    Something tell me you should be obliged to run these statics from a RP point of view (with a RP reward?). Even you might have to find NPCs across RK who tell u stories (which support/confirm the videos), clues or keys to run the static : please, we can perform other thing then just kill mobs....
    RK1 Agent
    RollerRat Diplomatic representative (
    "i come in peace"

  2. #2
    BTW, here my experience :

    SoM : spent hours (almost a full week-end) to find a teddy bear (found 3 mobs, first time other players came to kill it and got the key, second time killed while solo, third time killed while my team was scouting too far). Then when the key was no more necessary, i was too hight level...

    Dungeon in Tir : came there with my team where we met gangs of yellow cyborgs.. After 2 rooms we resigned even if we were able to handle the fights as it was too long time for too few xp and un-interesting loots

    Dungeon in Longuest Road : i ran it for curiosity.. full of grey... boring after 10 rooms... i /terminate
    RK1 Agent
    RollerRat Diplomatic representative (
    "i come in peace"

  3. #3
    my experience

    SoM: I was to high of a level, but was curious. I go to the site, there are two full teams doing damage when 3 spawn, me and my MA bud did more damage than those two teams and got our bears easy.

    Nelb (first day) was in my opinion unkillable for the levels that were suppsed to be in the dungeon. 5 of us (found some friends inside) had a hard time killing him at double the level suggested (killed him first try, but took like 20 minutes).

    Cyborgs: I was slightly higher level than they said you should be, 6 of us took the dungeon with some smart pulling on the first try. Was very hard, and our average level was within the expected range. Was a good dungeon.

    The mines: went there, was WAY to high of a level for it, but was curious again. Me and 1 doc owned that place, but another team of 70ish players with 2 docs got eaten alive. Was maybe a few too many spawns in one room for the expected levels.

    Personally I like them, and the reason to do them is simple...


    That is why we play after all.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


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