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Thread: FunCom PLZ READ!!!!!

  1. #1

    Talking FunCom PLZ READ!!!!!

    I've been getting alot of dark orange and dark red monsters in missions lately. Now, this wouldn't normally be a problem, except these missions are between 50 and 60%. That is, a lvl 38-41 mission having lvl 50+ monsters in it. Doesn't sound right, does it? Plus, these buggars heal faster than a Gosh darned doctor with MP buffs, and shoot me so fast that I can barely get a shot of my own in.

  2. #2

    Unhappy Mission Mobs Not Balanced

    I agree, the mission mobs seem to be far to hard, a 50% should contain yellow mobs not dark orange and red ones. It's making it damn near impossible to solo them.

    Another point which makes the situation even worse is the fact that each "notch" on the mission counter is generally 5 levels up from the last (At my level it is). This means that one notch and I have mobs red and dark orange, and one notch to the left, then the mobs are 90% grey with a few light greens, thus a total waste of time.
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