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Thread: Implant bug!

  1. #1

    Post Implant bug!

    I recently put in an implant of Matter Creation and Nano Pool.

    Seems the sdditional Nano Pool cluster did NOTHING!!? I tried removing it and re adding it, i tried zoning, but nothing happened to my nano pool.

    This is clearly a bug. Could it be looked into?

    - Khayne

    Bane RK1 43 NT

  2. #2
    Try opening the skills window and hitting accept. Should see the change after that.

    Yup a bug and it's been reported enough times I wish they would fix the darn thing already

  3. #3

    Angry Also...

    I have two high body dev implants on my soldier. I thought these were fixed, but I assure you they aren't.

    When I initially installed them I got the increase in my HP, sat down, used a treatment kit, healed to full. Zoned out of the shop, and my health was no longer full. So I sit down and use a treatment kit again, and its not healing me. So I zone again, try to use another kit, still no healing from it.

    So I use my HP buff, then heal myself, and I finally healed to full. Heh, then I zoned again, and I was no longer at full health.

    Granted this isn't a 'game stopper' but it's incredibly annoying. I'm assuming this is attributed to implants not being checked when you zone (kinda like the yalms unequiping). Whatever the reason, it needs to be fixed please.

    -Dezzie, 105 MA
    -Aikera, 45 soldier

  4. #4
    I'm fast forwarding this so it can be looked at and addressed.

    /me presses Fast Forward
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  5. #5
    Nano Pool Implants for some reason don't work since beta (feature?!). They do indeed increase the nanopool in your skill table, but it doesn't increase the max nano. It doesn't work on my engineer, it doesn't work on my enforcer and guess doesn'tm work on my crat either. it's usually just Bright spot in the Head implant i'm interested in

  6. #6
    A way to fix this is to pop open the skills window and hit Accept. This'll heal you for your missing health. It's not an exploit, 'cause this is the only situation it works in. I regularly get 150ish HP back from this.
    Albea Naosuko Welding
    Mistress of Propaganda for The Honored Maidens
    "If I had a dollar for every time that happened... I'd have $3.50."

    Naosuko, NT, RK1
    Esselte, MA, RK1
    Albea, Trader, RK1 (Retired)

    Socializer 86%
    Explorer 60%
    Achiever 46%
    Killer 6%

  7. #7
    What strikes me as hilarious is the fact that FC fixed this in a previous patch without documenting it. Then in the patch after they documented that it would be fixed, and turns out they broke it again instead.

    Brilliant version control, FC. Are you guys positive you don't want some help on that? I supervise version control for multinational projects on a daily basis so I do have some basis for saying with 100% certainty version control is a total mess at FC HQ.

  8. #8
    Cosmik, we've been reporting this bug for months. This is nothing new.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Esselte
    A way to fix this is to pop open the skills window and hit Accept. This'll heal you for your missing health. It's not an exploit, 'cause this is the only situation it works in. I regularly get 150ish HP back from this.
    That indeed works for body development implants, but not for nano pool.

  10. #10

    Angry all my charactor's nano is stuck!

    all my chara's nano is stuck!
    when i use IP to psychic, nanopool is up but not up max nano!
    i have try same thing by implant, but not up!
    then i lost 300 around nano point!
    i send mail to support for month!
    i never accept pay cash to FUNCOM!

  11. #11
    body dev implants...

    yup i had that problem where it wouldn't change anything for me... i gave up on them and go to life implants instead. They seem to be in the same spots.

    I remember someone was making fun of me when i said this was a bug....

    nice to know someone else has the same problem too

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