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Thread: I want my loot !!!!

  1. #1

    Angry I want my loot !!!!

    I know this is not a major bug, but it is down right annoying. There I am risking my life to kill mobs and when I do and get the "you may now loot" message I expect to be able to do just that.
    But when I try I just get the "you may not loot this" message.
    Now by trying from many different angles I can usually manage to loot the bodies, but this should not be so difficult to do. I killed it, it tells me I can, but when I try I cant. Usually I have to run past the body while clicking on it to get it to work.
    Sometimes I cant loot before the body vanishes, or get attacked by other mobs while trying to loot.
    I can sometimes spend as long trying to loot the body as I did killing it in the first place.

    Come on, how hard is it to fix this bug ?

  2. #2
    Probably a lot harder than it was introducing the bug in the first place. Too bad nobody in FC actually play the game and report the bugs they find themselves, it might've gotten things fixed faster.

  3. #3
    I was having this problem alot after 13.0, but since 13.2 it has not happened to me any more... probably just jinxed myself tho.


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