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Thread: double the loss, no more health

  1. #1

    Unhappy double the loss, no more health

    I know that the chances of chain healing mobs were reduced or taken out, but what about chain funneling mobs? Countless times ive run into trader npcs that cast a weapon skill siphon, which amazingly seems to stack with their weaker version, so in losing half of my weapon skill I miss about 50% of the time, doing little damage. This gives them the chance to chain funnel your health. Whats the deal?

  2. #2
    I noticed that last night while fighting two green and one yellow MoB and they where stacking various levels of the same debuff.

  3. #3

    Talking traders

    You're not the only one who has seen this. On the other hand, their deprive skills tricks sometimes give you a massive speed boost now

  4. #4


    Yeah, I have seen the supper speed boost too. Nothing like a MoB giving u +255 to your run speed and then jumping into your Kodiak.

  5. #5
    This was brought up a while back like patch 13.0 and is has not been addressed..... hopefully someone who can pass the info along will read this thread.


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