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Thread: MA/Rifle bugs

  1. #1

    Angry MA/Rifle bugs

    This bug I had for a while:

    I am an agent. I spent lots of points in MA and Dimache. When in fight and I un-equip my rifle, my charachter is just standing there and is not doing anything. I try doing dimache, nothing happens. Mob, even though right next to me and bighting me, does not have red () over his name, indicating that it is out of range. Please fix this as otherwise all my IPs on Dimache are waisted.

    This bug only started happening today, after the patch:

    Again, I am an Agent, I spent lots of points in MA. I got to the point where I can dual-wield my Rifle and my MA. When the mob is near by, I actually hit it, shoot, hit, shoot, etc. This worked perfectly until the patch. Now my char does the animation as it hits something, but no melee dmg is dealt, only ranged. please fix this as I don't want to loose extra 100 dmg per hit as well as all my IPs spent on MA.

    Thanks in advance.
    Major Shadowolf Marone
    Blade Corp
    "Leading mercenery organization in the Galaxy!"
    Position - CEO
    Rank - Major

    Personal quote:
    "Your advertisement could be here"

  2. #2


    I belive that this bugg is something similar to the ma sword bugg that has been around since beta.
    Whenever your ma skll changes for some reason debuff or buff you will stop hitting with fists.
    The only workarond is zoning.


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