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Thread: ATTENTION: All roleplayers worried about possible IP-reallocation...

  1. #1

    ATTENTION: All roleplayers worried about possible IP-reallocation...

    Here's a suggestion for all people who fear that a ip-reallocation will lead to everyone having the same skills and there being no diversity anymore:

    Don't use the ip-reallocation.

    Or, if it's mandatory, write down all your skills before reallocating and then allocate them in exactly the same manner. There might be a slight discrepancy, due to changed rules, but you shouldn't be too far off.

    It has been said before that a character is not only defined by its strengths, but also by its weaknesses, and I agree wholeheartedly. I'm playing a 32 adv. I've spent IP on a few skills that I'm now not using at all (MA, heavy weapons), because I needed them at the time. They've become part of my character and its history and I wouldn't want to miss them. Also, they're an excellent opportunity for roleplaying ("I once spent a few weeks in a training camp, practing martial arts, you know?").

    So if (*if*) there's going to be an IP-reallocation, I'm not going to use it. And I would call upon all roleplayers to do the same. Maybe we won't be as strong as others, but at least we can pride ourselves that our characters are a true reflection of our actions in the past. Perhaps FC could even award all that don't use the option some sort of badge of honour, so we can recognize and appreciate each other in-game

    To those of you who think that doing this will make the game unplayable: I've read accounts of people who've changed their weapon type as high as level 80 that are doing just fine. If people can do that, then I don't think reassigning some "wrongly" spent IP to the same skills will be all that disastrous.

    Let me all know what you think.
    Last edited by Mharc; Dec 16th, 2001 at 03:06:39.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  2. #2
    i would tend to agree but id hate to miss out on removing all of my mistakes too

  3. #3
    If we get the chance to "reallocating" our IP im deeply disapointed cause it will be a mere 3-4 months to late (and no not becasue I have re-rolled or anything). the crisis was for 3-4 months ago and its not currently a big issue since most people who had a problem have re-rolled and those who didnt has made the miss placed IPs a part of their character .. how sad wouldnt the world be if evryone was specialist at only one thing.

    Since I have played since beta 3 I knew where to mainly put my IP as I knew I would get "less" as the lvls passed on, and I dont feel that im in right to a re-roll as my knowledge was on the right place .. rules will always change you will just have to find a way to live with it or if you dont end it and start over.. only place I can see a re-roll fitt is in cases of exploits.

  4. #4

    Not Totally True

    I for one say that is not entirely true. After the pillow nerf i now have 300 points in a blue multi melee skill. Why??? well since i cant duel wield my pillows i dont know why. I try hard as i can not to argo as a doc so a melee weapon is out of the question as a secondary weapon. So no need for the skill and i would not have placed the ip's there if it was not for the second pillow. I am not saying the nerf was bad or good. Just that i should be given the option to move the skill points since it was a legal choice and not a exploit to wear two at the time.

  5. #5
    If u remember what Gaute said, it would most probably be a command like when claiming the "gift". Something like
    /command IPRESET

    So, I guess it would be free to be used as u wish, if u want to is up to you!
    ..:Dark "Xephiroth" Scorus:..
    124 NanoMage - Nanotechnican:..

    57 Atrox - Enforcer:..

    32 Opifex - Shade:..

    Ignorance is bliss:..

  6. #6
    balancing out the equipment available would also be a viable method to keep ppl from all looking the same.

    right now each set of skills find pretty much one type of weapon/armor/etc... that is clearly better than the rest. most enfs use 2hb hammers and beams. you can't blame them for this, who wants to be the ones who less effective merely to 'be different'?

    i hate the lack of diversity as much as anyone else, but the problem does not lie in the players. rather the problem lies in the lack of viable alternatives.

  7. #7
    Sometimes, in band camp, I roleplay a gimp.

    Sorry, had to say it.

    Reallocate away, I only hope they keep this refund programming in place incase they hose more classes they can just turn on the reset for that class.

    There isn't enough IP in the lower levels to make many mistakes and still be viable.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Dareus
    There isn't enough IP in the lower levels to make many mistakes and still be viable.
    i'm confused by this statement. you are capped on how much ip you can pump into any skill at one point. i don't know what prof u play. all the ones i tried had room to spare, as far as making mistakes at the low lvls goes.

    unless you make some huge mistakes at low lvls, you should be able to pull out with a little bit of work and patience. this is assuming, that you are not trying to get the absolute 'perfect' char for its prof. in that case, you probably would have done enough research not to make such a huge mistake.

  9. #9
    I got like 200 skillpoint into 3 or 4 blue skills I'd like to reclaim.

    That should be enough to cap some green skills!

    Allso, lots and lost of blue skills that has like 40 or 50 skillpoints... Things Ill never use again.

    Im glad I get a new chance to correct my Primary Character
    ..:Dark "Xephiroth" Scorus:..
    124 NanoMage - Nanotechnican:..

    57 Atrox - Enforcer:..

    32 Opifex - Shade:..

    Ignorance is bliss:..

  10. #10

    I'm not looking to correct *my* mistakes

    But I would like to correct mistakes based on the changes that Funcom has forced on us.

    For example, I wanted my MA to have a distance weapon for pulling, so I picked Bow, the only green distance weapon we get. Well, all the decent bows require Bow Spcl-Attk as a secondary skill, so I spent a lot of points in that, too.

    Now, they've decided that Bow Spcl-Attk isn't working as intended, so they're going to remove that as a requirement on Bows, so now I've got wasted IP that aren't wasted as a result of my mistake, but Funcom's. Same as all those people that spent points on dual-wield so they could hold two pillows - rules changed, IP wasted.

    My main char (an agent) has a lot of wasted IP that I spent learning what the different skills do, those are my mistake and I probably won't reset him because I like the fact that he can do lots of different things, just not very well.

    My new main (the MA) will probably get reset to account for the changes in the ground rules of the game, but I bet when it's all said and done, she'll end up very similar to what she has now, minus the wasted IP, and I'll save those points for when I really need them.

    Just my 0.02 credits.

  11. #11
    as a 40something fixer an IP realocation would make a big difference for me. It would probably mean being able to play again. Maybe I could even set my fixer up to use decent nanos.
    yes IP realocation would mean a lot. I hope this isn't a rumor

  12. #12

    I hear what you're saying, but...

    I can appreciate the argument that people would want to use an IP-reallocation not to correct their own mistakes, but FC's changes of rules. This is, however, not what I meant when I started the thread. What I mean is that, from a roleplaying perspective, reallocating IP -for whatever reason- can be a bad thing for a character. It's like training for a long time to be a carpenter, only to switch to being a master tailor all of a sudden.

    In light of this view, making a distinction between your own faults and FC's is not valid. They're both circumstances that your character has to deal with.

    I must admit that I didn't put any points in multi ranged (like a lot of fellow advs did), or any other seriously altered skills, so I can't really judge the impact past rule changes have had. Perhaps my opinion would be different if I had....
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  13. #13

    What about UO?

    Mharc, did you ever play Ultima Online?

    They had a skill-based advancement system, where the more time and effort you put into a skill, the more advanced you would become in that skill. If you started putting time into a new skill, then your old skills would atrophy and start dropping, so you had to constantly rotate through your skills to keep them fresh.

    I didn't see anybody complaining about that at the time, that it made the game unbalanced and it lost all it RP appeal.

    In UO, you could literally train to be a Grand-master Carpenter, then stop doing carpentry work and start tailoring and work your way up to Grand-master Tailor (while sacrificing your carpentry skill to do so), so it's not like this is something new that has never been done before.

    If you don't want to wipe your IP, fine, then don't. Just don't try to campaign to refuse other people the opportunity to do something that really needs to be done to be fair.

    Not everybody is willing to re-roll and start back at lvl 1 every time there is a MAJOR change in the rules.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but just because you don't like it doesn't mean that the majority of the population doesn't want it.

    Of course, at the same time, I see your side of the argument and the little angel on my shoulder is telling me that an IP wipe is bad, but I usually listen to the devil on the other shoulder :-)

  14. #14

    Re: What about UO?

    Originally posted by SecretAgentMan
    Mharc, did you ever play Ultima Online?

    They had a skill-based advancement system, where the more time and effort you put into a skill, the more advanced you would become in that skill. If you started putting time into a new skill, then your old skills would atrophy and start dropping, so you had to constantly rotate through your skills to keep them fresh.

    I didn't see anybody complaining about that at the time, that it made the game unbalanced and it lost all it RP appeal.

    In UO, you could literally train to be a Grand-master Carpenter, then stop doing carpentry work and start tailoring and work your way up to Grand-master Tailor (while sacrificing your carpentry skill to do so), so it's not like this is something new that has never been done before.
    No, I never played UO. That system, however, sounds like a great system to me. The difference between this system and a possible ip-wipe, is that the first leads to gradual change of a character's skills, instead of an instantaneous change. You have to change the way you play to actually change your character. From a roleplaying perspective, this is much to be preferred.

    If you don't want to wipe your IP, fine, then don't. Just don't try to campaign to refuse other people the opportunity to do something that really needs to be done to be fair.

    Not everybody is willing to re-roll and start back at lvl 1 every time there is a MAJOR change in the rules.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but just because you don't like it doesn't mean that the majority of the population doesn't want it.

    Very true. Of course, my post was not at all intended as the start of a campaign. I was merely offering a suggestion. Who knows, perhaps if *not* using an ip-wipe turns out to make the game unplayable, I might use it after all. I'm just saying that using it is not necessarily the only way to go.

    Of course, at the same time, I see your side of the argument and the little angel on my shoulder is telling me that an IP wipe is bad, but I usually listen to the devil on the other shoulder :-)
    Well.. if you wanna have fun, that's usually the best thing to do
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  15. #15
    "i'm confused by this statement. you are capped on how much ip you can pump into any skill at one point. i don't know what prof u play. all the ones i tried had room to spare, as far as making mistakes at the low lvls goes. "

    The fixer would be the easiest to screw up since they are very very short on IPs just for basic needs with thier sucky nano costs.

    I'm sure theres a few others, I could think of easy ways to hose enforcers, and advents as well.

    Keep in mind these mistakes may not be realized until after level 30 and at this point some proffessions are already underwater IP wise.

  16. #16


    level 32 and already know everything - just stop posting now before you say anything else stupid

  17. #17


    Levels have absolutely nothing to do with the point I'm trying to get across. You obviously didn't get it, as was the case when people tried to explain good manners to you, if your behaviour is anything to go by....
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

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