Here is an idea for missions that I thunk up

Completely scrap the current mission "generator" system.

We need to have one big central mission system. What I mean is instead of "creating" missions each time you hit generate mission, we should have a server that creates so many random missions in whatever amount of time, or preferaby whenever a mission is completed. This big mission server has a list of missions that anybody can pick from. The missions are NOT specific to whatever location you are in. So you could pick a mission in clon**** from omni trade or from newland or wherever.

When you want to go on a mission it brings up a mission selection screen. This would have filtering options for difficulty, location, and a few other things. When your done click on "View Missions". Now you get shown all the available missions, where it's at, how long is left to complete it, how many other people have accepted it(read below), the money reward, and the icon of the item reward.

The missions are persistent, the level itself is random, but the mission is persistent. Missions only get removed when the time runs out or it's completed.

Now heres the thing, anybody can go on the same mission.

OK, bob, bill and jim are at different mission terminals in different cities. They all just happen to decide to go on this mission. Now you have 3 people in the same persistent(but randomly made) mission playfield trying to complete the same mission. This adds randomness to the missions(less boring) as you never know who might be in there. Some missions could be in a 100%, 75% or 25% zone. So you could either team up with another person and both finish the mission(with maybe a small monitary penalty) or kill/race the other guy and finish the mission yourself.