I have been reading recent patch notes for the past few months in which you have been fixing certain professions. I would like to know if yo have plan to do the same for NTs. As I see it we are in need of some help as well.
First off I do not think it is fair that the Str/Agi/Sta professions all have some kind of buffs to increase their armor skills past the +12 general so they can wear better armor. The profession that use Int/Psy have no such buffs and I think this should be given some consideration in the future especialy do to the fact that our armor is less effective.
Another idea that would be very helpful to NTs considering their low HP and low armor capability would be a line of absorption shields that would help them survive combat. I am not saying that high grade shielding programs should be implimented such as ADV and Eng shields but something simple such as a nano barrier to absorbe a small ammount of damage would be most helpful and would not in my opinion make NTs over powered.
