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Thread: MPs got the Funcom tuneup.. then crats soon.. Whens agent gonna get his treats?

  1. #1

    MPs got the Funcom tuneup.. then crats soon.. Whens agent gonna get his treats?

    Well.. we all have mistaken MPs for being overpowered but the real reason is funcom is tuning them up.. the first proffesion to be 'balanced'.. They popped in summon weapons.. heal pets.. third pet soon.. etc. etc.

    This is not OVERPOWERED (yet) but I think funcom will do this to all proffesions. Next is crat.. whe is the Agent going to get his run?

  2. #2
    If you are so jealous of an MP, please FP him, take his pets, nanos, et cetera, and then be a happy go lucky Agent. Oki?

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Megabio
    If you are so jealous of an MP, please FP him, take his pets, nanos, et cetera, and then be a happy go lucky Agent. Oki?
    Not jealous.. I am just evaluating this. (We can use MP pets through false proffesion.. i dont care about the stuff), Im talking about when is funcom going to give AGENTS a boos tlike they did to mps?

  4. #4
    Hey megabio, they need to ban your 4th account your starting to make my ears bleed.

    Dont bash agents because of the way they were designed. Last i heard your playing an engineer because they are the latest class you can abuse. Its okay once they get their nerf you will move on to another profession speaking highly of them and bashing the others unless some funcom employee decides they really dont need your ****stained 12.95 a month.
    Kizzim - Agent RK2
    Omni Quick Response Force

    "Some people call me a Troll, I see myself as Denial of Service to idiots."

    "The object of War is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."

  5. #5
    umm, agents are NOT the weakest in the game after crats.

    Fixers and NT's need more love than agents. Wait your turn.

    You guys were super powered a couple of patches ago, now your "kinda" nerfed. They will get to you in due time. I was playing with a high level agent that was critting like mad in pvm. Hitting for 3k+ sometimes on AS (I would guess he was averaging about 2k and AS and I was paying very close attention)

    I am enforcer with a hammer. He could hold agro more than 50% of the time off me with AS first (he had higher ac and comperable hp, so he was designated tank). That means he was damaging as much as me and my hammer. AND he has FP (broken I know, does need to be fixed).

    Concealment is the biggy along with FP. Fix those and imho agents are done.

    I think enforcers have been done since release. Im a lucky one.

    I am sure when the time comes you agents will get some love but your not even close to the top of the list of weak classes.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  6. #6

    Just FYI

    What Crats have gotten is an Envisioned tune-up....Not that you shouldn't get your love....Just letting you know ours has been only proposed not yet recieved.

    And as they say a bird in the hand is better then two in the bush

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Yazule

    I am enforcer with a hammer. He could hold agro more than 50% of the time off me with AS first (he had higher ac and comperable hp, so he was designated tank). That means he was damaging as much as me and my hammer. AND he has FP (broken I know, does need to be fixed).
    Keep in mind that I had over 25 levels on you, and the same situation doesn't occur with Enforcers around my level that are similarly equipped (i.e. Mucephi, Aldokar,...) - I'm at the bottom tier of damage and agro. The main difference being a QL200 set of armor. I still can't solo missions at 142.
    Last edited by BestDealer; Dec 13th, 2001 at 17:29:29.

  8. #8
    ....and why can agent use MP pets?

    they can't use engi or crat pets so why should they be able to use MP pets?

    MP only use nuke during combat (and animas on pet) and a high lvl agent get BOTH pets and a good rifle, I can see why agents always whine when they are one of the best profs, if no the best, in the game.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  9. #9
    MA's are pretty well behaved in terms of whining, other than myself. By the way, our damage ouright sucks next to an agents damage. I mean, it's embarassing. Please oh please oh please let us hit harder than minimum every time. Contrary to popular opinion, we don't hit faster than other classes, either. At high levels everyone is capped as far as speed, other than the really slow weapons, so basically MA's are just super gimped. about a 2HE MA weapon?

    Variable dimach with shorter timer?

    Red button that makes enemies heads pop off?
    (or just a MA smart bomb that blow up everyone else in a 150 meter radius for those pesky rooters, and er um everyone else)

    Mechanical Flying monkey that AE's for 11,000 to all?

    Ok those last two can come later perhaps. Seriously though, our damage is a big joke post 100. Heeelp us!

    Oh and soldiers are crying pretty loud lately too.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Ming

    By the way, our damage ouright sucks next to an agents damage. I mean, it's embarassing. Please oh please oh please let us hit harder than minimum every time. Contrary to popular opinion, we don't hit faster than other classes, either. At high levels everyone is capped as far as speed, other than the really slow weapons, so basically MA's are just super gimped.
    Ok those last two can come later perhaps. Seriously though, our damage is a big joke post 100. Heeelp us!

    Oh and soldiers are crying pretty loud lately too.
    In general high level mobs are way too hard I think. I just spent 2 hours and died twice trying to solo a level 127 mission with greys/greens using a healing pet, and they did minimum damage on every hit.

    Even 120+ Soldiers I know say they can't really solo missions. I'm unsure whether or not the MA profession is "gimped" in general, as the ones I team with seem to do well - but with how ACs work in the game, it's obvious that players that hit more often and faster are at a big disadvantage since their hits are absorbed more often.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Zadeh

    Keep in mind that I had over 25 levels on you, and the same situation doesn't occur with Enforcers around my level that are similarly equipped (i.e. Mucephi, Aldokar,...) - I'm at the bottom tier of damage and agro. The main difference being a QL200 set of armor. I still can't solo missions at 142.

    You are right there, you did have a lot of levels on me. From what I read NOBODY can solo at your level

    I am not saying agents are UBER, just noting that other classes are way more underpowered at the moment. You guys need some love, but specifically crats and fixers need it WAY worse (maybe adv and NT too).

    Not saying that agents are uber, just want to set that straight
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  12. #12
    As an agent, I do not want Funcom doing some sort of major "fixing" of the agent profession.

    Based on the nifty Fixer fixes (summon that ammo, baby!), I'd say that I'd prefer Funcom left us the heck alone.

    Fix group heals so they work properly on us, fix aimed shot so it actually works, then go away and leave us alone.

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