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Thread: Minimum damage bug still present. What I experienced last night:

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Minimum damage bug still present. What I experienced last night:

    I went a-hunting in Lush Fields at the NW Mine (near the Outpost).

    I was melee-ing and brawling REDS for more damage than I do to human GREEN mobs. It was ridiculous and I was shocked. Made me think I should do more RED hunting instead of fighting against the invincible human GREEN mobs.

    C'mon, Funcom, make this game playable for us.

  2. #2


    It's pretty sad when I do a full chaos mission filled with orange/red A-X000 Soldiers/Manteze/etc. and have an easier time than I would in a mission filled with yellow and even green human NPCs.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  3. #3
    Maybe I should be expressing it as a human mob AC bug.

    But it's weird that I hit for 49 damage consistently against human GREEN mobs when I hit for over 60 (and the damage will vary) on RED monster mobs.

    Course those green human mobs with those damage shields put out more damage than those red monster mobs.

  4. #4
    Heh, there's the ticket... green human mobs compared to red *monster* mobs. Try attacking a red human mob.

    Then delete the mission/move to another hunting area.

    Killing creatures is the only way to reliably get xp/money for your time... human mobs are screwed up.


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