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Thread: Minimum damage bug is still there I think.

  1. #1

    Minimum damage bug is still there I think.

    Still feels like there are some broken MOBs that we still do minimum dmg on.

    at 1800 x 4000 in avalon there are three sets of Mobs; Scouts, Nanoshifters and Lasersnipers.

    You can safely kill scouts without the other two sets aggroing on you. They're dark red to me and I hit them for varying degrees of dmg.

    Nanoshifters are also drk red to me and i can hit them for varying degrees of dmg.

    The lasersnipers however is a completely new story. 9 every time, and 18 burst. One guy in our group hit them for 1 every time with a 3 burst. My pet was even hitting it for min dmg everytime, and luckily his min dmg is WAY higher than mine or we as a group would never have survived.

    What's wrong with them - are they SUPPOSED to be that godly? It feels like a bug thats giving them 2-3 times the AC they should have.

    Anyway. I hope its a bug that gets fixed soon. Peace out.
    "NT's can't over equip armor beyond implants and general buffs (no insane Intelligence or Psychic buffs) and can't overequip weapons since they use direct-damage, damage-over-time and nanoformula methods that require your actually stats and buffs to be active for you to use them. Don't complain about us being powerful when you obviously haven't even played one past level 100. NT's - the original red-headed stepchild of Anarchy Online." - Zaal

  2. #2

    Not fixed at all.

    I spoke to an ARK about this when the last patch went live. She said there had been many reports that this bug was indeed not fixed, passed the info. along to her supervisors, and I haven't seen a thing about it at all from Funcom.

    Well, because this annoys the hell out of me, I took some screen shots of the instances where I was hitting minimum damage.

    This mob was yellow:

    This mob was green -- any greener and he would have been gray:

    And lastly, this mob was yellow:

    All I want to know is this: should I get used to hitting for this über amount? In other words, is this intended? Let me also add that I hit normally around 100-250, my brawls are 600+.
    Last edited by Misophist; Dec 7th, 2001 at 04:32:04.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  3. #3

    Cool *bump*

    The people wanna know.

  4. #4

    Cosmik, anybody?

    I'd love Cosmik or anybody to take a look at those screenshots I posted. There are a few things to take note of:

    - The mobs in question don't always have damage shields.

    - The mobs that have this high AC or whatever are not limited to "fighting" NPCS such as enforcers or soldiers, because I've run into this problem when fighting MPs and traders (as you can see in my screenshot w/ the swindler).

    - A meta skill debuff or a deprive/ransack skills from a trader drastically decreases the min damage I'm hitting for, thus making it even more difficult to survive fights against some MOBs. You can see that I'm hitting the trader for an incredibly low amount, and he was green. That's because he cast deprive and ransack skills.

    - This problem is most noticable for people who use light/fast damage weapons, such as fists, some melee/MA weapons and Maussers, Novas, etc. A person using a hammer will not notice this so drastically, nor will a pet-profession (I'm thinking engineer) be affected badly because their pet has a high min. damage.

    - All mobs hit us for their maximum minimum damage, all the time, every time, no matter how high our AC is. Meanwhile, I can't really call the damage I'm dealing truly "minimum", because it changes depending on the mob I'm fighting. It hovers somewhere between 50-70 post 13.2.

    - The non-human mobs, with low AC, have more hitpoints than human NPCs (seems that way), yet I'm hitting them for 100-250 on normal hits, which makes the fights go so much faster. They hit me harder compared to human MOBs, but again -- they don't last as long because I can deal a normal and satisfying amount of damage in return.

    - Since human mobs are such a pain, I do chaos missions which result in 50% - 100% non-human enemies in 2 out of 3 missions, and they're much easier than the painful and lengthy process of killing ALL human mobs. Yet I don't want to be stuck with these mission slider settings for the rest of my MAs AO career. Generally, the better mission items go along with bad/order/money, which yield all human mobs, and that equals a nightmare for me.

    Anyway, those are all the important points I can think of for now. It'd be nice if this could be addressed. People don't seem as vocal about it, so maybe success of the last patch varied, but for me, the "bug" is still alive and kicking.
    Last edited by Misophist; Dec 12th, 2001 at 19:29:09.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  5. #5
    Nice screenshots Misophist!

    At least you were out-damaging the mob. I have this same problem with my lvl 35 agent, except oftentimes its a losing battle. Just recently in a 50% mission, I ran into an yellow/orange mob who was sporting one of those über damage shields. The fight went a bit like this.

    You hit über Mob for 21 points of projectile damage.
    über Mob's damage shield hits you for 18 points of damage.
    You hit über Mob for 21 points of projectile damage.
    über Mob's damage shield hits you for 18 points of damage.
    über Mob hits you for 45 points of projectile damage.
    You hit über Mob for 21 points of projectile damage.
    über Mob's damage shield hits you for 18 points of damage.
    You hit über Mob for 21 points of projectile damage.
    über Mob's damage shield hits you for 18 points of damage.
    über Mob hits you for 38 points of projectile damage.
    ....and on and on until I have to run for my life with the mob still at 3/4 health.

    As you can see, I was only gaining three points damage on the mob versus what he was reflecting via the shield, and the mob was getting in decent hits besides.

    First aids were a waste of time and only prolonged the inevitable.

    My agent would normally do anywhere from 30-120 points of damage per hit with his ql 49 grippo, and occasionaly get 300-400 crits in as well. Not with these obviously bugged mobs.

    In fights against yellows and greens I only fair somewhat better, simply insert me doing say 30-35 points per hit damage, instead of the 21, in the above scenario and its about the same raw deal.

    If I think of it next time I encounter one of these, I will be sure to grab some screenshots too.

  6. #6

    Angry !@#$#%#$%

    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  7. #7

    Angry *bump*

    I agree with Misophists last statement here.

  8. #8

    Wink Hehe

    Thanks for the support, Zierow.

    I had been rendered speechless by my frustration and anger.

    Honestly, I really wish something could be said about this. Did they actually fix the problem or just tell us they did to make us shut up? Or is this FC's way of making the game even more difficult than it already is?

    Very uncharitable thoughts, I know, but Funcom has been silent about this obviously unchanged issue since the last big patch. And now I'm left with my own speculation. Never a good thing.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  9. #9

    Cool *bump*

    And i'm gonna keep bumping this damn thread every day till one of 3 things happen:

    1. They fix it.

    2. They answer it.

    3. They delete it, and if they do i'll start another one.

    Usually I say, "You have to be careful because compliance by annoyance can be a bad thing"

    But in this case, i'm making an acception

  10. #10
    Of course the damn bug is still in there. You didn't actually expect Funcom to actually FIX anything, did you?

    Hell, they can't even prevent your inventory from re-arranging itself. What makes us think that they could possibly be competent enough to fix something like the minimum damage bug?

  11. #11
    Theres one of the reasons pet class rox. Pet min damage is uber !
    Against a high AC mob, a soldier with q200 novaflow does consistent 30 damage and only crit once every 6 shots or so. A pet does 400-500 min damage and it just hits as fast as a soldier does.

  12. #12
    Great information, Misophist, and thanks everyone. I'm passing this onto the team so this can be looked into more. I'll see if I can get an update on it too.
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  13. #13


    Originally posted by Cosmik
    Great information, Misophist, and thanks everyone. I'm passing this onto the team so this can be looked into more. I'll see if I can get an update on it too.
    Thanks a bunch! Well, I hope you could look at my screenshots -- that horrible site I link my images from (the only one I've found that actually lets you) is down.

    But thanks for looking into this.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  14. #14

    And Cosmik, I remember a while ago that you guys took steps to make battles go faster. That's defintely NOT the case with this minimum damage bug still here. 12.5 was still by far the best build of the game.

  15. #15

    Cool YES!!!!!!!

    He shoots, he scores!!!!!!!

    Thanks Cos

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Zaal
    And Cosmik, I remember a while ago that you guys took steps to make battles go faster. That's defintely NOT the case with this minimum damage bug still here. 12.5 was still by far the best build of the game.
    Yes, and the fixes after 12.6 were also pleasant. I didn't really have a problem with my MA until the minimum damage bug appeared. It made something that has been a problem before even more noticable and annoying. I.E., the fact that martial artists have always complained about minimum damage past level 100.

    But 13.0 introduced plenty of folks to the world of min. damage, not just MAs.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

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