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Thread: A couple thoughts on overequipping *read funcom(haha thats funny)*

  1. #1

    Talking A couple thoughts on overequipping *read funcom(haha thats funny)*

    Should overequipping of weapons be allowed? of course, the buffs were put into the game to do just that. But if they were meant to permanently raise a skill then they wouldnt have a timelimit on them!. You should be able to overequip to your hearts content, as long as you have skills buffed up high enough to use it.

    I mean come one here, if it takes a certain amount of skill to use a weapon and then your skill level drops, you should at the very least start doing minimmum damage since you dont have the skill to weild the weapon anymore! Or better yet, let the actual QL of the weapon reflect the Actual skill level of the player at any given time.

    Wanna do normal damage levels again? then get the buff back! Either that or just dequip the weapon/armor forcing them to use lower QL in the mean time. Worried about full inventory and banks? Make another menu or something reserved for the cases when someone might get de-quipped. Although that last idea I probably like the least.

    Is overequipping a bug/exploit? No, its a viable game mechanism. Is the ability to use the overequipped weapon after the skill buff runs out a bug(not exploit)? yes! It is not an exploit because funcom allows you to keep the weapon in hand and use it at the same level, but it is definetly a bug.

    I dont like the idea of raising nanos to the same state that everything else is in right now. Kepp them the way they are and make skill checks, but just make everything else do the same thing.

    Last edited by godthe bugs!!!!; Dec 12th, 2001 at 00:45:32.

  2. #2
    You see, they kinda already tried to make weapons un-usable if you didn't have the skill. The result? Mass Migration.

    I say change it so that specials are skill-check on use.

    From what I've observed, nanoformulas are considered 'specials' (Wait for previous special to finish...), so lets get burst and it's kin in on that skill-checkage.

    So a trader launching a deprive/ransack could keep someone from alpha-striking... (Heck, on uber-over-equiped chars, the -20 general might even do it!)
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

  3. #3
    O here we go again.

    If you don't have the skills to use an item you get a penalty and specials wont work. I think you still need the penality because some weapon are too good even without the specials. I would prefer you not being able to use it altogeher, but with the number of items that a player can have it's not practicle to have people carry around duplicates.

    There is no need to remove it to your backpack. That causes too many problems. If the player wants it off, let them make room.

    Buffed skill points should be the easiest to debuff. Natural, probably implants too, points should twice as hard to remove. That way people wont be debuffed to the point where no one can fight and investing IP points in a skill has meaning even if you can get a buff to use an item.

    I don't know why people are complaining over this. It's not a new concept. In fact, it is how it usually works. Diablo which arguably has the best equipment model ever, won't let you use an item if you don't meet the requirements.

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