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Thread: Omni-Med Break-in

  1. #1

    Exclamation Omni-Med Break-in

    "Xserter" was ready to put his newest members to a test... Nothing too harsh, but nothing too simple either. "Xserter" had met a man named "Rozo" in Rompas a few days before "Demoneyes" death. They engaged in small talk, speaking of things such as the crimes that have been committed as of late, and of course, the technology the Shadowlands has brought to Rubi-Ka. One of the many topics discussed was that of a "Nano Virus".

    "Rozo" wouldn't elaborate on the topic too much, but shed light on the fact that all the documents were in his lab at Omni-Med. After a few days planning "Xserter" was ready to implement his plan into effect. He called upon Becca "Redroses" Kenley, and Ignacio "Enginjoe" Kenley to complete the break-in and retrieve the information needed on the "Nano Virus".

    After briefing "Enginjoe" and "Redroses" on the mission, he sent them off to Omni-Med late at night. Once they arrived at the entrance, they viewed the area atop their Yalmahas to make sure no guards were around the main entrance. Once clear, they dropped down onto the platform and proceeded to place a code breaking device into the door. After a few moments, the doors slid open and they entered.

    "I'm getting nervous, Ignacio." Becca stated cautiously.

    "Everything will be alright. Lets just find the lab and get the information, and leave. There is an AI living in the lab, so be careful not to set it off. It carries most of the information, so we'll have to be careful." claimed Ignacio.

    After heading up three flights of stairs, they finally came to a lab with the name-tag Scientist Tomaas "Rozo". Becca easily picked the lock and proceeded inside. Papers, nano-bots, chemicals, just a few of the many things found inside the Lab. After a bit of searching, they came across a small human-like AI, simply named "Prometheus". Ignacio placed a stabilizer pad onto the AI's back, then a disabling unit. He continued to open the back hatch, then insert a small disk into "Prometheus'" memory unit.

    It began downloading the information onto the disk. It seemed like it was taking forever. Becca, who was very impatient, was messing with things around the lab. She was toying with a chemical substance in a glass tube when she heard a crash and dropped it. Startled from the crash, she fell back into "Prometheus". Ignacio quickly removed the disk and inserted it into his pocket. "Prometheus" had awoken.

    "WARNING: Code 223-3787. Secure all files. Exit to Grid System until Master implants safety codes. WARNING: Code 223-3787. Destroy Lab!"

    "Prometheus" unleashed two grenades, then warped into the grid system. Startled, Ignacio pressed a few buttons on his comm, grabbed Becca and made a mad dash for the closest window. He threw her over his shoulder, then proceeded to become one with the window, and surpass through it putting himself into a freefall. Quickly and swiftly, he grabbed onto his Yalmaha and threw Becca inside, then quickly pulling himself inside. He flew about 1000 meters away from Omni-Med, then stopped and stayed idle for a few moments.

    "Everything ok, Ignacio?" Becca pondered.

    Suddenly a loud explosion was seen and heard coming from Omni-Med, blowing out every window on the east wall of the third floor. The Lab was destroyed. "Prometheus" had escaped. Ignacio and Becca went back to the Kenley hideout and delivered the information to "Xserter".

    After reviewing everything on the disk, "Xserter" returned to the main room.

    "Well, its not everything we wanted, but its most of it. Some information on how to make Omni-Tek Steel Ribbed armor, the implant layout of one of our members, Karyx, and some of the information we needed." "Xserter" stated, with a slight grin on his face.

    He placed a one page document on the table, and Ignacio and Becca leaned in close to read what it said:

    "... Its seems that the virus interferes with Heliocase, an enzyme critical in Deoxyribose Nucleuic Acid (D.N.A.) replication. The Cure is a two stage process. First, the injected nanites regulate Heliocase function to stabilize the patient while setting up a bot reproducion area in the spleen of the host. Once complete, the bots begin to produce hunter-killer bots specifically designed to track down and kill anything that has a particular protein signature (Note: It's virus specific and can adapt to mutations of this particular virus by disassembling it and reading the source code of its Nucleus). In this way, it can completely eliminate the nano-virus from the Host's system within a short period of seventy-two hours. It takes eight hours to manufacture and program the initial stage immuno-bots..."

    This was a start in "Xserter's" eyes... They would have to find "Prometheus" and disable him to contain the information he held on him. Until then, he would produce enough Immuno-Bots to save "Unole" from the bite by "Demoneyes"...
    Courage, Wisdom, Power, Faith, Life, Death, Change, Dream, Fear, Freedom, Friensdhip, Honesty, Honor, Intelligence, Justice, Knowledge, Love, Peace, Time, Future, Truth ; Everything needed to be great.

    Malcom "Shadowgrider" Kenley - R.I.P.

    "There can be no opinion about Truth." -Bret "XSerter" Kenley

  2. #2
    The alarm went off with a shrill blaring squeal, startling the sleeping scientist into consciousness. "What the hell.....". His NCU responded with the speed of thought, nano-filbrils extending from his left hand to interface with the small control unit on the nightstand near his bed.

    "WARNING: Code 223-3787. Secure all files. Exit to Grid System until Master implants safety codes. WARNING: Code 223-3787. Destroy Lab!"

    "Goddammit. 8 months of work down the drain. So much for the new Prototypes." The information streamed directly into the nanomage's nervous system as he went over the last recorded holo-feeds of the break in..... dreading the task of tracking down Prometheus and securing the other two labs.... not to mention replacing millions of creds in Omni-Med Equipment that he was contractually liable for. Prometheus was programmed to be evasive, and tracking him would be no easy task...... he'd paid very handsomely several years ago to make sure that was the case..... to a good friend and hacker of excellent skill, "Vilara".

    The nano-fibrils retracted back into the fingers of his left hand as he operated his grid-com panel with his right..... the secretarial AI on the other end spoke in a warm and pleasant voice: "Mr. Ross is unable to be reached at this time, but if you leave your name, grid com number, and a brief message, he will get back to you as soon as possible. You may leave your message now." Dr. Roslo spoke quietly and subdued into the grid-com.

    "Hello Mr. Ross, I regret to inform you that a problem has arisen. I am afraid that I will not be able to deliver the protoype Implants as agreed upon. There has been........ a break-in....... in the Rome Labs destroying most of the materials I was working on for Omni-Med. It may take me some time to recover all of the research and schematics. Please get in touch with me as soon as you are able, as it will be imperative to outline my contractual obligations in such an event..... and iron out any unpleasantries that may arise. Thank you, Sir.

    The lights on the Grid-Com extinguished as Dr. Roslo stepped away, exiting his apartment. Swinging his coat over his shoulder, he calmly slipped over the safety railing and plummeted from the floating city of Jobe, his NCU initiating the programs needed to alter inertia and propel him in flight.

    "I might as well see what can be salvaged", the nanomage growled as he floated silently and swiftly to Rome.
    Last edited by Rozo; Apr 17th, 2004 at 00:01:59.

  3. #3
    I didnt do it.....¬_¬

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