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Thread: Restrictions on Tank Amrour..a players humble request:

  1. #1

    Restrictions on Tank Amrour..a players humble request:

    Apologies for bringing this subject up again, and as you can see I do not post on the official forums that often either. But I humbly request that Funcom change the mechanics of the tank armour. As many people can now see, all classes have switched over to the Decus coats. All Agents, Fixers, Enforcers, MA's and Soldiers.

    I find it hard to believe that a coat will offer same/superior protection than tank. If the AC benefits were substantially greater, then an argument could be formed. But the AC benefits are they same, with the extra benefits of no nano/evade penalties. A win win situation for the coats, but the cost of acquiring a coat is verging on extortion. A level 80 coat can and sometimes does sell for 1 million credits. A level 125 coat can reach the dizzy heigths of 5 million credits plus! I realise that the economy is player driven, but to only have one type of armour for all combat classes is, frankly, baffling.

    Soldiers and enforcers who use tank armour are hard hit indeed. Trying to Mongo or cast a Mirror Shield in battle and then realise that you are short by 100 nano points is not very healthy as you can imagine.

    I am not requesting that tank be restored to their previous state, but I am requesting that their nano delta be reduced from 100 % to 50% or less and that their AC benefits are increased.

    I hope you accept these comments from this player and I eagerly await your response.
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  2. #2
    yup, I have 27 different skills I have to increase, and now agility is one of them as well.

    MK shield for the soldier is ruined indeed.

    And above all, everyone looks the same now, and that's just plain boring... There are 8 different versions of tank armor, but only 3 coats. Aaargh...

  3. #3
    And as Lozer already has suggested at the NT boards, lets make nano cloak the counterpart to tank armor:

    Tank armor: 100% extra cost

    Nano cloak: 100% reduction, this means it will not cost anything to launch nukes, which is as it should be...
    NT phone HOME!!

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Garzu
    And as Lozer already has suggested at the NT boards, lets make nano cloak the counterpart to tank armor:

    Tank armor: 100% extra cost

    Nano cloak: 100% reduction, this means it will not cost anything to launch nukes, which is as it should be...
    Then, we will actually see all the Enforcers in Nano cloak, because unlimited Mongo sure beats unlimited nukes...

  5. #5
    I agree that the ACs of the three back armors need to be balanced. Nano cloaks should have the lowest ac, followed by coats and then tank. Currently cloaks are QL x 3, coats QL x 5, and tank QL x 5. Tank armor should be increased, to QL x 7 if you wanna make it linear, to account for the penalties associated with them. It just doesn't make any sense for the coat and tank ACs to be the same.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Carrah
    And above all, everyone looks the same now, and that's just plain boring... There are 8 different versions of tank armor, but only 3 coats. Aaargh...
    Just a minor note... there are 3 Versions of senpai coats alone there are also plasteel suits Nano tech roabs and bio-mech cloaks. All of which look different and as far as I've seen in missions are pretty dang easy to find... I see a minimum of 2 a day in missions, and I don't play over but 5 hours tops a day.

    IMHO tank armor should have SOME drawback. reducing the drawback isn't a huge request just one of balance but if it was taken down to %50 then constant mongo slam in PvP would be annoying for whoever is fighting the enforcer. I myself am a Nano-tech and think nano roabs shouldn't have a nano cost decrease... we have nanos and other ways of doing this like CPU upgrade... every percent counts but perhaps a addition to max nano like with Neleb's roab... Oh yeah I forgot to mention Neleb's roab


  7. #7

    Nano armor, etc.

    Nano armor used to have a -(minus) XXX nano pool on it. That "feature" was removed, thank goodness. That was back when nano armor was the only decent stuff in the game.

    But back to tank vs. coats. Personally, I don't think these senpai coats should be toned down in any way -- I found tank armor to be incredibly unsuitable for my MA even *before* the latest tank armor "fix". With heals and all, tank armor was hard to use then, and is impossible now. So the coats were a blessing, and it's easy for a MA to raise agi/str. We need both those stats maxed, anyway.

    But while I think a MA is a more natural choice for this type of armor, and also good for lighter fighting classes such as traders (agi/str for shotgun skill), I do agree that TANK classes should be able to wear TANK armor. Right now, it's a rarity to see anybody wearing tank. And if they are, it's probably only for fashion. Because it does look cool. But not practical at all.

    I think tank should give AC closer to that of a battlesuit if this 100% nano reduction crap is working as intended. Leave hanshi coats as they are, but raise the stats of nano cloaks a bit. Give nanomage characters (who rely on int/psych stuff) a break. I mean, if you can't find it in shops, it better be really good, right? A lower QL Hanshi coat has better stats than a much higher nano cloak. Bleh.

    Anyway, that's how I feel about this issue.
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  8. #8
    But you can wear much higher ql tank than coat, because of better buffs for stm/str (essence+IC+pillows+expertise). and well, i find same number of tankarmors in missions than senpai cloaks, i cant understand the insane prices (i never sell them but give them to guildmembers), just sit at mission terminal and browse.

    also biomech cloaks are still bugged and dont go into back slot, docs and other psy/stm armor-chars all use nanocloak

  9. #9


    I am a lvl 119 Enforcer that switched over to coats a few levels back. I gave up a ql 130 heavy tank armor for a ql 121 coat. I now wear a ql 168 coat and I like it alot. I use Riders as my weapons and one of the reqs for riders is heavy weapons. Heavy weapons depend on strength and agility. Thus, I had a very high agility already so the switch was not a big deal for me. Those that do not have a high agility are going to pay a high IP price to get into a coat.

    My understanding of the ability to use nanoformulas is this. It is mainly dependent on intellegence and the specific skills of the formula in particular (mat cre, mat met, bio met, Etc...).

    I can certainly understand how a tank armor could reduce your run speed and could reduce your evades. After all, with a huge hunk of metal on my shoulders I would expect to run slower and not be as agile. What I do not understand is how does putting on a piece of armor lower your intellegence or any knowledge based skill?? I fail to see the connection between the two.

    As long as I can have the same protection with no penalties from a coat, I will stay with the coat thank you.

    Suggestion: Remove the nano penalty from tank armors and make the tank armor AC higher than a comperable coat or cloak AC to make up for the penalty on evades. Otherwise, there is no reason to ever wear a tank armor.

    Funcom... Please to not take this as a suggestion to nerf coats! Please take this as it was intended.... a way to fix what has become a useless piece of armor.
    O b i t u s Atrox Clan Enforcer My trade skill? Smackin' stuff till it cries! Obi's Rig
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  10. #10
    Originally posted by Lilbreather

    Just a minor note... there are 3 Versions of senpai coats alone there are also plasteel suits Nano tech roabs and bio-mech cloaks. All of which look different and as far as I've seen in missions are pretty dang easy to find... I see a minimum of 2 a day in missions, and I don't play over but 5 hours tops a day.
    Umm, I should have been more specific. To str/sta based classes (soldier and enforcer comes to mind) senpai coats are the only viable choice (because you increase only agility, not psi/int/whatever), so yes there are only 3 (to my str/sta biased eye )

    As to availability; I'm not really concerned about where they can be found, but rather about the fact that I have to now decide which route to follow with my chars (which btw are now lvls 66 and 84). I had my agility capped just high enough so that I could put implants in as necessary. Now, instead of increasing my evasion/nano/attack/whatever skills, I have to decide on whether funcom is actually going to listen to any of this, or not.

    So I'm still waiting, and am using tank for now. Because otherwise, just like in my other post on the topic, flowers becomes the obvious choice for armor once you decide to go with the senpai coats (or primus, although I like flowers, because I've not yet found monster which attacks with disease-based damage).

    Of course if Funcom decides to roll back on the tank armor nano penalty, that will create a whole new problem of people who have already commited to str/agi, but would like to go back to tank.

    Which goes back to the beginnning of it all, and arguments that once in place, restrictions and rules with respect to the game play should not be changed. Because it causes my characters to develop a mid-life crisis.

    For I was dumb enough to assemble a tank armor collection going all the way to ql 166...

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