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Thread: Different game play rules for different players

  1. #21

    No. Your logic is flawed...

    Nanos and weapons ARE different. It is not logical that they MUST be treated equally.

    They should be 'balanced' but it does not logically follow that their 'equipping' and 'usage' should be identical. If that were true then your 'overequipped' nanos should do less damage the lower your skill JUST like weapons do. For example my 146 Vektor ND does less damage the less buffed I am when I fire. In fact the difference between unbuffed and fully buffed is around 20-30%.

    Many of your fellow guildmates HAVE to equip about twice their level in order to survive an encounter with a single green mob. I know I do as a level 69 Trader. Most weapons users have pitifuly poor damage nanos. On the other hand you have MAJOR damage nanos AND can wield weapons at the same time.

    So here you have your primary damage method that isn't exactly equal to a weapons AND you can overequip a weapon on top of that. Still you are trying desperately to nerf our ONLY viable damage method? Well gee, I DEMAND a Trader Nuke only a little less powerful than yours are.

    Originally posted by Nanogater
    Many of my fellow guild mates can equip ql200 weapons at char lvl 110+, nano casters can't use their best nanos untill much closer to lvl200.

    Weapons have crit damage, fling and burst do certainly recycle during a fight, weapons have unlimited ammo (or whatever amount of ammo you carry), np dries out (fast). Nanos does less than min dmg, never higher than max.

    If you really belive nanousers only need to put IP into one slvl then you should start playing one.

    Anyway, the point is not the different playing tactics, the point is that nano users and weapon users ar threated differently. We should have the same basic rules, either we get one skill check when uploading a new NF, or weaponusers get s skillcheck everytime they pull the trigger.

    Try to discuss that, not general proffession differences.

  2. #22
    I have not said weapon users should be nerfed, I am saying we should have the same rules. It is no argument to say a NT can use high nanos AND equip über weapons 'cause we cant. We dont have the IP to do that.

    Also, to remember a nano does not mean you as an agent should be able to use every nano from every profession, only the ones for the profession you are at that moment. The way it is today in fact + you get to wield your high ql weapons.

    Pillow did get nerfed yes, weapons did not. And a +30 skills pillow is a ql200. With a lot of dark blue skill lvls.

    Why not able to use nanos learned while getting a buff from a MP, but with effect reduced when skill lvl is no longer high enough ?

    My friends need to equip ql200 weapons at lvl110+ so they can hunt medusas. They are very red and give a lot of xp at that lvl. But what are they to equip when lvl150+, or at 200 ? Are weapon users going to cry out for ql400 weapons ?

    NT is hard at low lvls but get über at high lvls, wrong. At high lvls we are getting able to use our ql150-200 nanos, we are catching up with the weapon users and can start pvp again. But then we will be nerfed because the massive player community using weapons will start crying about being killed by a NT and they are not used to that, NT's has always been easy kills.

    NT's high dmg NF's does no more dmg than critical and special hits other high lvl weapon users do. A lvl 110+ agent did 12 k aimed shoot dmg, the highest NF dmg is 9 k, which can be used close to lvl 200.

    Hehe, 'Pillows is your version of overequipping...' +30 MC at ql200...say no more

    Once again -



    Thank you for reading

    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  3. #23

    Thumbs up bumo

    I agree nanogater, same rules for everyone is fair. I also think the overequipping is a bad mistake on Funcom´s behalf. Is it really fun to play any class past lvl 120 if you already are geared up in qlvl 200 weapons, and maybe even armor?

    Make overequipping (to the degree that´s possible today) impossible, and lower the HPs of mobs, which are truly insane. The problem this game has, is that the rules allow over-the-top overequipping, which made Funcom balance the mobs according to the minority of the player base that has the time and energy to do this, which made the game very hard for the casual gamer, who either isn´t really interested in hard-core gaming, or just hasn´t the time to do it.

    Just let common sense in on this, for crying out loud.

  4. #24
    what you seem to be ignoring eleetist, is the fact that those pillows have reqs in 5 dark blue melee skills and one that has a +30 those are astronomically high.

  5. #25
    Can anyone give me one good, decent argument for skill checking everything when it is used ? NF, weapon, armor, vehicle whatever ?

    And at the same time reducing hp/ac on mobs of course.

    Would it not be much easier to balance the game then for the devs, keeping the different specials for the diff prof's without always making major gamebalance issues when patching. Also playability for high end players would be much better because they still had something to lvl for -> that next ql weapon/armor etc. Not like now when they have 'finished' that part of the game at lvl~100.

    Plz read at least the two first paragraphs before ranting/flaming.

    Thank you

    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  6. #26
    i think my fixer was about lvl 120 before he could equip a ql200 mausser with nothing but my self buffs ... ya they are uber buffs too ql1 minor supressor buff (+8 i think), and general expertise nanos for smg and burst.

    i suppose i *could* have gotten into the gun a bit sooner if i had spent time huntin down a agent to cast riot control on me.

    but if you think changing equipment checks against skill would stop people from hittin lvl 100ish (or a little more) and bein allready fully equipped with ql200 stuff you are wrong. Heck im not even one of the classes who can cast big old self buffs like many classes can and i had no problems gettin into a ql200 gun by this time

  7. #27
    If you no longer could use your weapon when buff run out - what then ?

    Besides, if you and other prof's have such über buff nanos that you can equip ql200 weapons at lvl~100 and keep buffing without any extra buffs from other char's/prof's then that is not balanced either is it ? It would not be a big problem for anyone to lower the benefits from such buffs to keep a more proper balance. No one should be able to equip ql 200 at lvl~100 using own buffs only. To be able to use it when being buffed by others, fair enough as long as not usable once buff wears out.

    Just a thought.

    Oh yes, someone said in another thread something like:

    To athletes competing, one on stereoids, the other not. Unfair everyone would agree. Solution = give stereoids to both...I think not.
    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  8. #28
    Try being an MA. We get screwed by everyone. We can't overequip, period. EVER. Everytime we zone with a weapon equipped or get debuffed, or even buffed we get bugged and can't hit. Yay. Let's see, all root classes own us. Period. We just stand there and die. Enforcers kill us in 4 hits with their hammers. Our damage on DS'ed soldiers post 13.0 is about 12 per punch. TWELVE. Do the math. The only class can beat in PvP is an adventurer, and I have 3100+ AC, 3650HP, 673 ATK 600 phys init....etc.

    The only way to balance this game is to make everyone a hammer weilding enforcer with one type of armor availible. I'm surprised that FC hasn't already done this accidentally.

  9. #29

    MA's are hit every time mobs are upped in hp/ac to countereffect low lvl char's with high ql weapons just as NF users are.

    One suggestion is to remove skill check when casting NF, this would 'help' casters but leave your prof out. I am after debating this for some time now, more and more convinced that the best, most fair, and most in line with game intention and playability is to make skill check when using an item for all and at the same time lowering hp/ac on mobs.

    This would stop this spiral of ever increasing mobs vs chars which will not otherwise stop untill every lvl 1 char start game fully ql200 equipped.
    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  10. #30
    Originally posted by Nanogater
    I am after debating this for some time now, more and more convinced that the best, most fair, and most in line with game intention and playability is to make skill check when using an item for all and at the same time lowering hp/ac on mobs.

    This would stop this spiral of ever increasing mobs vs chars which will not otherwise stop untill every lvl 1 char start game fully ql200 equipped.

    Comments ?
    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  11. #31
    Go ahead and change the skill check rules and mob hp/ac Cosmik and Cz, seem like us players do agree on this one
    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  12. #32
    Originally posted by Nanogater
    Go ahead and change the skill check rules and mob hp/ac Cosmik and Cz, seem like us players do agree on this one
    Well, I do hope you know it's not up to me (if it was I'd be flying around on a giant reet), but I've added this thread to my report so it gets attention. Everyone knows this is still a hot topic so it's being looked into and the options are being weighed.
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  13. #33
    Originally posted by Cosmik
    Anarchy Online Community Representative

    ehehehe player cosmik does not exist ... you must be a ghost of some sort ehehehe
    tradeskillz ?

  14. #34
    I posted this on the NT board also, but here we go:

    Miir pointed out that over equiping ALL nanos is a bad idea and i fully agree (think of agents overequiping buffs and using ql 200 rifels at lvl 20).

    So if overequiping nanos is ever implemented, please only for DD nanos. This is the whole point.

    On a side note, does anyone know why a NTs ATK rating is not linked to Matter Creation? Would only make sense ...


  15. #35
    I’ve just started reading this thread so if someone else has mentioned this I apologize.

    The whole argument that casters should be happy because after a weapon-user max their weapon at say level 110 they have nothing else to look forward to while casters continue to improve is a load of sh!t.

    Maybe Funcom should limit the maximum QL of weapon that a character can use to say 10 levels above the current character level to give them that same advantage. Then a 110 agent could only use a 120 gun and would be able to look forward to improving it all the way till he reaches level 190.

    Come on people, think.

    Btw I’m not a caster. I’m a Fixer with a mausser, but I have to agree with the casters on this one. I’m not against over-equipping, but using a weapon you don’t have the skills for is just wrong. If you don’t have the skills for a weapon, it shouldn’t work as well. What is the purpose of a weapon skill debuff anyway? Get a trader in your group, then you can use it’s full potential, otherwise make due with what you have.

    One final point, make mobs and players uses the same rules. So if a mob is debuffed they can’t use their weapon at full capacity either.

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