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Thread: Cosmik, RK2 and Euro players are getting jipped.

  1. #21

    Re: Story

    Originally posted by reality
    Thanks, Cosmik.

    Next question :
    If the story on RK1 and 2 is the same, does that mean we both get the same events, or that one event is on RK1, and another on RK2 ?
    If both get the same events, what will happen if they have a different outcome on both servers ?
    The story is the same on both dimensions, but the same events will not be held on both (except some very special ones, where e.g. a different outcome won't mess things up). Which dimension an event will be run on will vary. We can take the event on RK1 today for example. Two members of Dark Carnival were put on trial for the assassination of a Henry Radiman clone. Naturally, RK2 did not have the ingredients that lead up to this event (such as Dark Carnival existing on RK2, or Aberic being on that dimension), so this event did not take place on RK2. It will work both ways as well. The way the players shape the story on RK2 will determine what events follow on RK2 only, and not on RK1 as well.
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  2. #22
    There are events on rk2? You talk about them like they happen or something. When? Where? I play quite a bit and have never seen anything even remotely storyline related, except the spam from omni guards about the amnesty.

    This is really sad. You have one server that has almost daily events, sometimes several in a day, and you have the other that has 0... though there was a rumor somewhere that there was 1 but I know of no one who was there, so I dont believe it.

    Either start doing equal events between the two servers or let the people on rk2 move to rk1. Population is not a good enough excuse for lack of events. Everyone on rk2 pays the same ammount a month as the folks on rk1, we deserve to get the same product.

  3. #23

    God.. why you guys even belive what funcom says`??`???

    I cant belive you guys even belive what FC says.. To me its all a bunch of crapy empty talk, empty promises, continueing lies and not to mention the "let it be and they will go tired of complaining" mentality. FunCom is starting to act and look like the UO GM standard reply "Sorry, but we cannot help you with that. Have a nice day. Bye "

    Its starting to get so pathetic. I can guarantee no matter what FC says, event are never going to happen on RB2, and deff. not in euro time, and never the less Asia or australian time.. They maybe will put in 1-2 events a year in the middle of a week, something like 9pm Central US time or so.. And it will probably be like somehting the event at Galaway pool party, where ppl couldnt even talk to eachother, cause of the spams of OT guards.

    FC will probably also reject to even help at player events also, cause that claim not to have the time etc etc etc...

    And you know what, we players will just keep going talking in this crap, and FC knows it.. UO players has been complaining about lack of EA/Origin responsibility for over 4 years, threatning to quit and cancel subscription, but EA/Origin never did a thing about it. Cause as long as FunCom can see that they get more new member than ppl quitting they will keep continuing telling that they will consider events on rb2 bla bla bla bla... but nothing is never going to happen, no matter how much we complaing about it.

    I have a strong feeling that nothiung will change with funcom and the AO events at RB2 at all..

    And dont come tell me how hard it is to run events and how much time it is, cause i know. I helped run the few RP events on Great Lakes and Lake Superior on UO. The problem was that Origin never wanted to help us Counslors to run events at all. The Troubadour had to wait like 6-12 months to get there events approved by origin, anf they had to send like 200 email letter before getting any repons at all. And after 51 months of UO i finally gave up. and moved to AO

    Here Funcom was promiseing us a great storylinem great events, lots of player inputs etc etc etc.. and what happens??? just a bunch of empty promiesis, contiueing lies, and empty talk.

    I even had a long talk with an ARK on rb2 about 1 month ago, he told me to send a maiul to and tell them how i feel and send my imputs for player events etc. Well.. I sent 3 email and still havent gotten a single respons at all. And yesterday my comp crashed and i had to reinstall so i didnt get a backup of the mail i sent. I dont have the energy to wrinte a new one just to sit here endless with no reponse at all. Cause I'm 110% sure that i will never get any respons. Maybe its time to talk a plane down to Funcom's office in Oslo, walk in the door and start yell at the in my own language (norwegian) about how i feel of there lack of respons and responsibilty, And that is not going to be pretty. This is somehting io never got to do with UO.

    And I'm also 99% sure that if i get a repons to this msg it will be like this:

    "We know how you feel and we are working on improvents, but at this time there is nothing we can do and we have no ETA on a solution, but if you like you can send us a mail to and give them a feedback on the issues concerning you"


    "please behave you language bla bla bla this is not the correct way to aproch the problem... bla bla bla..


    " message delete, banned from forum"

    PS! sorry for all the typos, misspelled word etc. I know my english can be bad sometime.

    Best regards
    Licenza [NT, RB2]
    Amcathra [MA, RB2]

  4. #24

    Talking events

    "And yesterday my comp crashed and i had to reinstall so i didnt get a backup of the mail i sent"

    Yeah. Like we didn't hear that before. If you had bothered to check the main AO site, you would have noticed that an event is coming up friday (a 'Political Conference', and saturday, on both servers, several times including european. Unless you need to go to bed early, which isn't likely for most on fridays or saturdays, you'll finally be able to experience an event.

  5. #25


    (Dimension 1)
    Friday December 7th
    2:30pm eastern Council of Truth Building
    11:30pm eastern Omni HQ Speech Platform

    Saturday December 8th
    2:30pm eastern Athens Speech Platform
    11:30pm eastern Neuters r'us

    (Dimension 2)
    Friday December 7th
    5:00pm eastern Council of Truth Building
    8:00pm eastern Omni HQ Speech Platform

    Saturday December 8th
    5:00pm eastern Athens Speech Platform
    8:00pm eastern Neuters r'us



    yeah.. this is very much concerning to european player base i must say

    5 pm eastern is 11pm central european time
    8pm eastern is 2am central european time

    man.. study some time zones before you imply anything you know nothing about. not all if use play this game 24/7 like you and have no real life beside the game.

    well others DO.

    on rb1 they are doing some of it in more propper european time.. buit on rb2 they dont.. and they never will.. so stop act like you know everything about it

    I dont need sarcasm from ppl like you, if you need to flame someone then go spam it on a board that noone reads

  6. #26
    I want to go to RK1

  7. #27
    Originally posted by fsk47
    I want to go to RK1
    hear, hear.

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