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Thread: Hack nanos

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Hack nanos

    U heard me. Let nanos be hackable. Of course with insane difficultyrate, and failure=destroyed nano
    Teknolord, Rubi-Ka 1 fixer.

  2. #2

    hey good idea

    would really help balance classes =]

  3. #3

    I'm a nanotech (the one who would benefit the most from that).

    If I could use all nanos; and have all green nanoskills and green nanoinit, I would be a god.

    Here's how a fight would go:

    Essence of XXX
    Biggest and Best HP-Buffs I can run
    HoT's from all professions
    DoT's from all professions
    Nuke in my free time

    Toss in the Soldier reflect shields, and crat mind control, and trader wrangles, and you get an Uber-char. And if I seem to be running low on HP (which shouldn't happen), I'll just do a Challenger.

    Oh yeah, don't forget the MP nanoskill buffs. The lower line is available in stores (and so is the midline, I think).

    All of the nanos required to make a god are available in stores. With all of those stacked, it wouldn't matter that they were only q125 at best. Then funcom would make everything uber-god's, and then re-nerf hacking crystals, while forgetting to reballence the uber-mobs.

    Then the game goes further down the crapper.
    Last edited by spydr; Dec 7th, 2001 at 06:24:31.
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

  4. #4

    Talking but you WOULDNT

    Coz nanotechs Breaking&Entering skills SUX, so you would have a HARD time hacking nanos. Ok, when you would get ypur skills up a bit, you could be able to hack nanos, but still; you could probably just be able to hack basic low level nanos.
    So there
    Teknolord, Rubi-Ka 1 fixer.

  5. #5

    Re: but you WOULDNT

    Originally posted by Teknolord
    Coz nanotechs Breaking&Entering skills SUX, so you would have a HARD time hacking nanos. Ok, when you would get ypur skills up a bit, you could be able to hack nanos, but still; you could probably just be able to hack basic low level nanos.
    So there
    I have a friend who's got green B&E.

    Even so, I'd be inmmesly powerful if I could use anyone's up to q30-40 nanos.
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

  6. #6
    just make it so the nano becomes NODROP when its been hacked - Simple and cool.. Tekno I like ur idea
    Proffesion: (Fixer)
    Black Dawn Syndicate

  7. #7


    Are you retarded!? Do you want to ruin the game? I'm not even going to bother to explain why this would totally destroy the fragile "balance" this game has, cause even a five-year old could see it plain as day...That idea has got to be the most horrible ever to be expressed on these forums..jesus man...

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Fleh
    That idea has got to be the most horrible ever to be expressed on these forums
    I dunno...I've heard worse.

    Like the ..nevermind
    And the ...uh..nevermind
    Oh yeah, don't forget ...nope
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

  9. #9

    Nano hacking

    If you add the ability to hack nanos then it would cause problems. They could always add the ability to FIND nanos that lack the requirements. Or you could MAKE lesser versions of those nanos. (Tho they already exist in the genral nanos to some extent.) Another posability would be to add a 3rd or 4th teer to the genral nanos so that you can get over +12 or +20. Granted they would have a higher requirement but it would be nice. Another way would be to have the ability to buy nano fingers or pills of nanos. It would be wonderfull to be able to take a pill and pop into the grid. They would probably be realy expensive and maybe even limited to 1 or 2 (aka making them lore). That would work well if you could only have 1 at a time. Then it would not unbalance the game 2 much. Tho I think that was the point of simbio graphs. You can hack those and use them when you want but with a negitive. Still it would be nice if you could make them.

  10. #10
    i agree, hackin NF's would be cool, but pills i think owuld be the best solution. Allow us to buy pills for other prof. nano formulas. allow docs (or whoever) to make them, that would be a booming market

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