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Thread: Dark Carnival Event this Saturday!

  1. #1

    Dark Carnival Event this Saturday!

    The Dark Canival Hosts Largest On-Line Auction of Anarchy Online Equipment

    Omni Trade, Rubi-KA-1 /Press Release/ -- The Dark Carnival in conjunction with MMORG Auctions will be hosting the largest
    ever Anarchy Online in-game auction on Saturday, December 8, 2001. Over 200 high-quality (items greater then QL100) will be available for auction. While the items will be auctioned in all auction channels across Rubi-Ka, the bidding for the items will ONLY occur at the web site.

    This auction is being conducted as a service to the AO community, and it offers the chance for everyone to bid on unique and hard to find items in the game. The proceeds from this auction will go to the guild bank, and the credits will be used to fund further Dark Carnival events across Rubi-Ka.

    The auction will begin at 1PM Pacific time in the USA on Saturday, December 8, 2001. In Europe, this will be 9PM Greenwich Mean Time. The auction will last approximately 7 hours. The items are available for preview and pre-bid at

    In addition to the auction, we will have guild member specialists available in Omni Trade to buff anyone that needs help equipping their new armor or weapons. We will be offering free buffs such as Superior First Aid (+80 Treatment), Wrangler, Essense, and much, much more. These members will be available in Omni Trade Highrise #17 located at the coordinates of 226, 289 in Omni Trade. Feel free to stop by for your free buffs!

    All items can be picked up during the day at the same Omni trade Highrise #17 location. If you are not present on Saturday to pick up your completed auctions, you will have 48 hours to make arrangements for the trade.

    Some of the sample items that will be auctioned and current prices as of this press release include:

    * Assault Issue Omni-Pol Battle Suite (QL172) - Opening bid at 1,000,000 credits
    * Hanshi Primus Decus Armor Pants (QL140) - Opening bid at 700,000 credits
    * Premium Supernov MK VI (QL200) - Opening bid at 650,000 credits
    * Hanshi Primus Decus Armor Gloves (QL161) - Opening bid at 600,000 credits
    * Augmented Nano Armor Helmet (QL195) - Opening bid at 500,000 credits
    * Find-Tuned Disaffiliation Sniper (Ql155) - Opening bid at 500,000 credits
    * Assault Issue Omni-Pol Elite Armor Pants (QL102) - Opening bid at 500,000 credits
    * High-Quality Heavy Tank Armor (QL141) - Red - Opening bid at 450,000 credits
    * Tsakachumi PTO-HV3a Counter-Sniper Rifle (QL121) - Opening bid at 400,000 credits
    * Flawless Graft Armor Helmet (QL132) - Opening bid at 250,000 credits
    * Ring of Power - Elements 5% (QL40) - Opening bid at 250,000 credits
    * Augmented Nano Armor Cloak Hood (QL172) - Opening bid at 200,000 credits

    Questions & Answers:

    1. Do I need to be on-online to bid on the items?

    No, the bidding for the auctions will occur only at This can be viewed from any internet connection and browser software.

    2. Can I place bids directly with The Dark Carnival guild members?

    No, we will only be accepting bids on the web page. Because of the anticipated demand and difficulty in tracking winners and inventory, the web site will be the sole bidding vehicle for the auction. In addition, it gives the opportunity for people not playing AO at that time to bid on the items.

    3. Can I bid for items in advance?

    Yes! Visit the link at to review and place pre-bids!

    4. When can I take delivery of the equipment?

    We will be available all day on Saturday, December 8 for item pickup. We will be located insdie Omni Trade Highrise #17 at the coordinates of 226, 289. If the items are not picked up within 48 hours of the auction close, however, the item will be re-auctioned.

    5. I know The Dark Carnival is an Omni-Tek guild, if I am clan, can I bid on the items?


    6. Bidding on items on the Internet is cumbersome if I'm playing the game. Why can't I bid on the items directly in-game?

    Because of the anticipated demand and difficulty in tracking such a large auction and inventory, using the web page is the most efficient and practical manner available for us. We might suggest that you play in "windowed" mode during the Saturday event if you already don't do so. That way you can just "alt-tab" to the browser to review and rebid on items.

    7. Is the auction site like Ebay?

    Yes, but there is one major IMPORTANT difference. When you bid on an item, the new auction price becomes what you bid. For example, if an item is currently selling for 500K, and you bid 1 million, the new price is 1 million. On Ebay, the new price would go to 510K, and whenever someone else bids, your price is automatically increased up to your maximum bid. BE CAREFUL ON YOUR BIDS!

    About The Dark Carnival

    The Dark Carnival ( is one of the premiere Omni-Tek Anarchy Online guilds with a membership base of more than 60 participants. The guild is comprised of members only greater then level 90, and in for some classes, the minumum requirement is level 100. The only exceptions are for guild-member twinks. For more information on Dark-Carnival, or if you are interested in joining our team, you can visit the guild web site at

    About MMORG Auctions

    MMORG Auctions ( is the largest MMORG auction site focusing on connecting sellers with buyers in Anarchy Online using virtual in-game credits as a currency. With completed trades totaling over 100 million credits in less then 2 months of operation, MMORG Auctions offers some of the highest quality equipment available in Anarchy Online. This is a free service, and anyone can join and auction or buy equipment at the site. For more information, please visit If your guild is interested in doing special events using this auction site, please use the contact information below.

    Other Disclosures

    While MMORG Auctions is a completely independent and unbiased third party and not affiliated with The Dark Carnival Anarchy Online guild, it should be disclosed that Oosik is a member of this guild as well. However, the two entities are managed completely separate.


    The Dark Carnival

    MMORG Auctions
    134th Doc
    Director of Dark Carnival
    Slayer of Snarf and his Merry men
    Destoyer of Destux and his gimps

  2. #2
    Your opportunity to fund terrorism!

    Clan Diplomat

  3. #3

    Blood money

    As Cervantes so rightly pointed out, think about where the money you pay for that cool equipment is going...

    If you pay money to people who carry out particular acts, then you support the acts they carry out.
    The Interactor

    "If it was easy, then everyone would do it"

  4. #4
    I think that this is the best usage of these Bullitin Boards to date. Bravo on your creativity.

    I think that Following the demise of Radiman word was sent out that it was an imposter that was killed... Then I believe there was a lot of killing near a notum mine...

    The clans have said what to the Omni Amnesty???

    Who are the terrorists?
    Being a circus trainer has to be the best job in the world, until the bears figure out how to take off the muzzle.

  5. #5
    Don't support these traitors.

    This is no event, it is a way to sell junk and make money from it (while claiming it's an event)

    Omni-Tek has ruled these people are traitors.

    Buying any of these items is effectively showing your support for their traitorous deeds and harassment of others.

    Selling items... ah, what a novel idea for an event.

    Next event will be "Level my character as much as you can in 24hrs" event. Ah, the creativity is a-flowin'.

  6. #6
    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to update you with some of the latest additions. There will actually be over 300 high QL items for the event, and 303 have already been inputted.

    You can visit them all at :

    Take care, and see you in the game.


  7. #7
    I just wanted to take a second and say, "thank you" for all the people of Rubi-Ka that visited our event on Saturday. It was pretty crazy there for a while, and if you were there, you would understand

    Anyways, again, thanks for your participation, and we hope to do something fun like that again. We were there for over 6 hours, and what a blast! Sooo many cool people stopped in.

    Take care,


  8. #8
    I touched oosik! I TOUCHED OOSIK!

    /me faints

    Thnx for the IC man :]

    And for all the other times before.

    Guys this is a good way to get your armour, implants, weapons, I have regulary shopped, bid here.

    Good prices, not some grandious 6mil item that greedy players do.

    and cptfallout, please, shs :]

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