WAAhouuu !!!!

At least a beginning of usefull tradeskill .... :-)

this tradeskill rocks !!! here a skill you can invest ip, then time, the reward is quite nice :-)
Monster part priceshop was just ridiculous (and it take place in your inventory). Now i take the time to collect them and transform them in plasma as u can get nice money !!!

I'm agent 64, i raised pharma to +240 (with agent, trader, generic buff)

I collected all the monster part from 4 missions and hunt (1,5 bag from QL50 to 91)

1- I've been able to transform all the monster part and i got like 150k and 20k xp

2- I also tried to build two emergency medic kit...

-spent 1 hours to get all the items at the right QL (shopping in Athen, shopping in Athen West,shopping in Tir, Shopping in Borealis, shopping in Athen, nice trip!!)
-got two set of adequate furnitures : one around QL40, other around QL60 --> costed me a fortune !!! (like 200k have disapeared from my bank)

Then, i've succesfuly build one of those emergency kit !!!
Just great, no comment : a QL37 healing 800hp with a req around 190 treatment

JUST ONE MAJOR PROBLEM : it has only 1 charge !!! (may be 5 to 10 would have been more rewarding regarding time/cred invested)

So, my conclusion is : if u can invest ip in pharma (green skill, or can get nice buff and have adequate extra implant), do it if u need some extra nice money. If u can't, take the time to collect the monster part and find a teammate which can do it

I've now 2 bags dedicaced to monster part (btw, i confirm the jewelry stuff is still lost of time/ip)