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Thread: 13.2 weapon+fist bugs (not fixed for 3 months now)

  1. #1

    13.2 weapon+fist bugs (not fixed for 3 months now)

    Weapon+fist is still buggy after at least 3 months of reports and replies of "we're working on it". Could y'all maybe stop just "working on it" and *fix* it?

    Weapon+fist #1: zone with weapon+fist equiped and fist will no longer attack. Work-around: unequip/reequip weapon when zoning.

    Weapon+fist #2: attack skill debuf stops fist from attacking (eg. deprive or ransack). Work-around: if you live through the fight with your damage rate halved, zone out and back with weapon unequiped and reequip it after zoning (and retrace your steps in the mission to relight the map).

    Weapon+fist #3: if buffed with weapon equiped, fist stops working (exploitable by griefers in 75% zones). Work-around: same as #2.

    Weapon+fist #4: if an MA-skill buff wears off (or really if the MA skill changes in any way for any reason) and you have a weapon equiped, the fist stops working. Work-around: same as #2.

    BTW, from what Funcom has said in various interviews, a new fist is generated whenever the MA skill changes. However, this fist is not equiped if a weapon is in use. So? Equip it. Sounds like it needs 10 minutes of fixing to me .. not 3 months of "working on it".

  2. #2


    Bump. See these problems with Fist/Weapon ALL the time, yet it doesn't appear to be getting ANY programmer attention.

  3. #3
    yes please fix this. adding new MA weapons is totally useless unless we can actually use them....i've also had problems when i've been morphed into an animal (wolf, sabretooth).

  4. #4

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