
As I sat on the transport, waiting to arrive at Rubi-Ka, I thought back on the things I had done.

Back home, I was a wanted man. My ties with the family had gotten me into some serious trouble with the local law enforcement. This, in itself, isn't a big deal. Practically everyone I knew back home was wanted for a protection scheme, illegal stims, murder, you name it.

If it was illegal, chances are I knew somebody who was wanted for it.

The straw that broke the camels back, as it was, happened when I was making my usual rounds of collecting the protection money. Apparently some wise guy thought he could stand up to me. Only later did I find out it was Uncle Joey's daughter's future husband. Turns out he was just playing
with me. Too bad I didn't find that out until I had used my skills to bash his brains in.

Needless to say, Uncle Joey was a touch upset.

So after Uncle Joey sat me down and told me how things would be, I decided it would be best to take him up on his offer to go to work for Omni-Tek. He had a way of convincing people that his way was the right way. I remember well how he "convinced" me as I rub my eyes. It's a good thing I had enough money to buy myself some replacement eye implants.

After a few years, he said, I'd be able to come back and work for him again. Only now, after reading the fine print on the contract several times, (I had nothing better to do) I realize that was a lie.

I wouldn't be coming back.

That's ok.

I could be happy bashing skulls for a corporation. Besides, the pay was probably better. And I wouldn't be a wanted man. My criminal record would be cleared.

Hell, out on Rubi-Ka the only law was Omni-Tek. As long as I was a good little employee, things would be fine.


After entering the New Arrival area, I found myself in awe of the equipment. Apparently you could only use the machines until you left. No refunds, no returns. I didn't really pay attention to what the reason behind that was. I was too busy trying to adjust to how it felt to be reduced to a gray sack of raw genes.

After checking out the options for breeds, I opted for Atrox. I mean come on, is there even a question here? I always got more thrill out of smashing things than I did from ladies anyway. I didn't need any sexual organs.

The next room let me pick a face. I tried to find one as close to the one I had back home. I didn't want to be *completely* different from what I was. In fact, I wanted to be as close as I could to what I was back home.

Height? Might as well make myself taller. It's more intimidating that way.

Weight? Average is fine. I was never fat, and who's going to be scared of a skinny Atrox?

Next step: profession. Just for laughs, I picked Doctor. Just to see what it felt like. That was odd, I felt strangely compelled to *heal* people. Nope. Didn't like it at all. I was getting tired of not pounding the crap out of anything for a while, so I chose Enforcer and went to pick my name.

I just realized, I get a whole new identity! I was informed that not only will this be my name on all the Rubi-Ka records, but also anyone that scans me will "know" that this is my name. This is probably how they clear your criminal record. It's almost like a witness protection program without having to sell out and testify against your friends.

I knew plenty of people that sold out like that. Maybe I'll run into some of them here on Rubi-Ka. I suppose there isn't any way I'd be able to find out. Unless someone starts spouting off about what they did, and I somehow hear about it.

So I pick my name (wouldn't you like to know what it is), and head out.

Now I get to choose who I want to work for. Omni/Neutral/Clan. What kind of strange joke is this?

Some kind of loyalty test, I imagine. Why would I *not* want to pick Omni? I signed a contract, and they kept up their part of the bargain. With a new body, new name, and new (but recognizable, I suppose) face, if my criminal record hadn't actually been cleared, this was close enough for me.

Besides, I'd lived with a record for so long that it wouldn't really matter to me if it *technically* wasn't cleared.

So I step through the Omni portal. It looks like a doorway, but when I step through, I realize I now have some new items in my possession. The only one really worth mentioning is my new bat. Not quite balanced properly. Not quite heavy enough to do any real damage. Something about it feels kind of
awkward. Like back home when I first started "protecting" people.

I'm not complaining, though. Free is free. And this didn't cost me a thing. Unless you count leaving my old home.

I see a little furry creature running around now. Finally, something to smash.....