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Thread: Missions in 13.2

  1. #1

    Talking Missions in 13.2

    I just tried out a mission in the new updated AO (I love that new whompa in Borealis btw =), found one that paid good and gave me a decent weapon as a reward.
    For this, I had to :
    - Enter 3 whompa's, and walk a little bit to the destination dungeon in Tir (from Stret West Bank)
    - Find my way through a total of 3 rooms in some dungeon (that looked disgusting, I was walking through somethings intestines or whatever =)
    - Fight 1 green mob.
    - Finish the mission.

    The dungeon wasn't any larger.
    I knew some people complained about hard missions, but this is ridiculous. Real easy money =)

  2. #2
    Where does the new Whompa lead to?
    ::. Anarchin, OT Fixer, Legion .::

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynyah
    The difference is that you dont need a brain to camp things

  3. #3

    Angry Annoyed

    I don't know about anyone else but missions since the last patch have me really annoyed.

    Can someone PLEASE explain to me the logic of going on a mission set to mid level (50% probability of death) and encountering nothing but dark greens and greys. I hardly get ANY experience now, if at all. Why can't it be as simple as: if you want even cons (+ or - 1 level) then leave the slider set at the middle, if you want greens set it lower than 50%, if you want oranges or reds set it to more than 50%, etc?

    Does that sound so difficult? So unreasonable?

    And this whole distance thing. Just add a NEAR ---|--- FAR slider for Pete’s sake and be done with it. Everyone is happy. If you need room, just take out the Good-Bad slider bar. It seems pretty useless to me anyway.

    Bah! I'm going back to Return to Wolfenstein and blow off some steam in multiplayer mode. Evil Nazi German soldiers watch out! One peeved allied soldier packing a flame-thrower coming at ya!
    Last edited by Fris; Nov 29th, 2001 at 00:43:56.

  4. #4

    Re: Annoyed

    Originally posted by Fris

    Can someone PLEASE explain to me the logic of going on a mission set to mid level (50% probability of death) and encountering nothing but dark greens and greys. I hardly get ANY experience now, if at all.
    Ummmm, set it to 55%? I did a 65% mission and got all greens with a few yellows and 1-2 oranges. The point is that now it is supposedly predictable, while before you could actually see greys and oranges in the same mission.

    Remember, yellow means they are as good as you, meaning that theoretically every one of them has a 50% chance of defeating you. Given that there are ca. 30 of them in each mission, does this sound like medium difficulty to you?


  5. #5
    HMM the couple missions I did were 50% and they were almost entirely in the |----o|-----| to |-----|o----| range. Only a few green and one grey out of all of them (about 40 mobs Id say).

    Still couldnt hit for anything but minimum damage but at least the level range seemed right.

  6. #6

    Re: Re: Annoyed

    Originally posted by Scorus

    Remember, yellow means they are as good as you, meaning that theoretically every one of them has a 50% chance of defeating you. Given that there are ca. 30 of them in each mission, does this sound like medium difficulty to you?


    uhhh..where did u get this idea from? Yellow means they are the same LEVEL as doesnt imply anything about actual ability...

  7. #7

    Unhappy I've been having the same problems.

    I have been picking 50% missions and not touching anything on the settings. Most of my mobs have been deep yellow to orange. With a few green and gray. Not fun.

  8. #8


    Perhaps my missions were flukes so I'll try again... later.

    Its just really annoying to do a 50% mission full of dark green and greys. If you level in the mission then almost all of the Mobs are grey after that. Then the mission just becomes a big waste of my time.

    It would just seem to make more sense to encounter mostly yellows when the slider remains at 50% (like the POD on mobs). At least that way, if I level I'll still get some experience.

  9. #9


    It is my experience that mission location plays a big part in size of mission area and level of mobs in the mission. As an example, most of my 50% diff Lush fields missions are superhuge with at least 50-60% of the mobs being yellow or higher. If i take a mission in some other playfield (not Mutant domain though, same mission rules seem to apply as for Lush) i can get small mission areas with maybe one or two, or even no, yellow or higher mobs.

    If the missions you get are almost undoable, try getting a mission in a different playfield, you might find out that some other area almost always spawn very doable missions.

    Romulus / Andai

  10. #10
    Missions are just about perfect now.

    Excellent range of locations.
    Perfect mob level range.
    Awesome loot.

    I did a few on my level 40 Enforcer last night.

    Logged on in Avalon... got a mission in Holes in the Wall and one in Borealis.
    Got 3 Stret West missions... one in Last Ditch, another in the 25% zone near the river bank and the 3rd at the Omni OP (deleted it).

    All 4 missions ranged in difficulty from 55% to 75%.
    The 55% missions had mostly green and a few yellow/orange.
    The 75% had all orange to deep red (low deep red).

    Awesome change from getting greys to deep reds in 70% missions.

    Got some loot that was actually an upgrade.... QL47 Vitos pants, QL50 Tech gloves, +4 Energy Ring (Galahad user)......

    Still getting the occasional 'minimum damage' mob (using a QL76 Sword).... Only seems to happen when there is a Soldier and Engineer mob in the same area.
    Possibly something to do with stacking AC buffs, reflect shields, damage shields and mirror shields.

  11. #11
    Since the latest patch, my 55% to 60% missions have had almost all yellow and orange mobs.

    This makes sense.

    What is complete crap is that while I could easily complete these missions pre-patch, I can't now.

    I just spent 4 hours and died 4 times trying to run one 55% mission.

    Mobs are pretty much unrootable now. Melee Mobs are ungodly now and me...the bent over once again.

  12. #12

    Re: Annoyed

    Originally posted by Fris

    Bah! I'm going back to Return to Wolfenstein and blow off some steam in multiplayer mode. Evil Nazi German soldiers watch out! One peeved allied soldier packing a flame-thrower coming at ya!
    hope you dont mind if I join you

  13. #13


    Has anyone else noticed that FC has seemingly nerfed mission tokens again? I did 3 seperate missions at about 55-60% ... Each mission contained 3-8 mob's ... I killed all the mob's got the loot and *poof* no token??? I believe that the 13.1 patch stated that you would get a token 100% of the time if you killed 100% of the mob's in the mission? 90% of the time if you killed 90%, etc, etc ... Did this change? Why am I getting tokens less than 50% of the time now? Just wondering if anyone else has run into the same problems.

    Board of Directors (Vision of Disorder)

  14. #14
    funcom said a while back that it would also be based on the difficulty of the mission to.

  15. #15
    It seems that if it is a small mission then there is less chance to get a token. This is counter to Funcom's pledge that if you wipe out all the creatures on a mission and none of them are grey then you will be "guaranteed" a token (their word, not mine). A Funcom lie. We have asked them about this several times and, wait for it, have gotten no response.


  16. #16
    Yes, they did state that killing everything would give you a token. It usually, but not always, does.

    They also said, in the same message, that there were a minimum limit. They never said the actual limit, but they clearly stated that it was there.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  17. #17
    you guys have it easy. I am a level 40 NT with higher level nano programs due to very very expensive implants and I still cant complete solo missions with the bar slider at 5 or 50%. Greys whoop my a$$ all the time. I really think the missions should be based on profession also.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Frelo - Level 29 Fixer (and loving every minute of it)

    Anahata - Level 110 Solitus Trader
    Khephra - Level 6 Solitus Engineer
    Zaum - Level 8 Nanomage MP
    Merkaba715 - Level 50 Nanomage NT (Sleeping till NT's are fixed)
    Dimholt - Level 10 Atrox Enforcer
    Rubi-Ka 1

    'The only ones that see the end of war are the dead' - Plato

  18. #18
    Originally posted by WGMelchior
    Yes, they did state that killing everything would give you a token. It usually, but not always, does.

    They also said, in the same message, that there were a minimum limit. They never said the actual limit, but they clearly stated that it was there.
    Correct. There is a limit. I don't know the numbers, but too few MOBs might make you not get the token. Same goes for having too many 'grey' MOBs in the mission. You might get one, as few MOBs and grey MOBs only lower the chance, but don't count on it.


  19. #19
    Well, as far as tokens go, I am fine - I prefer Radar missions, and at 50%, I get almost no consistency. Sometimes mission is filled with greys, sometimes with oranges. But regardless of level, if mob count is over 5 I normally get a token. I am currently a lvl 78 Omni Solitus MA, 296 tokens.

    Mission location also became less of an issue with my recent purchase of a Yalmaha. Zooooom!!!

    But I have a couple gripes here. Ok, I can understand why an orange Enforcer or Soldier can prove a much tougher opponent than orange Engineer or Fixer. But can someone please explain why a green Lesser Anun Tearer is more trouble than yellow Lesser Anun Cleaver, and about as tough as orange Lesser Anun Shredder? Tearers seem to hit twice faster than any other Anuns, albeit for smaller damage, and my average damage output against them is lower than their higher level cousins. Also, Tearers seem to have unnatural perception - I had some aggroing through walls 2 rooms away.

    What REALLY ticks me off are missions filled with aggro Omni-oriented mobs, namely all those 17-series Scooplets, Shovelets and Diglets. Before they were not aggro, and even would fight clan-oriented mobs. Now, they attack ME, and give no exp whatsoever. Sure, they are easy to beat, and drop 500-900cr plus occasional item, but I want exp, too! Anyway, IMO, friendly mobs (have to hit Ctrl-Tab to target) that are aggro are a bug and should be fixed.

    Getting stuck on ledges: In rooms with deep water, I nearly always get stuck when trying to climb out. The only way to unstick is to back slightly and jump - usually requires several tries. This started happening fairy recently. Very annoying, especially when there are 3 orange mobs chasing you.

    Finally, root nanos. If a mob manages to root me before keeling over, I have no choice but to stand there waiting. Ok, a 40-50 second downtime is not that bad. But getting nailed with a 2.5 minute Greater Hold Victim 2 seconds before end of fight is outright frustrating. Missions with lots of rooting mobs often result in extra 30-40 minutes of pointless waiting. There HAS to be some way to remove a root - provided you are not under attack.

  20. #20

    Re: Re: Re: Annoyed

    Originally posted by KlngArthur

    uhhh..where did u get this idea from? Yellow means they are the same LEVEL as doesnt imply anything about actual ability...
    Try an experiment: find a yellow mob and shift-click it to get the POD bar....probability of death. AO equates level with POD don't blame us for repeating what they say. As for actual ability, well someone can con me as a yellow with an even POD but that certainly doesn't mean that out of 100 fights I'd actually win anything close to 50. I'm a gimp

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