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Thread: invitation and mailing-list

  1. #1

    Lightbulb invitation and mailing-list

    Open Letter and Mailing List Invitation

    Dear Everyone,

    Funcom has recently been quite plain about only arranging events during US primetime, we, the leaders of the european organizations are getting a bit tired of the whole charade.

    I don't know how large the split is between european and american players (not to mention those who live in oceania and asia) but the split is going to get a lot wider if Funcom doesn't start to cater to us also.

    Last night there was another event that started 2:30 in the morning, during a weekday that's a surefire way to make sure most of the euro-players are asleep.

    So far I've been in the game since it launched (and for a week in beta) and I've not seen a single event, not ONE.

    So, if you, like me, are a guild-leader or representative of more than three (3) other players in addition to yourself, make sure you signup on the new euro-guildleaders mailinglist.

    <center><a href=" euro-guild">Click here to subscribe to</a></center>

    Make sure to write a short presentation of yourself and your guild/group in the body and i'll process it and add you to the list.


    1. Ingame meeting of european guildleaders
    2. Selection of representation committé
    3. Establish an open-letter webpage with all our grievances
    -event times
    -empowering of euro-guilds like the us-guilds
    -storyline interaction

    4. Contact Funcom and arrange a meeting with their representatives to discuss the situation and what could be done about it

    PS. This is NOT a "fix-this-and-give-us-this" -whining group, we want Funcom to start treating euro-players as well as US players, that's it.

    Vickie "Nynavene" Creehan

  2. #2

    You got my support!

    I am glad you have brought up the issue, Nynavene!
    I have already signed up for this mailing list!

    Liriel Baenre

  3. #3



    I'm contacting all the french speaking guilds to ask them to join us !

    And i'm writting right now a translation of your msg, on



  4. #4
    Glad to see some real action being taken you have my full support, and when I start my guild, they will back you also!
    I quested all the way to Penumbra, and I didn't even get a lousy t-shirt.

  5. #5
    I am sorry that you are feeling that you are being ignored but do remember that this is an American game. IE its in English. IE its targeted at the US. You should be so lucky that you guys across the way get to play any American games at all. You don't here us crying every time we don't get the latest Japanese game imported.

    Plus if you are worried about missing these so called events, be happy because they are nothing more than a bunch of clan and omni guys killing each other because the only 5 lvl100+ chars are the ones capable of doing any dmg.

    FUNCOM should really come up with a time system that Rubi-Ka runs on and then run events based on it. Like the clans will throw a sneak attack in the dead of night rather than place them almost randomly for no reason.

  6. #6
    Uhmm, newsflash.. Funcom is a Norwegian company.

    Yes, the majority of players seem to be located on the west side of the Atlantic, and yes, a lot of the company's efforts are being focused there. But, they're still Norwegian at heart. =)
    Never mind the NC dept..
    Pilker, OmniTek Fixer and Happy Traveller.

    Root and Run - It's a way of life.

  7. #7
    Dont you just love it when people say that.
    American, heeh. =)

    No Faile is right, I was up at 4am and Just Missed an event, think it was the Cyborg attack, but I juts joined a guild then and people where screaming cyborg attack is over, doh, maybe next time.

  8. #8
    I agree...

    Kinda bad when a norwegian company falls in the same trap as the US ones.
    And more important yet, we have to stay allert so we wont get the MTV censorship coming in as well...You know, the hysterical fear of using certain ugly words, while its still ok too say any words that deals with violence =P
    And so on and so on....

    Anyways, I do think Funcom will come around in this, give them time. They have to much support in Europe, and to little in US for doing otherwise...
    Father Chagidiel
    High priest in The Church of OmniTek

  9. #9
    OOC: Imagine if all the euros quit the game coz of lack of storyline events.

    I mean, we gotta face facts. This game is not perfect. I still like it and I like it in part becasue its got a storyline and I want to experience this storyline.

    If Funcom decides that its not worth it to involve european players, then i think I wont be the only one who decides to up and leave.

    I think you're right Chag. Funcom knows this, they'll come around.
    Gontrokka 155 Enforcer
    When the going gets tough, the others start running!

    Captain Baxie Orbin 204 Trader
    - Baby, you look good enough to eat!

    Countezz 23 Adventurer
    - Who'd have thought a Steve Irwin wannabe could kick so much ass!

    "Baby, you look good enough to eat!"

  10. #10

    I lagged into Newland Marriege event!


    I actually lagged into the Newland Marriege Event - just by accident. So I can say that I have passed by once during an event.

    However, I don't think that FC will get any major events during close realated GMT hours I simply don't think they have the people and organization for it.

    Another fact is that the, clan, ingame pacts that are forming is being formed by what I think is people from the US - and they don't seem interested in anything but themselves or their own timeszones - and since they now have acclaimed themselves as spokesmen for the clan I really don't think this story will take place more than very early mornings for the rest of us.

    If you reed the news about the newly done freetaking of hostage action - good god I envy them - you find the same persons mentioned that supposedly now are spokesmen for the clans and also attended and organized the last clanleader meeting at the Borealis Radar Dish.

    If we can't get hour own fellow gamers making a natural spread of time when events are taking place - I wouldn't hope that FC will do it for us with the ingame events - these guys are more and more into the storyline and we are not.

    I'm all for a major storyline protest - I remember reading somewhere that this was going to be so big that one wouldn't like to miss a single day of gameplay when it all started - I haven't missed a single one and I still haven' seen anything but BOOGUS - this storyline SUCKS.

    Last edited by Lamonia; Nov 27th, 2001 at 16:39:12.

  11. #11
    FC ARE in need of European ARKs. They have openly asked for people to apply. That would help matters along. In the meantime create your own player events to ease the wait.

    Dont bother flaming about "paying for events" etc I agree with a lot of whats said above.

  12. #12

    Budhard for Section 4 on RubiKa 2

  13. #13



    Think this is a great iniative!

    The last sign from FC that they have forgotten us europeen players, is that they posted the time for the TAG conference in eastern time only.


  14. #14
    Yes...noticed that as well...Im thinking, maybe you should ignore my earlier statement, about Funcom coming around...Maybe thay acctualy is intrested in loosing over 40 % of theire market...
    Father Chagidiel
    High priest in The Church of OmniTek

  15. #15

    Unhappy Gawd I hope not.

    But at least the Trial of Truwind and Aberic........

    Well! Hmmmmm Can we get a respose from Funcom?

    I mean have you forgotten that a lot of the Scands where in Beta as well?
    Gontrokka 155 Enforcer
    When the going gets tough, the others start running!

    Captain Baxie Orbin 204 Trader
    - Baby, you look good enough to eat!

    Countezz 23 Adventurer
    - Who'd have thought a Steve Irwin wannabe could kick so much ass!

    "Baby, you look good enough to eat!"

  16. #16
    IE its in English. IE its targeted at the US.

    I would like to point out that in the US they do not speak english far from it. They use there own version known as American English. I am sure most people are in the US are confused as the default setting for American English is English where as true English is known as British English. (Bloody Bill gates no wonder he failed to finish uni)

    This is of course incorrect as the English are English it is there native tounge where as british includes scotland, wales and ireland whos native tounges are based on Gaelic.

    There bit of education to get you going and me flamed. But your right Funcom need to sort them selves out. Either have RK2 as a european server and allow RK1 people to move, or Merge the servers together and run events twice.

    From the people I have meet there is a high number of people playing outside the USA. Most other games understand this and cater events for both. This is becoming a real issue.

  17. #17

    Smile Actually...

    Actually England is part of Great Britain, which includes Wales and Scotland. Ireland is a separate country (Eire) and Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom... ie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Saying that the Irish are British may well upset them !
    John Hile Fuchs

    Personal Quote:
    'This night will be bad.
    And tomorrow will be beyond imagining'

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