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Thread: Missions in other cities

  1. #1

    Question Missions in other cities

    Hi there,

    I'm a Lvl 31 NT.
    Currently my strategy in picking missions is to pick them in another city to where I'm currently at ( personal choice becasue I hate running all the way there and back outside the town ! And I HATE the cave scenarios !
    I go to TIR and sit and trawl through the missions until a Newland City mission comes up and then whompa to there).
    Usually gets me around 8-9k a pop. Although I have to set the difficulty slider at around 35% becuase no 'other city' missions come up at 50% :-((

    I've tried a few other cities and so far I haven't had any luck in finding the 'mission inside another city' scenario.

    Anyone out there know of some other cities that give these types of missions ?
    Or maybe can suggest a better strat to get good money without the hassle ?


  2. #2

    Both Sides Paying by the Mile

    I've had good luck with the Tir to Newland City money train -- I hesitate to say that for fear they'll take it away.

    From the Omni side, it's a bit harder. From Omni Trade, you can frequently get missions to Galway -- but usually out in the middle of flaming nowhere. Now, high agg mobs are rare in Galway, and I've been lucky sneaking around the two I've seen ... but it's not the gravy train the Tir to Newland City run is.

    I've also managed to get missions from Omni Entertainment or Omni Trade to Rome. Now that's more like it. But they don't come up as often as Newland City runs do from Tir.

    (I'd swear I also remember when Omni types got paid half again as much for mobs, and paid about a quarter less in stores. Now it's about the same for the mobs, and maybe 5% less in the stores. Is it my imagination, or has the cease fire had that much of an effect on the economy?)

  3. #3


    Cheers Brad,

    Its not bad a trip huh ? Surely they can't take it away from us !!
    They give us the 'orrible cave graphics and layout ! So its good to have a quick run in return.

    Is it my imagination or lack of patience but am I right that there is no way you can get one of the Tir/Newland missions on a 50% difficulty ? I find I alwys have to move the slider down to 35% to get one.

    While this is good for completing the missions quickly - not so good for the XP and crate goodies

    Don't know much about Omni trade - still haven't stepped foot in their land - would be too tempted to get into a nano fight - hehe


  4. #4

    May Depend on Level

    I'm not sure if it's going to continue at your level, but in the low 20s, I'm getting them at any difficulty. Which is especially nice for my martial artist, who can level up after two 55% missions, never having to leave the cities or go more than one whompa hop away, and make good money doing so.

    I'm playing more than one character, for a couple of reasons. Mostly, I figure it'll help me keep track of the storyline to have characters on both sides of the fight. Also, if I ever get trapped in PvP, I figure I'll have a better idea what I'm up against if I've played most of the character classes.

    Consequently, after about a month of play, I have no character above the mid 20s -- but between RK1 and RK2, I almost have one of everything. (And am at a total loss as to how anyone plays agents or enforcers, both of whom seem insanely week to me. Those killer enforcers I see out hunting have got to be over-equipped up the yin-yang.)

  5. #5

    Yep, Spoke Too Soon

    As soon as I hit 29th level, they all went away -- or else I had really bad luck playing the Mission Terminal slot machine.

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