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Thread: MA whine about the current state of game/missions

  1. #1

    MA whine about the current state of game/missions

    MAs are totally gimped in pvp and near complete gimpdom in pvm. Missions totally suck right now... if I chose a 50% mission with human npc, I cant do them cause of the minimum damage bug, crazy regen bug, and the massive ammounts of hp they have. If I chose a mission that is all robots or animals, I end up with the full grey robot missions. I had 3 straight completely grey 50% missions last night. I did one just to see if there was any greens at all in there.... nope, not a one (I did get a mission token and about 7k xp from opening locked chests and doors hehe).

    I dont to pvp because its pointless as an MA. Enter pvp zone, get rooted, nuked or shot to death, changing area.....

    I am finding it nearly impossible to do missions, whicb I used to love to do.

    maybe I should throw some IPs into one of my blue tradeskills so I have something to do til Funcom makes the game playable again. The game has been balanced against the uber-equipped twinks and classes like MAs and caster classes who cant really over-equip are suffering for it.

    At least Shadows of Luclin comes out next week. At least I can go back to EQ for a while til Funcom fixes the damn completely broken game. As it stands right now, the game is too frustrating to play.

    I realize this is gonna fall on deaf ears, but I gotta do something. I really love the game, or at least the games potential, and I would like to see this become a fun, balanced mmorpg, not the unbalanced, unfun, version of quake that we play now.

  2. #2
    "I realize this is gonna fall on deaf ears, but I gotta do something. I really love the game, or at least the games potential, and I would like to see this become a fun, balanced mmorpg, not the unbalanced, unfun, version of quake that we play now."

    You might be surprised, but that's not true. While they can't possibly respond to every message I know for a fact they are reading and they are paying attention. Had a "visit" while online last night and there's no doubt in my mind they are not only reading but they are paying attention.

    And I agree with your assessments on missions. Luckily I team with a Level 44 Agent, and the MA with an Agent seems to make for a good small team as our attack capabilities cover most of the bases. When my hits seem to drop his are OK and vice versa. I often see my melee hits capped, instead of varying they will suddenly be 56 - 56 - 56 - 56 - 56 - and then maybe a 96 brawl where they had been from 22 - 218 with higher brawl damage. Or I'll be attacking for heavy points and noticing him taking all the shield damage with low hits.

    But my Fixer? I'm looking for a Mausser water pistol as I stand a better chance of drowning the little *******!
    Roguespierre - Clan Adventurer
    Roboguru - Clan Engineer
    Icaria - Clan Fixer
    Attaboy - Clan Martial Artist
    Fresnel - Clan Meta-Physicist
    Zapya - Clan Nano-Technician
    Beaucrat - Clan `Crat
    Bullethead - Clan Soldier - Test Server

  3. #3

    Min damage fixed or not?

    This is on the test forum:

    Basically, they said they fixed the min damage thing. Yet I don't notice anything in the release notes for tomorrow's patch. Argh.

    They also said they made certain higher level mobs regenerate HPs with less speed. We'll see.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  4. #4
    I don't know if any of you have ever tried a Doctor mob, but their insane. What you said about mobs regening slower may be true, but the fact that the mobs can heal for 1/3 of their hp makes it a little different.

    In a team with the highest doc, highest fixer, 2 soldiers (including me) the highest MP and the highest NT (on RK2) in 1 team, it took us about 15 minutes to kill a Veteran Doctor. As for the other mobs it took us half that time, at the most.

    Mobs regening may be fixed, but healing is pretty insane.


    LVL 115 Atrox Clan Soldier (RK2)

  5. #5
    Im sorry to say your wrong about MA's being crap at pvp with the latest changes i decided to check it out . 1st up i face a soilder 13 lvls above me he wanted a duel so i thought i hate PVping aganist soilders but wtf. Oh btw i agree getting rooted does suck but thats part of the game enforcers get the same problem so does all close comabt surrport.

    So there i am 62 at the time facing a lvl 75 i completely destroyed him thanks to my heals which i only used one . In fact destroyed him 3 times on hte trott cuase he couldnt belive how he lost.

    The way for MA's in PVP to go is BWT or MA weapons with BWT theres not many who you cant beat. With weapons Get a good fast pair like i have and you have an extra 2 attacks same dam as your fists.

    As with MA's crap at PVM thats utter BS the only problem i have is with anun tearers.

    Missions are great now i still get the odd full grey one but still i get 20k in rewards and about 10k in loot. But now some 50% missions are providng a great challenge did one the other night at 50% in agean about 30 mobs all orange 1 lvl above me Hardened mobs . Took about 1 hour to finish mission but it was fun.

    Im sorry to say MA's with The right armor and the right specail or weapons are great now.Ma's in the 1st month or so before the MA love patch were utter tripe.

  6. #6
    Not for long man..

    The Blessed with Thunder special attack is bugged. First off, it's not 1/2'd like it should be in PvP, also it was supposed to be nerfed a few patches ago.

    It was supposed to be a big hit, then a small DoT afterwards, and FunCom claimed to fix this but they didn't. The big hit does the same damage as the DoT, so it is exactly the same as it was.


    LVL 115 Atrox Clan Soldier (RK2)

  7. #7
    It will be along time till they fix and if they do .

    i can't see BWT to be on the nerf list as there will be alot alot of angry MA's out there.

    I myself am not bothering with BwT as i dont really have parry trained and not wasting ip in it.

  8. #8

    MA and pvp

    When i was a lvl 72 ma i totaly OWNED.
    I had a full set of ql 125 implants the best armour i could squeese in to, kick butt heals and a killer BWT.
    MA:s rocks at that lvl but after 75 you will feel the gimpnes that is MA.
    muftak dont comment about how good MA:s are in pvp when you dont know the mid/high lvl game.


  9. #9


    I agree. I currently have a 37 level MA and most missions are unfinishable due to the minimum damage bug. This is incredibly frustrating and the only way to get any mission tokens now is to team up. I was told by a GM a couple of days ago that it would be fixed by the next patch, but after installing the patch I found I still had the problem. Grrrrrrrrr. Does anyone know any work arounds by adjusting the mission settings?

  10. #10
    Yeah, at lvl 72 with a full set of QL 125 implants, I was clearing QL 100 missions within an hour. I'd level in three hours just doing three missions with all reds. I never had to buy armor because I would get them as mission rewards. I had 5 mil in the bank after buying my Yalmaha and all my implants (and paying 250k to have them built).

    Now at lvl 93, I've the the same old implants. Only way I can level fast is go to Mort and hope that a team will pick up a gimped MA. Don't get me wrong, I look good on paper. 670 Attack Rating, 2700 AC, 2700+ HPs, Vulnerability Seeker. But when a lvl 89 trader next to you constantly hitting for 2000 and a lvl 90 soldiers hitting for 2500+, and you're doing 103 damage, you feel pretty damn useless.

  11. #11
    imagin how a pistol wielding adv feels.


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