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Thread: Big Calm NF Bugs

  1. #1

    Exclamation Big Calm NF Bugs

    1. Sometimes when you calm a creature it will immediately re-aggro you even though the calm succeeded. If this happens once, it will happen from then on out with the particular creature.

    2. Calmed creatures will follow you around like a pet. You cannot get away from them. When the calm wears off you are back in the same situation you tried to get out of since the creature is right next to you.

    3. If you calm a creature and get in a jet, you cannot get out of the jet unless you zone.

    4. If you calm a creature that has attacked you and you are standing somewhat close to it, you auto-attack and break the calm. Please give us an option to turn off auto-attack...please please please please.

    5. Casting calm on a "social" creature will cause all of its buddies to aggro you. Hopefully this is a bug as it makes it very difficult to use calm effectively in missions.


  2. #2
    Good post!

    1) The mobs usually do an extra attack after the calm lands...aka the current attack isn't aborted.

    2) This is VERY annoying and a terror in hunts with many mobs. when you are stressed it's almost imposible to see a) the calm land in the usual message spam. b) see it visually among the other debuffs. aka, they don't stop /follow.

    3) lol... bug yepp will check

    4) not a bug (but I agree totaly. please decouple agg/def from cast time) and see nr5.

    5) Thats a hard one.... does the initial NF hit count as an attack? If yes, then it's not a bug, if no, then it's a bug. I think it's related to nr1. The current attack isn't aborted.

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Exclamation Response to questions

    Got a response yesterday when I petitioned about the Distracts not working properly.

    1) Mobs get 2 saves vs your calm. One save, which will give you the normal 'Nanoprogram executed sucessfully' message. The other save is silent and you will only know if the mob continues to attack more than once or twice. Virulent Minibulls and Enforcer type mobs are the worst so far to save the second time.

    2) Havent seen this one too much, but they do continue to follow visually for a while. The server has them in the place you initially calmed them, and they will tp back there when the server updates sometimes.

    3) Just found my Jet yesterday, so I don't know about this one yet (Yipee!)

    4) Bugs the hell out of me too, I just hit Q as soon as I get the 'You have attacted...' message. That way I don't attack.

    5) Supposed to work that way. Calms are agressive programs. If they work the creature charmed wont attack, but all of his pals will beat the *&^% out of you.

    Hope that helps some.
    Emmily, level 46 Trader on RK2
    ", we had a pool party a few weeks ago...what storyline?" :P

  5. #5

    Re: Response to questions

    Originally posted by Emmily
    Got a response yesterday when I petitioned about the Distracts not working properly.

    1) Mobs get 2 saves vs your calm. One save, which will give you the normal 'Nanoprogram executed sucessfully' message. The other save is silent and you will only know if the mob continues to attack more than once or twice. Virulent Minibulls and Enforcer type mobs are the worst so far to save the second time.
    2 saves? Hmmm...I really wish they would change that part, or at least change the success message.

    I am level 104 (yes, no levels in a while) and tons of things resist nanos now more than before. It also seems like calm almost completely does not work on high level stuff.

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