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Thread: 13.2 and A Fistfull of Dollars

  1. #1

    13.2 and A Fistfull of Dollars


    What's good is REALLY good!

    1. One doesn't lose control of planes when zoning!!!! This is wonderful! I didn't realize how irritating having to unequip and reequip was until this patch. Kudos for this change. It is so good that it reminds me of a joke which has a lot of truth in it too, remember, many a truth is spoken in jest. Q - Do you know what a computer and your GF/BF have in common? A - You really don't appreciate how valuable they are to you until they go down on you.

    2. 15 second immunity when zoning!

    3. Container Gnomes are gone! Yay!

    4. Mission loot is MUCH better.

    THE BAD:

    1. Now one cannot tab target certain MOBS (such as scoops) through even OPEN doors and has to go into room, giving MOB 1st shot.

    2. Locked trunks are MUCH harder to open. If this was intentional I will apply IP to B&E but would like to know if it was intentional before doing so.

    3. Auto attack now iniates when a NF is cast, making it much harder to root/calm MOBS, even when one is not wielding a weapon.


    1. NF cast range is only 40m. This has to be a priority fix for casters. Taken in conjunction with the auto attack on casting it is worse than ever.

    2. One still takes fall damage when zoning in a Yalmaha.

    3. Equipping and unequipping a Yalmaha still takes 10 seconds for no discernable reason (one cannot equip when under attack anyway).

    4. The GUI often does not show damage when one is being attacked (Insta-kill bug).

    Overall, a very good patch, IMO.


  2. #2
    The Special attack buttons dont grey out when not avaiable.

    Still getting the "fling shot avaiable." I hit the button. "Special attack not avaiable" bug. Or "please wait for the prev attack to finish"

    The animation skips over the chat messages alot.
    example. I will stand in a room face to face w/ a mob. I hit my burst. My char raises his weapon but nothing happens. I see the damage in the chat. I nor the mob move at all. Yet in the chat we are fighting like he!!. This is also related to the insta death bug I think.

    New loot looks good, mob AC looks better as well...thx.

  3. #3
    My inventory is still re-arranging itself occasionally after I zone post 13.2. Problem still exists for me.

    However I do have to say 'good job' for the new ground-rendering system. Looks very good.

  4. #4
    Now that the 15 second rule is in effect - they should give Yalmahas their old equip time back. They originally changed it so people could not drop from the sky and kill people instantly - but anyone with 15 seconds has enough time to take notice of a situation and make a decision to fight or flight.

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