Amen and Amen to the comments on EMPTY locked chests... ugh - come on Enno. Why bother putting a chest in a mission/dungeon if its only gonna be empty! It is unlikely that this is on purpose...but in the event that it is:

I normally don't grump about much in AO (I understand that it is an evolving work), but it's just silly to put empty chests in there. They serve no purpose, save that of burning up time on useless efforts (not to mention our buffs are typically running - and every minute costs us in the form of nanochargers). And now they (accidentally) get the bulletproof lock system that even Arnold Schwarzenager can't break open. Ah, but if you do get one of these nightmare-locked chests opened - surprise! It's full of... NOTHING... air... ya, that's right... you just spent 5-15 minutes of frantic left-click/right-click on an empty, locked, pure waste of time. Wasn't that fun?? /

Enno - here is an honest, well-intentioned, simple suggestion from an avid AO player for the randomly generated chests that are placed in each mission:

1. Put chests in the missions only when they contain something.
2. Do not put locked, empty chests in the missions, please.
3. Lock the chests that contain any kind of special loot item. The better the loot, the harder the lock is to pick (that would give incentive to use the B/E skill).
4. Do not put locked, empty chests in the missions, please.
5. Do not lock chests that contain common items (ammo, nano kits, etc.) - I'm speaking for myself here: I usually do not bother picking up ammo or easy-to-obtain loot of any kind.
6. Do not put locked, empty chests in the missions, please.
7. Concession: If you still feel the need to randomly put empty chests in the missions, then they need to be the unlocked ones, so we can quickly open/close and get on with our task.
8. Do not put locked, empty chests in the missions, please.

Really, this has to be one of the only issues/bugs/designs in the game that has become more of a nuisance than an enhancement, IMHO.

Hoping you will consider these thoughts.