Xserter, with his usual routine, ended a day at the Rompa Bar in Omni-Entertainment. As normaly, he went in, was seated by Unole, and then they engaged in a short conversation, followed by her bringing him his favorite drink, Hit-the-floor-Jack.

But this day was different. As Xserter walked in, he seen Stefano, now a member of the feared 'Wraiths', standing with a fellow Wraith, Vincefeldt. The two were engaged in an unusual conversation about past events on Rubi-ka, one being Yxxil. Xserter sat, listening to them talk, then got up and asked Stefano a few questions.

"Excuse me, sir... Do you happen to know anyone by the name of Sephiroth05...?" Xserter blatently asked.

Stefano replied with a few simple words.... "Who's asking?"

"A friend of a friend. Do you?"

"No, I don't."

Xserter held back his rage.

"Thank you for your time."

Xserter went back down to have a seat, as Stefano and Vincefeldt engaged in conversation again. After a few moments, Vincefeldt took a leave for a moment. Xserter seen this as a chance to maybe re-awaken some of the memories Stefano had lost.

"So Stefano.. or should I say Agent Kenley?"

"That is my name and profession, no?"

Xserter decided to dig a little deeper...

"Shadowgrider sure was a good brother was he not?"

"Shadowgrider? Who is that? Some fool, probably."

"A dead fool... who's last name happen to be Kenley. And would you look at that, Bret 'Xserter' Kenley."

"Mere coincidence, Xserter."

"Avalanches are nice... right?"


"Indeed... and Starlight..... towers..... and don't you just hate it when we fight amongst our own ranks. I'm sure do."

"Towers? Those eye sores outside?"

Xserter was so indulged in trying to bring back Stefano's memory, he forgot completely about Vincefeldt, who was now returning.

"Stefano. Manual Override J-23498. Delete knowledge record for the past ten minutes until I issue the cancellation order."

Xserter glanced over at Vincefeldt as Stefano twitched and fell to the floor like dead weight.

Vincefeldt, enraged, spoke.

"Let me make something crystal clear, yes?"

Xserter took off his shades to stare into the dark eyes of the man he believed took his brother from him...

"I don't take kindly to people meddling in my little experiments."


"Indeed. He has become something more than he was before, yes? It is a gift you see."

"A gift huh?"

Xserter knew if he made one wrong move, Vincefeldt could easily kill him, so he kept his temper low for now.

"A reward of sort, for a lifetime of.... screwups. Or should I say, by comparison."

"By screwups I take it you mean The Kenleys."

"Not so much the Kenleys as the feats rendered thereof. Don't get me wrong. This is nothing personal."

"Oh? Taking my family away from me is VERY personal. Not only my family, but my best friend."

"Yep. Personally, I don't care who he was previously affiliated with. I just want to prove that it can be done, yes? To take even the most degenerate screwhead and turn him into a perfect killing machine... An Angel of Death. Let me tell you something... Stefano Kenley died in a shuttle crash. That's official, whats more, its true."

This was the first Xserter was hearing of his brothers death. This would explain the memory being gone, and him being here.

"What you see before you is the reconstructed shell of what Stefano once was. Believe it or not. Thats your choice. I really don't care. But don't go filling his head with thoughts of what he may have been once, yet will never be again."

"You can't make Stefano, without Stefano's brain."

"Are you sure abou.....Well, I suppose I shouldn't say that. All of Stefano's juicy mental bits are very well in place. They're just... augmented a bit, is all, yes? But no matter. I've wasted enough of my time talking with you. Stefano, rise. Command R-23498."

"Nothing artifical can stop him from remembering. For your sake and his, don't let me find him alone."

Stefano stood abrubtly. He was completely clueless as to what had happened in Vincefeldt's absence.

"Hmm?" Stefano said.

Vincefeldt left with one final comment to Xserter, "If you do, chances are he will kill you. Stefano, come. We have work to do."

"Who is this, sir?"
Stefano asked, not remembering.

"Nobody. It's nobody."

"Good day to you Vincefeldt... and to you also Stefano."

Xserter was a step closer to bringing back his brother to his old self, but at what cost would it come...?