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Thread: Omni Human Resource File #87890110

  1. #1

    Omni Human Resource File #87890110

    DEPARTMENT: Omni-Mining
    SUBJECT: Recruiter Notes / Kenyoshi 'Buckarou' Togukawa

    BODY: Director Moscadelli, this file is on the recent acquisition (Kenyoshi Togukawa) and some 'abnormalities' noted during his recent interview with OMNI-HR Office Rome-Green and the psychological write-up that was ordered. This document will attempt to summarize these and make a recommendation in regards to future employment or termination of said employee.

    We have confirmed that Kenyoshi's claims were accurate that he was born on the ICV Hokkaido by accessing that ICC database and confirming that Kenyoshi was among the refugees taken off the derelict vessel by ICC Pickets when the it drifted into the Rubi-Ka system. The ICV Hokkaido was a sublight 'generation' ship that launched from Orcinus IV on a low energy trajectory 600 years previous. Kenyoshi was born in the seventh generation and was a youngster when Hokkaido suffered some sort of in-flight mishap that killed most of the crew and forced the rest to spend several years at a time in a primitive cryogenic storage system, awaken at intervals to learn ship maintenance duties. The ICC Captain noted in his log that well over half of the survivors suffered from severe space psychosis and brain damage resulting from the isolation and repeated thawing. He also noted that Kenyoshi appeared to be less affected that most and released him to Gateway Station Personnel.

    During the employment interview and aptitude testing by OMNI-HR, Kenyoshi proved the ICC Captain wrong when it was found that Kenyoshi demonstrated a peculiar sort of delusion...He believed that he was a member of 'Team Banzai and the Blue Blazer Irregulars' and that he had been caught in some sort of supposed temporal displacement which had deposited here at Rubi-Ka. It took the HR people awhile to track down the source of this delusion, but it appears that Kenyoshi drew his inspiration from an ancient Old-Terra movie 'Buckaroo Banzai' which glorified the adventures of an ethnically Japanese-North America prodigy whom was a noted surgeon-quantum engineer and his crime-fighting activities against evil aliens. This delusion was rather advance and Kenyoshi even spoke in a southern drawl and affected North American circa 19th century 'Cowboy' garb when he could find it. It was during this time period that he took on the moniker 'Buckarou', in honor of his 'Spiritual Brother'.

    'Buckarou' is an interesting case and he drew much lively discussion. Kenyoshi can be reserved, charming, respectful, irreverent, humorous, droll, intelligent, astute, name it, at some point we witnessed it. An example of this 'wild' behavior is after a particularly brilliant discussion on computational fluid dynamics and laminar flow with one of our technical experts, he invited her to come back to his 'ranch and help him rope his steer' <see OMNI-HR Sexual Harassment Complaint #08976-12543). Despite this, he showed rather remarkable aptitude on his entrance examinations and he showed himself to be a valued technician during his apprenticeship with an Omni-Affiliated Robotics Shop as well as some freelance work in the Rome Subway District.

    Recommendation: We recommend continued employment of Kenyoshi and have forwarded him to the Omni-Mining Department, Research and Development Division. It is apparent that he would not fit in with the normal Omni-Tech rank and file and with his demonstrated abilities in the Engineering field, he would be a good addition to your 'Infinite Circle' program. It is our judgment that while his behavior can be bizarre, he is a consummate professional in his approach to his work, which is first-rate.

    REFERENCE: Gerrold Tavington, OMNI-HR Rome-Green Recruiting Office
    Kenyoshi 'Buckarou' Togukawa
    Mechanic, R & D Division
    Omni-Mining (IC)

  2. #2

    Post Response to Recruiter Notes / Kenyoshi 'Buckarou' Togukawa

    To: Mr. Tavington
    From: Director Moscardelli


    Mr. Tavington,

    I have received your recommendation and records of the interview. I am also pleased to receive the full background of this new employee. Your file has been processed and archived, as always.

    I have considered your recommendation and agreed to the assignment you request. However I do not agree with the abnormalities. So far this citizen has not shown any odd behavior. I am not sure what this movie is of, but I will take your word for it.

    We are used to behavior that is not of the norm. We consist of many interesting scientists and other types of citizens. He may fit right in, which makes me feel a tad uncomfortable on how others view my researchers. But nevertheless, we will continue to monitor this employee for any odd behavior.

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