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Thread: Users said it was "Boring"!

  1. #1

    Users said it was "Boring"!

    Funcom has stated they made changes to missions because users complained they were "boring". As I have suggested before, they could have done away with that complaint by better management of the mission terminals. Of course, the best possibility would be to get the team mission terminals working.

    But let me help Funcom understand the word "boring".

    Boring is sitting for too long staring at a screen that says "Changing area - Please wait".

    Boring is taking a mission that one use to be able to complete in a half an hour and spending an hour and a half or two hours in completing it.

    Boring is having to bail out of a mission almost completed because there is absolutely no way to complete it against two MOBs that should be equal to you but due to the unreal armor you can't possibly win the battle.

    Boring is attacking one MOB that you can handle only to have two or three others that you can't handle appear from other rooms.

    Boring is being forced to leave a mission in order to heal and then having the mission map reset.

    Boring is freezing a MOB in a mission and then being unable to get away from it far enough to heal.

    Boring is the inability to safely use concealment as you will pop out of it for no reason and be attacked.

    Boring is spending 15 or 20 minutes just to wear down one MOB.

    Boring is taking three to four missions in order to get to the next level when it used to be possible to do it in a mission or two.

    Boring is having to take three or four missions before you find one that you can complete.

    Boring is to have to spend twice as much time trying to heal because there seem to be no level 40 treatment labs or first aid kits.

    Boring is having to make sure you have two to three times as many treatment labs in your inventory as before the "improvements".

    Boring is having to carry fifty first aid kits into a mission where before you seldom ever needed them.

    Boring is having to make sure you have a tousand rounds of ammunition or more in order to even approach a level when you used to be able to do it with 500 rounds or less.

    Boring is to have to ignore a plea for help from a new player because one feels so pressured for time.

    Boring is being unable to gain levels more quickly so the player can get out and explore the world.

    Boring is the inability to use items because one doesn't have the experience points to assign for them, and knowing it will take so very long to gain them.

    Boring is trying to find the next Mausser you can mount as you go from store to store and find none in inventory.

    Boring is running from store to store and town to town trying to find the right implants and when you do find them you may be levels beyond them.

    Boring is wondering if under the way the game is set today if we would have any lever 200 players, ever.

    Boring is playing a game that you love but are slowly learning to hate as it's getting to be less and less "fun".

    Boring is you reading all this when you ought to be out playing the game! <chuckle> Or writing it when you're not sure it's going to have any impact at all.

    Icaria / Level 31 Fixer

  2. #2

    I took the liberty of changing

    ....your post to reflect my sentiments.

    Funcom has stated they made changes to missions because users complained they were "frustrating". As I have suggested before, they could have done away with that complaint by better management of the mission terminals. Of course, the best possibility would be to get the team mission terminals working.

    But let me help Funcom understand the word "frustrating".

    Frustrating is sitting for too long staring at a screen that says "Changing area - Please wait".

    Frustrating is taking a mission that one use to be able to complete in a half an hour and spending an hour and a half or two hours in completing it.

    Frustrating is having to bail out of a mission almost completed because there is absolutely no way to complete it against two MOBs that should be equal to you but due to the unreal armor you can't possibly win the battle.

    Frustrating is attacking one MOB that you can handle only to have two or three others that you can't handle appear from other rooms.

    Frustrating is being forced to leave a mission in order to heal and then having the mission map reset.

    Frustrating is freezing a MOB in a mission and then being unable to get away from it far enough to heal.

    Frustrating is the inability to safely use concealment as you will pop out of it for no reason and be attacked.

    Frustrating is spending 15 or 20 minutes just to wear down one MOB.

    Frustrating is taking three to four missions in order to get to the next level when it used to be possible to do it in a mission or two.

    Frustrating is having to take three or four missions before you find one that you can complete.

    Frustrating is to have to spend twice as much time trying to heal because there seem to be no level 40 treatment labs or first aid kits.

    Frustrating is having to make sure you have two to three times as many treatment labs in your inventory as before the "improvements".

    Frustrating is having to carry fifty first aid kits into a mission where before you seldom ever needed them.

    Frustrating is having to make sure you have a tousand rounds of ammunition or more in order to even approach a level when you used to be able to do it with 500 rounds or less.

    Frustrating is to have to ignore a plea for help from a new player because one feels so pressured for time.

    Frustrating is being unable to gain levels more quickly so the player can get out and explore the world.

    Frustrating is the inability to use items because one doesn't have the experience points to assign for them, and knowing it will take so very long to gain them.

    Frustrating is trying to find the next Mausser you can mount as you go from store to store and find none in inventory.

    Frustrating is running from store to store and town to town trying to find the right implants and when you do find them you may be levels beyond them.

    Frustrating is wondering if under the way the game is set today if we would have any lever 200 players, ever.

    Frustrating is playing a game that you love but are slowly learning to hate as it's getting to be less and less "fun".

    Frustrating is you reading all this when you ought to be out playing the game! <chuckle> Or writing it when you're not sure it's going to have any impact at all.

  3. #3


    Amazing is that you only need 50 first aid kits to complete a mission. I make sure I have no fewer than 300 before I start. Maybe you're just not playing an agent.

    Endlessly frustrating is that you spend all your IP in one way, then Funcom changes the balance so that all your IP investment is now wasted. So you start spending IP another way, then Funcom changes the balance, then all your investment is wasted. So you start spending your IP yet another way, then Funcom...rinse, repeat.

  4. #4


    Really ? Well, let me tell you something new. A fixer, and in fact most classes, wasn't made for combat. Huh ? No, really. It has something to do with roleplaying. You can't do those missions alone. Get over it and get help (from a soldier or something, a class that *was* made for combat).

    ... If you want to fight (solo) through the game, why did you choose a fixer and not a soldier ?

  5. #5
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar

    Thumbs down Re: ah!

    Originally posted by reality
    Really ? Well, let me tell you something new. A fixer, and in fact most classes, wasn't made for combat. Huh ? No, really. It has something to do with roleplaying. You can't do those missions alone. Get over it and get help (from a soldier or something, a class that *was* made for combat).

    ... If you want to fight (solo) through the game, why did you choose a fixer and not a soldier ?
    The cold reality is that the solo missions are suppose to be done alone, regardless of whatever profession you are. "Background-wise" the mission terminals are suppose to tailor their selection towards your profession.

    Additionally, giving someone whom who've paid to do a job that is impossible or obscenely difficult with little pay is a sure-fire route to disaster, in terms of your reputation for future missions. After all, when word spreads around that you give suicide missions to all applicants, who's gonna want your jobs?

    The excuse of "hey, it's roleplaying" would only apply to PvP since you're not being paid, no one is giving you the mission, you CHOOSE to have your ass handed to you as fixer. Solo mission terminals are suppose to be different.

    Indeed, the old "Funcom approved" strategies of missioning such as blitzing should have been allowed to continue. Fixers and adventurers are ideal at such things. There is NO LOGIC in making them play it out as a soldier. There is NO LOGIC in having to kill everything in the dungeon even though the slider is set all the way to GOOD (in BAD yes, but not GOOD).

    The only reason they lost that ability is because some sad sad people saw it and thought fixers were exploiting, while in truth, it wasn't a bug (design or otherwise). These whiners just want everyone to play it their own way. These are the people who want the game to just boil down to HP/AC. I've got more than you... nadda nadda nadda. No thought, no skill. Just numbers. No tactics. Sad. Very sad. Funcom, are you catering to this vocal minority of number crunchers?

    No? Seems like you are when

    1) You remove all other valid (by your accounts) tactics and force everyone to do it one way, regardless of their profession.

    2) You continuously bump up the MOB HP/ACs because of the overequippers (same vocal number-crunching group).

    What a solution to this whole mess? Simple one. Drop the true exploiters. Yup, make MOB HP/ACs equivalent to players, drop implants/weapons/armor of those currently over-equipped (if they can't put it back on, they don't deserve it). That solves almost everything. The only thing left is to tie the mission objective more closely with the text. If our only viable way to finish a mission is to KILL everything, then say so in the briefing.

    I'll be honest with you. If you do this, you'll lose some of the whiners. They'll leave. I won't kid you on that. But if you wish to stay in business for the four years of this story, you need to get rid of them because the way that this game is going, it's catering to them only. Newbies will play, notice the difficulty, and leave. The whiners will leave too, slowly, but leave nonetheless, when their limited attention capabilities get diverted to other online games come out. When you aren't able to do their request #394893. They'll go "this suxxors, let's bail" and will leave one way or another. Think carefully about what you want as a business.

    And yes, this is a rant. I'm sorry for that, but sadly, it appears that those are the only opinions you have listened to in the past.

    Concerned citizen of Rubi-Ka
    Slotine Zembower
    R.U.R. Member (RK1)

    Tappert Solminski
    Tailor of Rome-Blue (RK1) [currently MIA]

  6. #6

    Missions needs to be more than Kill all the time

    Posted by reality:
    Really ? Well, let me tell you something new. A fixer, and in fact most classes, wasn't made for combat. Huh ? No, really. It has something to do with roleplaying. You can't do those missions alone. Get over it and get help (from a soldier or something, a class that *was* made for combat).

    ... If you want to fight (solo) through the game, why did you choose a fixer and not a soldier ?


    Im prolly one of the most uber equipped Fixers at my lvl (56) - I can in 90% of the time solo a diff 65% mission - Not allways shooting everything. But just enough to find the item..
    And u know what? - I would give all that crap up for missions with implemented RP'ing - Regardless if u are in a team, missioning - Its STILL only Hack 'n' slash. The only way a fixer can make real money is to do missions, we have no specials to sell.

    What would be the ultimate move from Funcom would be to make missions that actually didnt involve massmurder all the time. Im getting sick and tired of missions only has one goal - and that is to kill kill kill..
    Often I just sit in Tir chatting with people - because missions is making me sick and money is needed if U want to level - Equipment, weapons, nanos and implants needs upgrading all the time.

    Why dont they make missions that is relative to u'r profession - Soldiers should have Kill-missions all the time. But as Fixer I want to option to have mission were I actually feel like a Fixer.

    Its like a 6 month long Quake game - At my level I have prolly slaughtered enough people to get 20 years in the electrical Chair... PLZ consider to change missions for non-combat proffesions (I will not gie any surggestions - I have written so many and It looks like FC dosnt give a f**k anyways)


  7. #7
    Individual missions means that the taker can do them themselves. Am I correct in assuming this?

    Why should some people have a harder time doing them then? Until they fix tradeskills, and make it so that all classes have equal opportunities, that RP stuff isn't worth much.

    Limiting someones RP just because they chose a profession isn't what RP is about. If I want to RP a weak Fixer, I chose to do that myself.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  8. #8

    Changes made?

    Boy, I don't know if the folks at Funcom are reading this or if they are making tweaks on their own but my son and I got one great shock last night. Haven't had time to fully test yet but my son (level 43 Agent) and I (character was a level 43 MA) set up for missions as we usually do. Center the main slider over the first "i" in "mission" set the good/bad to full bad and the cash/exp to full cash. We surf together and each get one in the same area to cut the travel time.

    This usually results in everything from green through light orange and we can usually fight our way through watching each others backs and working to avoid agro situations.

    Well, the first one we hit last night resulted in "What the F***?", but in a nice way. The first room had the usual three MOBs and we have no clue what was in any of the other rooms! The first three were some kind of red and hammered us so badly we almost didn't make it out. So we went on to the second mission not to far away and guess what? Badly hammered again!

    Gave up both missions gladly and we went on to one of our favorite hunting areas nearby.

    This is NOT a complaint if they are tweaking the mission system to allow us to have better control over what we get. I'll try others today in hopes the good/bad slider is controlling the level of the MOBs and the main slider is controlling the distance to the missions. In fact . . .


  9. #9
    Boring is having to sit and again move everything in your backpacks and inventory because they all were scrambled. While Funcom fixed most, it still happens. So we enter a mission and start moving the ammo to the top, the med kits to the top, the lock pick to the top . . . . and let's not forget the bomb tool.

  10. #10


    Kohistan is right about the missions - I usually don't even read the description or the target. I'll find that out when I meet him/it.

    Icaria : Funcom will be able to help you out if you tell them where it happens, you shouldn't let them guess or they'll not find it =)

    I've not encountered this bug myself, the only time I have to rearrange my inventory is when I die and have to get everything out of the reclaim terminal again.

  11. #11
    If you have no-drop items in your main inventory, it will eventually scramble up each zone. You'll need to die or terminate to fix it. Packs are always scambled and don't ever trade directly out of a pack -- that can result in the item being lost or other equiped items vanishing off your character.

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Bjond
    If you have no-drop items in your main inventory, it will eventually scramble up each zone. You'll need to die or terminate to fix it. Packs are always scambled and don't ever trade directly out of a pack -- that can result in the item being lost or other equiped items vanishing off your character.
    That may well be, my point being it ought not to be. Playing my MA will be difficult without nodrop items. <chuckle>

    Gee, I wonder if we could talk them in to giving us a way to identify packs with letters or numbers? <grin> As I usually carry four and one is almost all meds and needed kits it would help. And then there is the group in the bank, with implants and armor and . . . . nahhh, they'll never go for it.

  13. #13
    I'm really getting to a point where I no longer know what to do. I took another mission today, just kicked the main slider up one click and the good/bad to bad one click. In the mission I encountered several grays (a total waste of time as there are no experience points), maybe three greens, a yellow and FOUR that were orange. Why in the WORLD would Funcom give us such a spread when the grays eat time for nothing and the oranges now take three or four times longer to kill than they used to?

    Well, I got through it and should have been happy when I found a Kodaik in a chest (that's a car, not a camera!) and a fair pair of armored pants as a reward. But as I was in this mission for almost an hour and a half I was a lot more tired than I was happy.

    Has a cup of coffee and decided that as long as I was in Holes in the Wall anyway I'd head east of the Bronto Burger stand to one of my favorite hunting grounds.

    Well I was just as impressed as I could be when I targeted a green Torpedo and found myself agroed by two grays that started hammering on me. I was taking more hit points from the greens shield than I was delivering at times and one of the grays was hitting for chemicl damage while the other hit for energy damage. So I headed west real quick and zoned.

    Came back, worked my way around, took another shot at a green and wound up with two greens and two grays. Screw that!

    So my question is, what do I do now to level? I used to level at least once a night and haven't been able to level either my stand-alone fixer nor my teamed MA in two nights, or is it three?

    I'm not a "kid", and I can't spend 24 hours a day in the game. As the only upward path is via leveling I'm concerned that I can no longer level fairly quickly.

    If we can't level somewhat quickly what other path do we have to grow and prosper?

    This just gets more and more frustrating and I found today that because I decided to help by signing on for six months I'm stuck with paying even if I bail. It's getting less and less "fun" and I see little telling me it will get better.

    Strange, just typing this gives me a "wasting your time" feeling.

    And I used to love this game so much. Maybe it's time for therapy!

  14. #14

    Level once per night?

    I haven't leveled once per night in ages. My agent is now level 69, and I expect it to take a total of about 6-8 nights of play to get to level 70. I've already played her for 3 or 4 nights and I'm just above the mid-way point in XP.

    Missions are MUCH harder now, and that's all I do, so I don't expect to level very often.

    In fact, I don't even finish many of the missions very often anymore. Every once in a while I get a really good one, but many of them are either too boring or too hard.

    If the MOBs are mostly gray, then it's just a waste of time.

    If the MOBs are mostly green, then sometimes it's worth finishing the mission. But sometimes (depending on the type of MOBs) greens and yellows are so difficult to beat that it simply takes so long to get through the mission that it's not worth the effort. The worst missions of all are the ones filled with rooms that have 2 or more MOBs. It's tedious work having to split them up by zoning at just the right time, so you can fight one at a time. After spending an hour or two on 3-6 MOBs in a mission like this, I just give up and go to sleep.

    The worst is when the MOBs near the door are simply impossible to kill. It doesn't even matter if I zone out a gazillion times - they heal faster than I can hurt them. Those missions I delete quickly.

  15. #15

    Re: ah!

    Originally posted by reality
    Really ? Well, let me tell you something new. A fixer, and in fact most classes, wasn't made for combat. Huh ? No, really. It has something to do with roleplaying. You can't do those missions alone. Get over it and get help (from a soldier or something, a class that *was* made for combat).

    ... If you want to fight (solo) through the game, why did you choose a fixer and not a soldier ?
    And please inform us, why would a soldier take along some worthless fixer/crat/engy/etc. if they can't fight worth a dang? Hmmmm? No real reason to cooperate.

  16. #16


    I have no problem with mass murder mission cuz i'm a lvl 115 Soldier with a ql200 Nova..

    But I do think their should be job specific missions, related to the profession of the player. Maybe a mission for only speeding through for the fixer, where mobs are designed just for chasing.

    Or where the mobs are OT police.

    Maybe implementing some Grid Guards that check papers and items before you enter, and a fixer holding foodsacks for spiking would have to break this guard...etc..

    Personally i'll just keep blasting the crap outta everything I see, and loving it with my enforcer friends

    LVL 115 Atrox Soldier (RK2)

  17. #17


    Another thing is in the groups I am most often with the Fixer is the puller. Fixers are great at pulling because of their speed and decent range (despite the nerf). The fixers I play with also have Movement Predictors for the range increase they need.

    Soldiers can tank, but pulling is different then tanking.


    LVL 115 Atrox Clan Soldier (RK2)

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