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Thread: Team heals and Nts

  1. #1

    Team heals and Nts


    I play a trader and found out that my new nifty 300hp team heal stops others from casting nanos. I regulary team with an nt and she cant cast when im healing, found this out when fighting a particulary tough mob. Can we fix the team heal nanos please so other classes can still cast. Docs team heals I have found do the same thing - I can not cast if I am recieving a team heal. Otherwise give us an option to turn off team nanos.

    Anyone else have thoughts on this?


  2. #2

    team heals are useless

    Team heals are totally nerfed now....any mob not being attacked will instantly agro on heals are more effective and safer now

  3. #3
    I have been trying to draw attention to this problem for ages now with very little support, the problem is that its only a REAL problem after about level 100 and there are not enough casters here to support me. I have yet to meet a caster in game that is not totally annoyed by this, we can only cast between heals and now we cant cast from a distance, now we have about half our fight in fumbles and most of the rest are resisted.

    NT = No Threat
    Otter - 173 Nano Technician
    Doctorevilll - 133 Meta Physicist
    Armedpanda - 117 Soldier
    Beeefcake - 92 Enforcer
    Feasood - 67 Martial Artist
    Nutzenboltz - 60 Engineer
    Silent Night

  4. #4
    Is it really that hard to give a 2nd nano bar for a spell applied to u from someone else instead of it stoping your spell, then running the docs spell, then restarting we see the gun weilders stop firing when a doc castes on them? NO! do we see melee chars stop hitting when a doc castes? NO! so why do the casters get nerfed yet again!
    Major "Nyadach" Prabel
    Neutral and proud of it!

  5. #5
    i totally agree. i wish FC would do something about the team heal interference. i'm also in complete agreement with Otter. it seems that out of every 7 spells i cast 4 or 5 are either fumbled or resisted since the 13.0 patch. what gives? i would also think that some sort of reimbursement to NTs is in order, seeing that we spent a load of time and money to get the range increasing nanos and computer deck items only to have them become useless. i loved my NT, was my favorite class in the game, but i have pretty much ignored her over the last week to play an Enf and an Agent since NT's have been messed with. such a shame too, according to the /played feature, i've dumped 13 days of my life down the drain playing my NT. :\

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