December 28th, 29477 – Tir Backyards number 1 apartment number 1-4

His eyes slowly opened, covered with soft dew from the mist that covered his room, simulated by his environmental system. He enjoyed resting under the pretense of being in a forest in the spring, although the weather at this time of year on Rubi-Ka is not very practical for camping outdoors in the night. One would never know if it started to snow in the middle of the night.
He stretched waking up from his evening nap, his coat that he used as a blanket slipping from his bare body which was also moist from climate in the room. The room was chilly, and obviously a bit damp, much like the dawns of many mornings in the terraformed forests of Rubi-Ka. His feet planted upon the cold tiled floor of his apartment. He didn’t mind it being so cold; it helped wake him up from the daze that lingered from sleeping, especially last nights. Images still lingered through his mind, the ones he saw during his nights rest.
Like most people Zane did dream and had constant dreams that were not implant induced. Even though his implants still feed knowledge and projected images through his mind and body when needed, Zane’s training made him very dependent on the lack of all things technological. Well, not all things, he still used the grid, and had implants and ncu enhancements, etc; all of the standard issue equipment that even the basic Rubi-kan should have. Zane, though, tried not to depend on them, letting his instinct and his own mind search and become confused when the time was needed, following in the footsteps of his ancient ancestors whom roamed the Earth. It was hard on Rubi-Ka to shy away from being computer and technological illiterate, something that Zane didn’t realize until he really began his life out here on the planet. He adjusted, figured out how to use the grid, and follow the maze that lay within, but Zane could do without it. His implants were not very impressive either, mainly that to helped his survival and only added to his current attributes. The only thing Zane valued most from technology was the GSP included implant, and the hud system, something that he has become a bit reliant on which scared him, but the playing field was leveled because everyone had a hud system implanted through their eyes, and a com system.
Still, when it came to dreams, or intuition, or instinct or even making decisions for himself, Zane very much trained himself not to rely on his plants and vast availability of knowledge in front of him, rather he let the gears turn and the candle light. Although with all of these implants in his head, and body, one could ask how much is induced by his technological enhancements and but much was purely natural – but that was a discussion he avoided himself.
Dreams, he felt, were directly from the soul, so when anyone had a dream, regardless of what it was, weather a vision, an omen, or some manifestation one one’s day, he felt it was legitimate. There was a report somewhere that stated there as a 33.3 percent possibility that dreams were very much inhibited by the reliance on such technology implanted into ones body; the swirling nano-bots doing their regular busy work to maintain ones body, be he ignored such reports. He felt it was more of a matter of training, everyone dreamed, many people didn’t know what their dream was, but he was very much connected with them.
“Simulation off,” he said in a low raspy voice filled with morning weariness. The sounds stopped, and the room became slightly warmer. Zane looked around a moment he picked up a pair of pants, and a shirt with cut off sleeves cut off to show his black tattoos on his arm. Slowly he placed his feet into a pair of black boots and threw his makeshift blanket into a small backpack.
“Helpbot,” Zane called into the air, his voice still a bit raspy and horse but warming up. His apartment com system chimed telling him he was connected to the multi-purpose bot that sat somewhere in the networks of Rubi-Ka for tons of small tidbits and information. “Who is code name Tharkael?”
“Code Name: Tharkael, training level: one-hundred twenty-two, affiliated with the Clans, currently President of Vitae Covente.” Helpbot chimed back through the apartment com system. He paused as the room filled with an ungodly silence. He had hopped he did everything right, but added the touch of the forest simulation to represent an awaking to his subconscious, if he still had one at this point.
No, I’m here.
“Helpbot, update Code Name: Tharkael. Please report.” Zane responded moment later moving about towards the bathroom. The communications system of his apartment in Tir was connected through every room. Not that it was a huge luxury apartment in Jobe and one couldn’t hear anything from one room to the next, it was still something that helped. Especially when talking to people when he woke up. He stood in front of the urinal as Helpbot chimed back.
“Code Name: Tharkael, training level: one, affiliated with the Clans, currently president of Vitae Covente.”
Told you.
He sighed, not one of relief but one of awe that he was going to go through his entire training all over again. This time it wasn’t going to be done blindly, but carefully, methodically, and through the help of Azreal. He only hopped that what ever spiritual guidance he had been given would help in the long run.

Feburary 20th, 29478 – Old Athens, near The Cup.

A tear was shed as he returned to the confines of his apartment… no he was running away. Running away that he had failed, but more than that, running away from the disappointment that he had once called family. Vitae Covente, the “Life Oath”, an oath he made with his life, the blood pact he made with his follow family members was now broken, for many reasons. His saving grace would be that Lizor would allow him to step down, although she and he both knew it was time for her to take back over. It was very clear in her command.
“It is time for you to hand me back the org…” It was very much a message he would expect from Jennifer. She was very much blunt and to the point, but with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
He was running from his fellow org mates, he had been dragging the sunken ship onto land, chain and all, and he was slowly building the pieces together, although probably slower for some people looking from the outside in, he still did a good job, and he still held it together. Vitae Covente was a small org, intimate during his tenure, and Zane liked that, although it was small and intimate, there were times he very much felt alone, and one could guess that would be the problem, but they were very much family. Now the pieces of the SS Vitae Covente, the ship that had hit a glacier, broke into half and began to sink so many months ago, the ship that he brought out from the watery grave, the ship that he kept alive and not only proved himself wrong, but others wrong that he couldn’t revitalize the org, was now entirely dead. It has returned to its cold, wet cavern with no signs of resurrection. Zane could not help but to think that he had some hand in its demise.
Don’t worry, it’s all apart of the plan. Azreal said, entering his thoughts breaking his melancholy mood with one of slight hope. His spiritual guide had a way of doing that, although that was his point. Ever since Zane began what he calls his re-awakening, reinvigorated with his spiritual guide. Zane never really understood, who- no, what Azreal was; was he a split personality? A figment of one of the animalistic animal personalities that remained after he decided to go through his retraining? Maybe it was his inner redeemed soul talking to him? Or maybe there was no practical reason and Zane was just crazy? He liked that answer best, for some reason it explained the reason why he decided to retrain him, and he was taking his dear sweet time, only thirty notches on his belt in two months.
Now you can focus on the dream… your dream… our dream… the one the vision spoke of you so many months ago. It came back to him… a day and time when Zane was a bit more learned, in a mission he was in, the vision that many people kept on seeing came to him. The last blood of Alyssa, the one that warned him of the upcoming events, and not to give up on the dreams of the Clans, that it was very much so alive.
“So, what now Azreal?” Zane spoke aloud making sure never to call him by any nickname or even begin to joke around with this spiritual manifestation that seemed to live and breathe within him. Zane rarely spoke aloud to him, and when he did it was in the confines of his own apartment, where he could act insane all he wanted to.
I’m not your keeper Zane Conmy, I can only show you the path, and you must walk it. Zane hated that answer, he hated when he first started hearing the voices in his head and throughout his mind from the one that called him Azreal. He more than hated but despised it, but began to understand what he was being told, wrong question try again.
Zane sighed. You are frustrated, I can sense that. A man who follows much of the old world practices must remember that you have transcended those whom rely on such old world practices. You called me Zane Conmy, I’ve answered your call. You show promise that you can follow the dream, but I did not pick you Zane Conmy, there are others. Just like you others whom are called to and spoken to, but unlike you do not have their attachment to the time of reconstruction.
Zane now wondered if he was really going crazy, and decided that yes, he was going insane. “Okay… so I’m nuts… I’m crazy! This is a lot different than before. Before I meditated and took on the soul and instincts of an animal, one that was very much myself. Now… NOW I’m talking to a feking voice in my head! What has Rubi-Ka turned into?”
A place of dreams. The voice said echoing through his ears and then became very silent. Zane knew exactly what that meant, the shop was closed, go about your business, and I’ve told you everything that you’ve needed to know.
Sighing in frustration Zane decided to rummage through some of his equipment and begin to make some decisions. Although immediately when he saw the med-suits that he was supposed to give to some of his former members, the thoughts came back to haunt him and the reality that he has failed…