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Thread: Conccnering your very *lovely* insta kill bug

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Conccnering your very *lovely* insta kill bug

    A Flame, but not quite so mindless.
    I have lost..the past 2 days...6 million experience, or 10 hours of game time to your..."bug"...I believe its caused by the "speed patch" you created. I know this, but now I can't uninstall the stupid thing. I am not sure *if* you realize this, but, losing 10 HOURS...10....HOURS of play time over two days is ridiculous. THe GM I petitioned said "How do I know your not lieing?" when I enquired about returning the lost experience to me.
    I knew he would not return it to me, they never do. The main reason being player fraud is very common. I have lost 10 hours of time I could have spent doing something else. I am angry, I have every right to be.

    My question is, HOw do I uninstall that wretched speed patch of yours?

    My other question is this, on your list of fixes I don't see anywhere listed your fixing this insta kill bug.

    My final question, on the same topic,pardon the language but I think its rightly phrased and you people very well deserve the criticism, "LIsten you god damn stupid hairy assed mother ****ers, why don't you get off your ass and fix these stupid bugs that repeatedly kill players instead of wasting resources on minor bugs that don't do diddly squat. Why the **** should I waste $30 a month on this friggin game only to lose playing time and only get even more angry, if I wanted to pay $30 to get dicked around I'd lesat find a cheap whore to do it for me...."

    10 hours of my precious time wasted today and yesterday, until I can find the method to uninstall the idiotic speed patch of yours I can not play this game as missions are friggin impossibly hard and I keep on instant dieing if I try to level, if I can't play this game then of course, canceling my accounts, and encourage others to do the same, oh yes, and as well you will never seen any business from me or anyone else I know either.
    I will contribute to the already teaming masses of irritated customers.

  2. #2
    Hes not lying, People dont get that mad for no reason.
    I understand how he feels.

  3. #3
    There is an icon that should of been placed in your anarchy online program folder at the time the speed read was initiated on your computer. By clicking that, you should, in theory, be able to remove any effects that the speed read has done. I haven't tried it, but I can vouch that it is in my AO folder. The speed read has really worked quite nicely as far as I can tell.

  4. #4

    I lost too

    Yeh I lost 86K in EXP becaust the damn server crashed! Why should I have to suffer and deal with the lost time? I don't know but it goes back to what you said "how do we know if you are not lieing"? Well not lying but maybe this issue should be addresses. Some form or roll back or tracking program because to play for 3 or more house and loose it all just sucks. Maybe portable save points we can buy in stores?

  5. #5
    my question is why not once in 10 hours did you save at a terminal??? thats just asking for somehting to happen.
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  6. #6
    Well because the way the game is built there are no save terminals any where near a high lvl hunting ground.

    And yes he proably saved, but he is proably adding up how much he has lost over the 10 hours

  7. #7
    Originally posted by KrazyKanuck
    my question is why not once in 10 hours did you save at a terminal??? thats just asking for somehting to happen.
    I believe I know this guy, as I hunt with someone who recently lost 6 million XP in one day.

    I myself lost 2.8 million XP in one death once, almost the max i could lose for my level (i was within 100k of leveling).

    The nearest known save term from that point is a good 10-15 minute flight if you have a yalmaha.

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